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B&V P 215, et al...

Started by Doc Yo, February 07, 2011, 01:55:33 PM

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Doc Yo

 No pictures yet, but I started my old Special Hobby P. 215 a few days ago. Only major surgery required has
been cutting the length of the cockpit floor to fit into the fuselage. I plan on finishing it as a naval strike
aircraft, with a pair of HS 293 missiles ( from the old, old Airfix He 177 ).

The He 177...well, if I can find the right nacelle caps and props ( thinking the equally old He 219 might do
if you a distance, but I'm loathe to spend what RoG is asking for the re-issue. ) I might take a
stab at an He 277.

Purely in the pondering stage is the Ju 488 N, a Nachtjager variation of the unflown prototype...with a
Ju 352 tailplane.


I have an old He219 kit kicking around, if you want the bits from that?
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<

Doc Yo

Quote from: pyro-manic on February 07, 2011, 05:59:32 PM
I have an old He219 kit kicking around, if you want the bits from that?

Thats mighty decent of you to offer! I'll PM you my mailing address.

Doc Yo

 Special thanks to Pyro for the Heinkel parts-see my notice in the swap shop.

Well, I closed up the fuselage and tacked the wings on over the weekend ( Pics for this and the PT Boot
tomorrow. ) Thankfully, its a fairly simple kit in plan and kit, as I have a fair amount of grinding ahead of me.
After getting the dry-fit of the fuselage halves as close as possible, I still had a gap about three or four
millimeters across between the cockpit and the nose. Fit over the rest of the fuselage was so-so, but only
really bad in the one spot. Lower edges of the wing roots had to be ground down substanially as well-leaving
them alone would have given the wings a dihedral of around 45 degrees...

Thinking about going with  a dive-bomber idea for this instead of the Hs 293s. I'm posing it on a stand, wheels
up, and think it would look pretty striking in a dive...

shot of the cockpit. I added some rails to give it something like sidewalls, all but invisible here. The kit isn't super-detailed by any stretch, but
its adequate for my purposes.

.That black line in front of the cockpit is the gap I mentioned. Weird, but fixable.

Doc Yo

Coming along. Some grinding, some primer, some filler, and the basic dive brakes.


"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.

Doc Yo


She's just about finished, just likes a bit of weather and decals. I'm moderately pleased with the stand.


It's a flying shark! The dive breaks are inspired. That is a huge cockpit, too. Room for a fridge, sofa...



Wow! Whole lot to like here! Are you sure those dive brakes are not doubling as solar panels?  ;D
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!

Doc Yo

 Thanks fellas!

Frank- Oh, yes HHUUUUGE cockpit, and more than a little odd. If I placed the seats correctly, the pilot would almost have to stand to see over the instrument panel. I kind of wish I'd picked up one or two more of these
when I had the chance-its a pretty neat design, and the notion of one on floats just popped into my head. :blink:

Dumaniac- Thank- you, much appreciated!

Ranger- High praise indeed, thank-you! Heh. I could claim they were solar panels and before the week was
            out would be seeing websites insisting that the Germans had Solar-cell technology in the '40s.
            I just cut away the exiting flaps, which were symetrical above and below the wing, and replaced
            them with thin sheet card, and bits from the landing gear of the old Testors "Stealth Fighter". I'll
             put up some better detail shots when I get her finished up.

Doc Yo


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


I like the twin engine version - you got me thinking about more Luft 46 builds

nice job

sequoiaranger panels?   :wacko:

Either way, nice work!
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!