
Started by dy031101, May 29, 2011, 11:08:11 PM

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In a similar vein, when told by management at the prison where I worked about giving inmates swipe cards that allowed them to access their units, I asked the obvious question, what happens when a prisoner obtains a card he isn't issued with and therefore has access to other areas of the jail where he isn't allowed?  The answer was a classic.  "We use the honour system and offenders will realise they are doing wrong if they use someone else's card". :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: 

Suffice to say, half a dozen assaults later, to say nothing of the roaring drug trade, the cards were withdrawn from use, the high tech gates had low tech chains and padlocks fitted to them and individual officers had to stand out in the weather allowing access through these.

A rather classic case of taking absolutely no notice of staff who are on the proverbial front lines and instead dreaming about the fantasies that are in the minds of those in nice, safe offices.  Examples like this were abundant within the facility and one of the primary reasons for the problems that were part and parcel of daily life there for quite a few years.

