Avro 730 information

Started by Pete A, February 24, 2011, 02:50:07 PM

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Pete A

Hello to all,
                    I have a few questions I'd like to ask on the subject of the Avro 730 that I hope you can clear up for me.

But first, and very much to the fore of why I'm asking you good people for help, rather than going to another type of website. I have found over the years, and probably much like you yourselves have discovered, that modellers are sticklers for detail and go far more into depth on a subject than some other types of, say for instance, aviation enthusiasts. I'm not trying to denigrate others at all, I just put it down to the inquisitive nature of model builders.

The Avro 730 was to be fitted with rocket assisted takeoff units. Does anyone know whether the rockets were to be of a standard type, already in service?

The aircraft was to be fitted with an additional four wheels when maximum takeoff weights were involved. I believe the additional wheels were to be jettisoned after launch. Do you have any idea how they would attach to the main wheel grouping, how they would be released, and on dropping off, would they have a mind of their own like the Me-163's wheel grouping did and bounce off into the horizon, when released?
Another, and maybe very basic question for some of you, but please pardon my ignorance. Were the majority of flight instruments for this aircraft and other British aircraft of the time, usually purchased from the same companies, eg. Altimeters from such and such company, rpm gauges from so and so organisation?
Thank you all very much for your time and any responses received.

Pete A.



May I suggest you visit our sister site (you will need to log in to see pictures):  http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,905.0.html


All hail the God of Frustration!!!

Pete A

           good luck to you. It would be really interesting to see just how far along it got both as a paper trail and as a mockup.

Pete A.