CEV Serenity- an oldie

Started by Atlantis, May 28, 2011, 02:18:52 PM

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CEV Serenity was one of my first major scratchbuilds, circa 2006. The lifting body command module is based on the canceled Russian "Kliper" spacecraft and was made  out of wood and cardboard. The Service Module was modified from one of Ton Noteboom's ESAS CEV kits. I plan to build a launch vehicle for it  one of the days.  As to the launch vehicle, the SM is perfectly sized for the CST-100 launch variant of the Atlas V. Other possibilities include Falcon 9 Heavy, SLS, or some original design.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


 :thumbsup:  Love it.

Would be interested in how you made it, since it fits in with something I have been thinking of.  Pity there isn't a "Kliper" kit available.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


I turned a block of wood on a lathe and cut the wings and tails out of some thin wooden sheet.