CA Strengthener for Vac-Forms--"Snail Tracks"

Started by sequoiaranger, July 14, 2011, 09:28:18 AM

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Cyano-acrylate glues ("Super-glues") are wonderful to bolster "flabby" plastic, especially Vac-forms.

Whatever "axis" of bend you want to keep from happening, put criss-cross lines of CA (I call them "snail tracks"--if you try this, you will find out why!) at 45-degree angles to the axis, a half-inch apart. Like the Wellington bomber, the criss-cross lattice-work will become a geodesic-like "structure". You can augment that with small I-beams of plastic or something, but the beauty of the CA is its light weight for the strength imparted, and ease of application.

Be warned that these "snail tracks" can shatter if TOO MUCH bending is imparted to the piece, and you will lose the inner strength (why a combination of I-beam and CA might be preferred), but for most model applications it works like a charm. And we NEED "charm"!  :mellow:
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Interesting. I've never done it that way, always used scraps of plastic to provide structural support.

Good point about the CA shattering; I've mostly switched back from CA to modeling cement as it's much stronger.

The Wooksta!

DO NOT use Baking Soda.  It tends to weep over time, which causes some micey chemical reaction in paint.
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