1154 RAF

Started by Geoff_B, May 27, 2004, 03:26:10 PM

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This is my first post on this forum, just returning to modelling now that my kids are old enough not to get mixed up with my paint and glue :)

Saw this old post and had to add a few words. The P1154 has to be one of my fave Aircraft to the extent i decided to make one, Like Thor I bought the Maintrak models vacform kit....

Well lets just say I found out yet again that me and vacfoms dont get on.. so the model that Thor produced is fantastic.. nice one.

I decided to to make a 3d model of one (my job) then make crossections from this to make a scratchbuilt 1/72 P1154 Harrier. The cross sections are done and transferred to a A3 plastic sheet now all I Have to do is cut them out..

Attached is a view of the 3d model of a what if the 1154 got to squardron service..


Whoa very nice CG image. Yeap the maintrack kit does have a few issues build wise and in terms with accuracy.

Interesting to see how this CAD/CAM version works ? :o




Wow!  Nice introduction Janx.  Welcome aboard!  :cheers:  
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Wellcome aboard Janx - terrific 3d

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanks :)

The seat in the CG is from another 3D model of the TSR2 that I'm working on ( have been for ages ) the Mk8 as I figured this would have the same kind of requirement (really looking forward to the airfix kit of that, the test shots look good so far)

Not really sure whats the best approach for this Kit though, I have a side view and about 20 cross sections taken from the 3D model, all transfered to plastic sheet, done by simply printing them on sticky labels and pasting this onto the plasticard. Cutting them out will be a trial...

Any suggestions on the best way to approach this project are welcome, I am so rusty I creak.

The superb standards of modelling and modding here really give me inspiration to get back to the semi decent standard I once had. I havent had such a laugh in ages as I have had reading through these forums, ty.


To make cutting easier:
- use thin plasticard: 0.5 mm is easily cut, 1 mm takes much more effort to cut and clean up. You may be better off cutting out the same shape twice in 0.5 mm
- cut the sections slightly too large, then sand them down


Ta, may be a bit late on the thickness front, this card is about 30 thou, what ever that is in mm... I'll do me best though..


30 thou is about 0.75 mm. Anyway, use the sharpest and thinnest blade you can find (use a scalpel rather than a Stanley knife).