
Fokker Gunship

Started by Thiel, March 11, 2011, 12:22:37 AM

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Quote from: pedrospe on March 12, 2011, 06:06:24 AM
hi thiel, that is a great aircraft, it would be a good alternative to the ac-130u, good work.

best regards


Thank you. I don't think the USAF would agree though.


Well, I finally got hold of some tape, so a mock-up will be available shortly.


An we have an update.
I haven't had much time to model this week-end, but some progress have been made.

Scotch tape mock-up.
I think I've found an acceptable gun layout.

High tech tools

I haven't decided what to do about the cockpit. The crew that came with the set is obviously civilian, and I don't have any military pilots in stock.
I also haven't decided if it'll be airborne or landed. What do you think?


I've solved the crew problem. Turns out that with a bit of sanding, the rather prominent pilot cap can be turned into a passable helmet.
Not much I can do about the jackets though. I'll just have to paint them in one colour and hope nobody looks too close.


Time for another update.

I've cut the gunports. They turned out a lot nicer than I'd hoped thanks in no small part to the scalpel I bought today.
I'm considering adding some interior, but I haven't decided yet. What do you guys think?

The contra rotors also turned out nicer than I'd hoped for. Yes, I know the two props are supposed to be mirrors of each other, but I didn't have any spare props, and I didn't want to ruin the ones I had trying to convert them.

I'm not going to do anything exciting with the landing gear bays, though I've modified them a little.
Since I don't have any sheetstock, I've made do with bits from a takeaway box.

No true tinpot dictator can look himself in the mirror if he doesn't have rocket launchers in his arsenal!
Not the prettiest I've seen, but considering that this is the first time I've scratch-build anything, I think it went kinda well.

My girlfriend and my hobbies don't get along so well...


You are doing great on the conversions! ... but make sure to keep her happy too  :thumbsup:

They aren't so pretty when they are angry  :wacko: (and it only gets worse if you mention that)
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


Thank you.
Since I'm doing this as a training exercise, I've decided to blank out the windows between the guns.
Does anyone have a handy guide on how to redo panel lines?
I'll start painting the engines tonight, so more images then.


Looking good.  For the props, just square the tips and no one will notice!   :thumbsup:
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.


Backstory time!
In 1960 the TAA was looking into expanding its to several small cities. After some initial research it became clear that in order to do so, they'd need a modern plane with better short field capabilities than what they currently had available. They approached several companies, but most of the offers would be too expensive to operate. After almost a year, TAA was considering shelving the idea when they were approached by Fokker.
They offered a new version of the F.27-200, the F.27-250C. It featured uprated Dart Mk 532 engines and contra rotating props, and a number of other small improvements.
The advantages were obvious since the TAA already had F.27s in their fleet, so an initial order for four planes was signed in January 1961 for delivery in 1963.

The planes became a smashing hit. Unfortunately, the routes they were intended for didn't. They were abandoned after only three years. For the next years they served mainly as stand-ins for the conventional F.27s. At some point it was considered to convert them to -200 standard, but in the end it was decided to sell them instead. Two went to the Australian army as transports and one to the airforce as a trainer. Finding a buyer for the last one turned out to be rather difficult, and it ended up spending two years in storage before finally, in 1972, was  sold to Nicaragua where it were to be converted to VIP transport.
It had only just arrived in Managua when the smouldering civil war flared up. At first it was put into storage, only to pressed into service as a transport and finally in 1977, using available materiel, it was converted to a gunship.
The modifications had a severe impact on her capabilities. The weapons load had added significant drag and the center of gravity had been shifted slightly off center, making her a true B#¤%& to fly.
Despite this she proved surprisingly effective in serve.
After the war, the new government considered converting her, ironically, to a VIP transport again, but a survey showed that her wartime service had left micro cracks throughout the airframe. So, in 1982 she was scrapped.
As an interesting side-note, her engines were saved for future use. (Hint Hint)

What do you think? Does it sound plausible?

Old Wombat

pretty much. Plausible enough for here, anyway. :thumbsup:
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Quote from: Old Wombat on March 15, 2011, 07:44:05 AM
pretty much. Plausible enough for here, anyway. :thumbsup:

Anywa, I've entered PSR hell now.

Old Wombat

You have fun with that, now! ;)
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est

Army of One

Great work so far....keep going.....watching this one.... :thumbsup:..as I wanted to do a gunship but hadn't decided what to use.....I'd seen Aeroplanedrivers one before.....



Assembling the wings. They fit together fairly well, so I won't need all that much putty.

More high-tech tools.

Anyone need a hubcap?

The cockpit is taking shape. My colour selection is rather limited, hence the cheery colours.

That's gotta hurt.

I don't think this step needs any introduction.

The kit is slowly coming together. I'll assemble the landing gear and engines tomorrow and get the first round of PSR done on them.
I'm somewhat hampered by the fact that my hobby-room, kitchen and living room is one and the same.
Also, I'm not sure what material Italieri used when they made the guns, but it's not taking the base coat as well as the Airfix kit.


I LOL'd at the pin in the man's arse :lol: :lol: :lol: