HU-16 in RAN Service Query

Started by Cobra, August 26, 2011, 11:46:34 PM

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Hey Guys, i was doing some Research & a Question jumped into my Head:Had the Grumman HU-16 Albatros ever been looked at for use by the RAN for ASR/SAR Duties? it's something i wondered about and Finally Decided to ask all of you about. Hope this Doesn't sound Foolish,but i often wondered about this. Thanks for looking.Dan


If it were used, I'd suggest it would be an RAAF aircraft rather than RAN.  The squiddies traditionally didn't have large aircraft that weren't carrier capable beyond transport types.

I'd actually go for the P5M or PS-1.  Much bigger and longer ranged, quite relevant in our neck of the woods.  I do believe profiles have been done of the Marlin in RAAF markings on here.

