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He 277

Started by Doc Yo, April 21, 2011, 05:44:39 PM

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Doc Yo

  Thanks to Pyro-Maniac and Green Dragon, I now have the necessary parts to progress with a build I've been daydreaming about for

I picked up the old Airfix He 177 about a year or two before the Revell Germany kit came out, and its been sitting in its box with some
reference material ever since. I'm going with either a missle carrier or a launch plane ( possible upper components: Huma DFS 346, RG FW
'Flitzer', EMW A-9*, a quartet of Rheinbote missiles. ) hence the blanking off of the upper turrets. Depending on how the sculpting
comes out, I'll be going with either a varient of the B-5 canopy, or just smash mold the original. We'll see. I will at least attempt the quad
turrets fore and aft.

* probably waaaaaaaaaay too heavy, but won't it look cool? ;D


Doc - looks like a fun conversion - good luck  - Bernie


...I once had and gave up on  :angry: .

Go for it!
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!

Ed S

The model is looking good.  Best wishes on this build.  That kit is tough. 

Oh, yes, aren't you concerned about the rotting carcass behind the Heinkel on you workbench?

We don't just embrace insanity here.  We feel it up, french kiss it and then buy it a drink.


Looks like you have all the gatherings of a great start!  I will be watching this one closely! ;D
"I do this hobby for fun not to be nitpicked, and that's one reason i love this place (What-If) so much, its not necessarily the quality, its the 'spirit' of the build or idea that's important..."-Beowulf


"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


Quote from: Ed S on April 22, 2011, 06:58:42 AM

Oh, yes, aren't you concerned about the rotting carcass behind the Heinkel on you workbench?


It's a mad scientist's lab. Best not to ask too many questions.

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

More into Flight Sim reskinning these days, but still what-iffing... Leading Edge 3D

Captain Canada

Cool....but it sure looks like alot of work !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


I hate to be the thumb tack on your chair but Antares offers this as a resin conversion for the RoG kit, as well as the 274!


The Wooksta!

I've got that and I *REALLY* dislike the resin, plus the old Toad Resins conversion but sometimes, it's worth doing it for yourself - if you have the skills and the patience and clearly Doc has both.  And sometimes, much vaunted conversion kits are a waste of time and money.

It depends on precisely which 277 Doc is doing as there's about 6 different versions, more if you have the Manfred Griehl book on the type.  The conversion locks you into the B-5.  The B7/R3 with the deeper fuselage is the one I'd love to have but never will for various reasons I won't go into here.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

Doc Yo

 Thanks for all the positive comments, colleagues! Responses-

Bernie, Ranger- Thanks! I doubt it'll be as colorful of one of Sequoiaranger's builds, but we'll see.

Ed-Its a kit very much of its time. I'm aiming at build that will be state of the art for its period ( mid-seventies,
more or less? ) The "rotting corpse" is an on-again, off-again kitbash/sculpt of Nyarlathotep, from H. P.
Lovecraft. ( One interpretation, anyway. )

Jeremy-Mad?  MAD?! I'm not MAD!!! I'm...just upset. ( The standard rejoinder since 1982 ;) )

Captain- Well, a fair amount of grinding, but I have a slight flaw in my character- I like sanding...

Madcatter, Wooksta- I knew about the conversions, but really don't spend that kind of money when I've
got the means on hand to DIY. I had a fair amount of good fortune amassing my collection over the
years, but afte marrying about ten years ago, I suddenly found a host of other things to spend my( and
by that I mean her, disposable income on.  <_< ) Sorry to hear Antares resin is problematic-
I like to see companies doing this sort of thing, even if I can't afford to lend my support too often. I
borrowed the Griehl book via inter-library some years ago, and its a B-5, I think, with  what might have been the next series windscreen.

Doc Yo

 Sorry for the second post-after a certain amount of text, the composistion box for the reply gets a bit difficult.
( Probelm with my computer. ) Anyway-this will be a varient on the early b-series, with no changes to the
fuselage or wings, just a new cockpit, tail fins, and of course the four seperate engines. Since I mean it as
a launch aircraft, I'm deleting the upper turrets, and replacing the single tail gun with the HDL MG 131 V
( deathtrap though it was ) and maybe, the MG 81 v under the nose, though that particular installation has
always been a puzzler to me. The only place I've seen it was in Green's book, and it doesn't look like it could
traverse at all... :unsure: The progress over the weekend was largely confined to shaping the canopy mold,
and tacking the inboard nacelles in place. A little Aves, a lot of grinding, a little more Aves...well, you know the
drill. Another picture or two tomorrow evening.


>Sorry for the second post-after a certain amount of text, the composistion box for the reply gets a bit difficult.
( Probelm with my computer. )<

Same with mine, though I had NO problems until my computer crashed a few months ago and something was compromised. So now, if I have a long post, I type it out in MS Word or something, then copy-and-paste it in instead.

>Ranger- Thanks! I doubt it'll be as colorful of one of Sequoiaranger's builds, but we'll see.<

I "see colors" when one of my attendants over-adjusts my meds!  :rolleyes:

But seriously, the He-277 was "on my list" a long time ago, but I decided to concentrate on smaller subjects to take up less display space, and sold off my several He-177 kits. *MY* He-277, though, would have been an "He-477", a tad larger and would have had four of the coupled engines, and an "atomic bomb". I have an amazing scale piece of "ordnance" that I think is actually a 12-gauge shotgun police "rubber bullet" that I was going to use as an "atomic bomb"---if you want it for your Heinkel, (or a picture of it to help you decide), let me know!
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


I fished through my stuff, and came up with my "A-bomb" disguised as a 12-gauge shotgun "rubber bullet". Notice that the fins are canted slightly, to spin it in flight to stabilize it. Might work for a gravity bomb, too! I snapped a pic with a 1/72 figure next to it to give it size perspective. It might be too small for WW II applications, but I think it *LOOKS* really cool! Hmmm. Too bad I don't have TWO of them; one for each wing root, though sometimes the German rocket-bombs were assymetrically carried under only one wing root.

I refuse to let "politics" dictate my modeling. After all, as an American how could I model an American warplane after how we treated the Indians in the Old West, etc....? I don't think ANY regime has ever considered ITSELF "evil", only OTHER PEOPLE did. I don't condone scurrilous behaviour of any regime, and don't feel that modeling an "instrument" possibly used for evil designs is itself evil or "supportive" of evil behaviour. To each their own.
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Quote from: sequoiaranger on April 25, 2011, 01:58:42 PM
and don't feel that modeling an "instrument" possibly used for evil designs is itself evil or "supportive" of evil behaviour. To each their own.

Good point!


All hail the God of Frustration!!!