Airfix TSR2

Started by Nigel Bunker, June 02, 2004, 05:46:51 AM

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Davey B

Right, I need two to add to the to do pile. One service, one big wing strategic.

Where's the petition?


I don't understand what the excitement's all about - Airfix already do a 1/72 scale TSR-2, and the Tamiya 1/48 kit is awesome, if a little expensive

(Removes tongue from cheek and dives behind parapet!)




Am I the only one who get's this? (and I'm not even a Brit!) :lol:

Ves B)  
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Ah, the Swordfish (aka TSR II.... :) ) My favourite biplane!
About the only biplane I like, in reality :o  :D

Nick B)  

Davey B

Hist! What be that clutched beneath the fuselage? It would appear to be a Tomahawk...  :blink:  :dum:  :blink:  :dum:  :blink:  :dum:  :blink:  :dum:  


Now that would be a sight!  Assuming it could carry the weight, a Stringbag pilot would hafta be extra careful that the weapon separated from the aircraft before firing the motor, otherwise the poor Sword'd be ripped to shreds.
"Life isn't divided into genres. It's a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you're lucky."-Alan Moore

Davey B

Alternatively, you could use an ASMP. If it failed to separate, you'd thus have the world's first supersonic biplane (for about 5 seconds prior to it falling to bits) :huh:  :o  


QuoteApparently Trevor is keen to do the TSR2 but the bean counters are worried it won't sell. Time to bombard the Airfix website, I think

Well Treevor was representing Airfix at the North Show yesterday, and we were able to have a chat with him regarding the TSR-2 and other items. The TSR-2 is definately on his wish list for 2005 and he was even thinking about the kit breakdown by keeping it simple without the interanl features such as Weapons by or Electronics bay as these can be provided by a third part manufacturer. If its in plastci then its a simple case for us to remove appropriate panels and fit the nessessary detail where required.  I got the impression the idea was to keep the mould simple and therefore cheap to get it past the bean counters as a little project whilst they focus on something big or something for the kids.

Other items that slipped out on his 2005 wish list were the Nimrod and as radish has said previously a 48the Canberra. BUT as Trev pointed out these are the things he and the modelling community would like, the people in charge are still focused on the kids markets and are trying follow up the footballers (as they & the D-Day sets will loose popularity after the end of this month!!!).
So Trev sounded like he would be having some interesting meetings upto the start of next month when Airfix decide what to do for the next 12 months.

Of interest on the stand was the new sprues to be added into the new Tornado GR4/4A and Jaguar GR3 kits . These included Alarm, Rator recon pods, Paveways and of course Storm Shadows. Also on show was addon spure the F-3 to allow an EF-3 to be produced. This will be added to the exsisting F-3 kit with new decals and a flash on the box lid rather than redoing the lot as in the Tornado GR1. The Harrier GR-7 also gets a new sprue with its Mavericks, Paveways and BQZ pods. Foer 1/48 they are doing a Storm Shadow sprue for the GR-4 and doing the F-3 as an EF-3 complete with a new revised upper fuselage.

So lets keep up the focus on the TSR-2 then boys, the 35 on show yesterday helped but we should really get them all finished for November !!!!


Geoff B B)  


Hey speaking of Storm Shadows does Airfix has any plans to release a newer weapons accessory set?  The old NATO set's almost impossible to find around here nowadays and a new weapons set would be awesome.
"We can resolve this over tea and fisticuffs!!!"


Hi Tom

We asked Trev just that, but the last set didn't sell too well (probablt due to being Hi-Tec with PE Brass fins and a £9.99 price tag). We did suggest an all plastic version at half the price but the bean counters aint interested.

However it might be worth asking how much for a few extra sprues once the kits are released !!!! ;)


Geoff B B)  


It's about time I contributed to this thread. B)

We need a NATS display that shows variety. Let's have lots of TSR 2 showing off all the attractive schemes that might have been applied to service aeroplanes. Also, let's show the type's development from prototypes to 'retirement' with special versions inbetween. Show how the TSR 2 would fit into the cold war period and beyond.

I think quantity is the way to go. A table full of the buggers would catch the eye. Two or three modelling masterpieces would attract rivet counters and JMNs but most punters would miss them. We want to show Airfix that there's more to the type than a couple of white museum exhibits. Seeing that shape in service markings will capture the imagination. Seeing a load of tiny detail will only appeal to the 'anoraks'.

The important thing is that the TSR 2 lobby doesn't just 'go away'. We need a bigger and better display for this year and a constant (yet varied) presence on The more people who espouse TSR 2 over there the better, lest Airfix think it's just me that wants the kit.


A large TSR2 cut out sign  :P  
"Subvert and convert" By Me  :-)

"Sophistication means complication, then escallation, cancellation and finally ruination."
Sir Sydney Camm

"Men do not stop playing because they grow old, they grow old because they stop playing" - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Vertical Airscrew SIG Leader


Erm Simon

We had 35 on the display at North between four of us, I had 7, Martin H had four, and the rest were Lazlo & Wooksta's. These on their own filled the table !!!. Now firstly for the Nationals we're not sure until later on how much space has been alloted us and we may find we have half the space we had at North !!!. Secondly neither Lazlo or Wooksta drive and thus need to rely on their fellow club members to ferry them to Telford. For the North show both me and Martin provide the transport as we have suitable cars. Just moving Lee & Garys stuff took up most of martins Renault Scenic space !!!!.

As a result they cannot be sure how much they will be to take with them Telford. If you want quantity then alot of other members are going to have to contribute their TSR-2's to fill the spaces. So time to get building Si !!!!

Thought you would be interested in what Trev said  ;)  ;)  ;) , not quite the doom and gloom that some on the Airfix board like to put on it eh !!!! ;)



Does that mean I can do XR220 then?  :P  


I'm saving up some money to get my hands on a TSR.2 kit.  If I do, I'll send it over to you guys for shows, so that they'll know that there are some people on the other side of the pond interested too.

I can't believe they'd think nobody's interested!  We just had Op Telic/Iraqi Freedom, and new RAF gear is in the headlines, and nobody's done it yet!  Talk about short-sightedness.  I'd bet if you told them that they'd make millions marketing a complementary 1/8 Victoria Beckham figure the bean counters would jump on it.

Oh hey, if you see St Trev again, have him pass on this message to the bean counters.  Make sure you tell him it's from the Colonies:

To Airfix Bean Counters:

Re: New Airfix weapon sets

Pretty please!
"We can resolve this over tea and fisticuffs!!!"