
W.I.P. pics of new projects....

Started by matrixone, January 05, 2011, 03:21:05 PM

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Slight change of plans, I had stated I would be giving this model another coat of Future as the next step but after looking over the model I decided the markings needed to be toned down to better match the slight fading done to the paint job so I airbrushed on a highly thinned coat of RLM 76. I know in this pic below the markings don't look a whole lot different than before, the easiest way to tell the difference is by looking at the small black fuselage frame numbers, they went from looking like nothing more than small decals to numbers that actually look like they were painted on.

I also faded the wing roots a little more and added a little paint chipping on there too. To better represent wear and tear on the wing roots I wanted to do some paint chipping now and will be adding the rest after the flat clear coat is on, this way the paint chipping will look more like it was done over a period of time instead of all at once.

After the paint chipping was done and thin coat of RLM 76 sprayed on I put on more Future, the Future was cut with 1/3 Windex and I misted on two light coats of it, this will give just enough protection to the finish from the planned oil pin washes.



Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.



Quote from: matrixone on March 08, 2013, 10:22:44 AM
...then finding out my markings choice was bogus...
I remember this code, shown on Lt. Wenko's a/c:

What's interesting is also the colour of the third letter (even in a bogus combination). If the fourth one is A (Geschwaderstab), the third should be blue, shouldn't it? Or the otherway around: if the third is green (Gruppenstab), the fourth could be B, C, D, F (ZG.26 had 4 groups, but even so this is just theoretically of course). I think Aeromaster had also a 3U+CC (green C) markings in the same decal sheet and a 3U+MM (white M) in another one. :rolleyes: They pretty much liked the double letters...


Thanks NARSES2, Dizzyfugu, and CANSO!

After going through every single Me 410 reference book I own I could not find a single photograph of 3U+AA which I thought was strange, and over a week ago I did some searching on the interweb and came accross a discussion on another forum about these markings and appearently there was no Me 410 marked with 3U+AA, years ago someone had mis-read the markings on a Me 410 photograph. Not only did Aeromaster get this wrong but Squadron did too for using 3U+AA as the cover artwork on their booklet.
I did not intend for my Me 410 to be a what-if but in these markings it is, no worries though, the windscreen on this model is scewed up anyway. ;)

Just a few minutes ago I finished up the little Mercedes Benz staff car, I will get outside and take some pics when I can.



Quote from: matrixone on March 15, 2013, 11:23:58 AM
Not only did Aeromaster get this wrong but Squadron did too for using 3U+AA as the cover artwork on their booklet.
Matrixone, this was exactly my point - the mistake was not a "patent" of Aeromaster only. ;)
I don't know who started "the game", but as people say: "For every lie one tells, the truth becomes more difficult to believe". :wacko:


This Me 410 build is speeding along...

the undersurfaces as they look right now...

the nose...

and here is a better pic of the wing roots and the scuff and wear marks, also the fading I did to the paint and stencils can be seen to good effect.

This one should be finished sometime this week.



Now that the Me 410 is finished and on the shelf I returned to these Me 262 what-ifs and have them nearly finished, I expect them to be finished by Sunday or Monday.





Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanks once again NARSES2!

If the weather holds out for another day I should be able to get outside and take pics of the finished models, they are all but finished and I just have let them fully dry.
Now the hard part for me is deciding what aircraft to build next...I am building a 1/72 scale Hasegawa armor kit now but after that's finished I have no plans. :-\



...and here is that armor kit, its the 1/72 scale Hasegawa 37mm Flakpanzer IV 'Ostwind'.

Not too bad of a kit really but it IS very small and painting all those road wheels did take quite a while to do.

The box top and the sprues with all road wheels on them.

The gun assembly is together and has been painted...but not yet glued in, it will be given a coat of Future and then an oil wash to bring out the details.


Ian the Kiwi Herder

"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)
