
W.I.P. pics of new projects....

Started by matrixone, January 05, 2011, 03:21:05 PM

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Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanks NARSES2.

Decals are now on the two Focke-Wulfs.

After the decals were fully dry the models were given a light coat of Future to seal the decals and a day later weathering was started by using oil paints, the undersurfaces of both models are being done first and then I will turn my attention to the upper surfaces.



Lovely paintwork as ever :thumbsup:
I'm just wondering where's the Four bladed 109? I was looking forward to the
Finish, have I missed it somewhere?

The British have raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved". Soon though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross". Londoners have not been "A Bit Cross" since the Blitz in 1940 when tea supplies ran out for three weeks


Thanks Keith!
I had to upload the pictures of the DB 605L powered Bf 109K to my photo hosting service, so its too late tonight to start a thread showing the four bladed Bf 109 but the pictures are to be posted soon enough...you might like some of these pictures. ;)



More work done on the Focke-Wulfs, the exhaust stubs have been added and exhaust stains have been airbrushed on.
Also some weathering has been done on the upper surfaces, these models are getting very close to being finished.



Excellent work! The camo and weathering are very good...  :bow:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Thanks DogfighterZen!

These two models are now finished and I should be posting pictures of them soon...watch this forum. ;)

Actually three new models are finished, I have been waiting for the weather to clear to get outside and get my pictures of them and its not unusual for me to have to wait a week or so, I live in a very wet climate. :-\

One of the models I have been thinking about building soon is a war weary Ta 183 with a thrashed looking paint job...lots of paint flaking off the fuselage and the wings will have the paint eroded away enough to show some of the wood construction.



"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Its been a while since I posted any W.I.P. pictures so here are some new ones.

Here is the Huma Bf 209 and the MPM Bf 109H, both kits are 1/72 scale. Notice the Bf 109H is being built as the rare H-12 two seat trainer version.

And below is the start of my Amtech 1/48 scale Ta 183.

I really like the Amtech kit except for one thing...the main landing gear legs are waaay too long and if the model is built O.O.B. the model sits slightly nose down and this is incorrect compared to wartime Focke-Wulf drawings which show this aircraft was designed to sit with the nose slanted upward similar to the Ta 154 series of aircraft.
An easy way to fix this problem is to cut the landing gear legs in half and remove a section and then glue them back together. The image below shows the modified gear leg on the left and the stock gear leg on the right.

...and here is the model stuck together so I could double check the amount of weight that will be needed to prevent it from being a tail sitter.



One other new model is this Tamiya 1/48 scale Kettenkraftrad in an advanced stage of assembly.



More painting done on the Kettenkrad....

Next I will paint the road wheels and glue them to the tracks.

And here is the Huma Bf 209 being built as a Bf 209K-4. In the background is the Hobbycraft Bf 109G-12 that is being used as a paint mule, I am getting some practice at painting the Italian smoke ring camouflage pattern since at least one of my 2015 models will be painted in it.



Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: NARSES2 on December 28, 2014, 06:24:13 AM
Looking forward to the 209

Me too!! That's a very interesting aircraft.. :wub:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Thanks NARSES2 and DogfighterZen!

More in-progress pictures...

Here is the old Bf 209 I built years ago, some here might remember this one.

...and here is the new version, notice the enlarged supercharger intake and relocated radio access hatch on the fuselage, these are hallmarks of the Bf 209K-4 (according to the voices in my head ;).)
The Bf 109H-12 two seat trainer can be seen in the background.

The little Tamiya Kettenkraftrad is nearly finished, a bit more detail painting and the flat clear coat will finish it off. This Kettenkrad will have a figure mounted on it...something I normally don't do with my finished models.

And last is the Amtech Ta 183, some paint has been added to it. The fuselage is in NMF now but that will be changing soon, I intend to use the salt weathering technique to add some extreme paint chipping as I plan to finish this model as a war weary aircraft that is in need of being scrapped.

The wings of the Ta 183 were of wooden construction and I went ahead and painted on a wood grain effect on the upper surface on the wings near the wing root so that after the camo paint is sprayed on I can lightly sand off the camo paint to expose a little of the wood grain effect.


Army of One

I really want to post something...... :bow:...but words fail... :bow:...I am so impressed with the Ta183..... :bow:....the others aren't half bad either....love the Focke Wulf's....I'm going to go be alone now.....I think I'm going to cry....