Ki. 62 "Inline Hayate"

Started by sequoiaranger, June 05, 2011, 09:38:40 AM

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Sticky Fingers

Go for it! It will look way better than with the Italian wings (they'll only rust anyway :lol:).


Now for the "wing working". Using the Revell Hayate (top in photo), you can see I have had to eliminate the space between the wheel-wells to bring the fuselage/wing interface into proper placement. This means I will "fill" the Hasegawa wheel-well with CA and putty, and the new "wheel well" will be slightly farther out and slightly tilted back, as I need space for the coolant radiator (even on the radial Hayate, the wheel wells are too close together to fit any part of the coolant radiator between). The "wheel wells" will also be "paint" (decal, really, in the shape of the wheel well) rather than proper indentations--"artistic license". I sawed off the wingtips of both the Ki.84 and the Fiat G.55, and will trade them to bring the Ki.62 wing up to its "specs" of 39 1/2 feet a proper shape. Regrettably, as much as I had hoped that carefull measuring and cutting would produce a "clean" break line between disparate parts, the fuselage pieces need PSR to mask the separations, with the resultant loss of surounding surface detail. I  *HATE* trying to scribe/re-scribe panel lines only slightly more than I hate smooth, featureless plastic. We'll see.

My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


I see, well it's the way to do it, Now you have many pieces to another proyect. :thumbsup:


I have the wingtips on, the wing/fuselage interface puttied, and the "throat" coolant radiator attached (had to reverse and re-form the Nichimo Ki.61 ventral radiator). I cut the immediate canopy section of the top fuselage off (so I can make an interior and insert it), and glued the rear fuselage to the front fuselage/wings, so the "shape" is all there, now. It looks REMARKABLY like a Bf-109F (or Yak-9) with that pointy nose and throat radiator.

I will probably put the small Hayate oil cooler on the underside of the port wing, with the fuel cooler under the starboard wing (the original Hayate had this), just outboard of the coolant radiator "wake". I am thinking to use the Revell front and main canopy with the Hasegawa rear section, as the Hasegawa canopy looks a little "wimpy". I may put Fw-190 under-wing twin 20mm pack guns on. I have bored out the nose gun troughs and they await visible 20mm barrels. No pics, just W.I.P. update.
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


with all  instructions is probable  I can do a 1/32 version.  :thumbsup: :cheers: :bow:


>with all  instructions is probable  I can do a 1/32 version.<

Really? I know there is a Hayate and Hein out there in that scale. Is there a 1/32 Fiat G.55 out there? Wouldn't that be prohibitively expensive?? But then again, you would have something unique!

Lots more work on the cockpit and canopy interface. Gotta do the cockpit before I can seal up the fuselage and PSR the thing. More PSR needed than I thought (isn't that ALWAYS the case?!) in the fuselage/wing interface. Made front radiator grille and installed, sealed up old wheelwells and cleaned up main wing outline. SOOOO much more work that I had thought to bring this about (but at least I *AM* bringing it about!).
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Quote from: sequoiaranger on June 26, 2011, 04:55:27 PM
>with all  instructions is probable  I can do a 1/32 version.<
Really? I know there is a Hayate and Hein out there in that scale. Is there a 1/32 Fiat G.55 out there? Wouldn't that be prohibitively expensive?? But then again, you would have something unique!
Lots more work on the cockpit and canopy interface. Gotta do the cockpit before I can seal up the fuselage and PSR the thing. More PSR needed than I thought (isn't that ALWAYS the case?!) in the fuselage/wing interface. Made front radiator grille and installed, sealed up old wheelwells and cleaned up main wing outline. SOOOO much more work that I had thought to bring this about (but at least I *AM* bringing it about!).

Humm, perhaps we could use a nose of a "Tony" ,Have Hasegawa a Tony 1/32? Today I'm doing a Ki43 in


Would a Veltro work?  There's the 1/32 21st Century Toys kit.
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


Possibly, but the radiused wing-tips of the Veltro are not the same shape as the Fiat(/Hayate) and the leading/trailing edges' angle of the wing are not quite the same, either.

In 1/72 the wing-tips of most models are "solid" and can be re-shaped fairly easily, but probably in 1/32 the wingtips would probably have "air" in them (top and bottom pieces with a gap between them) and difficult to re-shape without a whole lot of filling first.

Still, an intriguing possibility for something unique.

My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Found that I had joined the Hayate tail and Hein fuselage just a smidgeon off laterally, so MUCHO filing and PSR to get the countours continuously tapering instead of an (faint, admittedly) "S" curve. Coming along S-L-O-W-L-Y.  I do have the radiator on, the wingtips on, fuselage gun troughs gouged, and am working with the cockpit/canopy module, but here is a recent mock-up:
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


this is the profile of a fearsome enemy.  :thumbsup: :cheers: :bow: :bow:


Looks great! Tail seems a little diminutive, though.


>Looks great! Tail seems a little diminutive, though.<

It's the standard Hayate tail, and the fuselage dimensions are the same. The angle of the photo may seem to make the aircraft look "thicker" and beefier than other photos. Look at the profile picture on "reply # 14". The Bf-109 had a pretty "small" tail, too. Also, my thumb is obscuring much of the tail! Possibly the "ko" or "otsu" versions of this Ki.62 might have had a larger tail!

>this is the profile of a fearsome enemy.<

If it indeed had the unreliable Ha-40 or Ha-140 engine---not so fearsome, as they were notoriously prone to breakdown (in flight). But of course mine will have the Ha-240 engine, a "corrected" version with crankshaft and bearings imported by submarine from Germany (their DB-605 being the "parent" engine of the Ha-140).
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Historically, then, the problem could had been, the limited producction of a plane with materials difficult to find.
Well it is the italian problem also. The incredible Re2005 could not be supported by their industry. :thumbsup:


Not too much visible progress other than major PSR (and I ain't done by a long shot!).

I was dis-satisfied with the Nichimo Hein prop set-up. I would have to glue the prop and its retaining ring in BEFORE completing PSR in the nose area. Really don't like that. Luckily I had a spare Nichimo Ki.61 nose (from another Kawasaki project) because I broke my present one trying to drill out the opening. A Matchbox Halifax had a good, fat, 3-bladed prop I could use, with a pointy, Kawasaki-like spinner, and had a module that could, if the nose was engineered correctly, take the prop/spinner assembly POST painting (and post-PSR). I had to carefully make a hole JUST big enough for the end of the prop module, and since it tapered toward the retaining ring, had to make an interior bulkhead (installed through the cockpit opening) with a slightly-smaller-diameter hole in it for support.

As the plane and backstory is evolving, I think it will be a "B-29 destroyer" with twin pack 20mm guns under the wings, a pair of 30mm cannon in the nose (with attendant bulges), and the fat-bladed Halifax prop will be an add-on to the improved Ha-340 inline engine.

Now I have switched to covering up the old Hayate wheel-wells. Once the PSR for this is done, then I will attach the cockpit/canopy module and PSR *THAT*. Then I think I will be ready for the final construction things (tailplanes, guns, landing gear, pilot/canopy) and then paint. This project has bogged down a lot, but I think the waiting/preserverance will pay off.
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!