
World War 2: 1946 -> 19??

Started by Spey_Phantom, November 30, 2011, 12:04:01 PM

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The Wooksta!

A 60 series Merlin is two stage, optimised for medium altitudes.  Hurricanes were never fitted with two stage Merlins and you'd need to revise the nose drastically to fit it.  However, given that your Hurricane is for close support, it'd more likely have a single stage Merlin 32 (as fitted to Seafires and Mosquitos).

Spitfire PR9?  Existed anyway.  1 PRU took some mk IXs and "Cottonised" them - guns deleted, cameras fitted and an enlarged oil tank under the nose.  They didn't have the range of the production version, the PRXI, and consequently used the slipper tank under the wing.  The retained the smalled tail and fixed tailwheel of the F.IX.

Keep the wing of the Heller Spit 16, it'll fit the Airfix PR19 and give you a clipped 14e highback, although you'll need a new canopy
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:


im cleaning up the workspace, as im about to start on another new build for this theme.
last weekend i found this rather nice looking 1/72 Northrop N-9MA  :rolleyes: (complete with resin cockpit, intakes and wheels)

im currently looking into building this one as an in-service fighter, designated the P-74A Stingray, the USAAF's first stealth fighter.
for decals im going to use those of the revell 1/72 P-51D Mustang, for weapons im gonna look if i can find some 20mm gunpods.
the one downside of the Sword kit is the fact that there are no props (just cones moulded on), im planning to fix that with a pair of 4-bladed props from a scrapped 1/140ish revell DC-4 (or 7, i dont remember).
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Sounds good, but don't call it a "stealth" fighter - no such thing as "stealth" at the time!
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


Quote from: Nils on August 13, 2012, 12:11:39 PM
for decals im going to use those of the revell 1/72 P-51D Mustang,

Where are you going to put them?  :o

There's zero side area for anything serious.
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Quote from: pyro-manic on August 13, 2012, 01:05:40 PM
Sounds good, but don't call it a "stealth" fighter - no such thing as "stealth" at the time!

The spinning propellers also tend to be excellent radar reflectors.
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.


Quote from: PR19_Kit on August 13, 2012, 03:08:08 PM
Quote from: Nils on August 13, 2012, 12:11:39 PM
for decals im going to use those of the revell 1/72 P-51D Mustang,

Where are you going to put them?  :o

There's zero side area for anything serious.

i already got that worked out, so dont worry :)

Quote from: rickshaw on August 13, 2012, 05:09:59 PM
Quote from: pyro-manic on August 13, 2012, 01:05:40 PM
Sounds good, but don't call it a "stealth" fighter - no such thing as "stealth" at the time!

The spinning propellers also tend to be excellent radar reflectors.

thats the magic of what if, everything is possible...

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Stand By: thread revival

just bumping this topic, as i would like to announce the revival of this build project.
i know i started this project some time ago, and there havent been updates for over a year,
but after a long time of research, model searching and some building, i am ready to put some new life into this post  :thumbsup:

i know this topic has not seen much action in terms of builds, i that changes now.
i have started on the first of a new line of models and i already have some parts of the storyline worked out.
after a lot of reading (German secret projects, Japanese Secret Projects) and watching documentaries (Secret aircraft of WW2) on the subject and what happened after the war. i have come up with a storyline witch i think can be workable.
and spoiler alert: there will be an allied victory in the end!

i have also renamed to topic, seemed better to use the exsisting thread instead of starting a new one.

so before the first model gets finished, a short introduction:

QuoteJuly 1944,

although heavily outnumbered and under equiped, the German Forces have managed to reppel the Allied Invasion on the coast of Normandy.
as a result, Adolf Hitler ordered the complete and utter distruction of the allied command in Britain, and re-arm the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine on the European Coast, making any second attempt at an invasion futile.
the failed landing was also a wake-up call for the german war office, and on direct orders from the Fürher, they were to plan and oranise the biggest bombingraid in history, followed by an invasion with over a 100.000 troops landing on the beaches in Britain.

"Operation: Sea Lion" was revived!

on the morning of April 5, 1945, over 1000 german strategic bombers took off from various bases in Belgium, France and The Netherlands, in what was to be the final blow to Allied Command in Europe. continiously attacking airfields, harours, barracks and factories all over the UK, giving the RAF and USAAF little to no time to scramble they're fighters. over the course of 3 days, over 60 percent of all allied equipment was destroyed or damaged beyond repair.

PM Winston Churchill had to make a choise, surrender to the Nazi's, or continue defending Britain. with his forces rapidly deminishing, his advisers suggested the best thing to do was to withdraw all remaining forces to Ireland, but neutral ireland did not allow neither the Allied or German aircraft to land on its territory, and the aircraft that did land there were impounded. the pilots had to choose, spend the rest of the war in prison, or fight on in the Irish Air Corps.

remaining Bomber and transport crews were more fortunate, they managed to fly they're aircraft over the atlantic to bases in Canada? Cuba, the Carribian and the US. there the forces to regroup, get reorganised and re-equiped. this seemed the best option as these countries were far out of reach for the Germans.......For now!

to be continued......
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Father Ennis

Interesting, and very plausible,too but don't you mean they flew over the Atlantic Ocean not the Pacific ???  Unless you've moved the isle of Britain into the Pacific ...  ????


Quote from: Father Ennis on November 03, 2013, 06:12:00 PM
Interesting, and very plausible,too but don't you mean they flew over the Atlantic Ocean not the Pacific ???  Unless you've moved the isle of Britain into the Pacific ...  ????

i meant atlantic, sorry about that, typo  :-\
but i forgot tomention there will also be pacific theatre featured  :mellow:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


the Northrop P-74A Stingray

the Stingray was developed out of the Northrop N-9MA flying wing test aircraft.
its aerodynamic shape and large internal volume allowed the aircraft to be fitted with up to 6 20mm cannons and a large ammount of fuel.
the first aircraft entered USAAF service in November 1945, some 50 aircraft were build as apart of an evaluation phase.

a few months into service, the USAAF generals have complained the aircraft was quite unstable in the hands of an unexperienced pilot and its engines proved to be unreliable and underpowered. as a result, the USAAF withdrew the aircraft as a fighter and replaced it with the Lockheed P-80.

however, the P-74 remained in service, being stripped of its armament, it was modified as a trainer for the conversion and familiarisation training for B-35 Bomber pilots.

Model: Sword 1/72 Northrop N-9MA
Decals: Revell 1/72 P-51D Mustang

the model, inspite having so little ammount of parts, was a real pain in the arse to build.
the landinggear was impossible to fit in, and i had to build it wheels up.
the resin cockpit wasnt exactly an easy fit and it had to be cut and sanded to size.

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


That looks VERY smart Nils, well done indeed.  :thumbsup: :bow:

I've seen the real N9-M at Palm Springs and yours looks MILES better than the orange/yellow scheme it has.  ;D
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: Father Ennis on November 03, 2013, 06:12:00 PM
Interesting, and very plausible,too

Must disagree.  The Allies by 1945 were closing in from the South (Operation Dragoon) and Italy.  In the east the Red Army was within a few miles of Berlin.  The Fuhrer would have been far more concerned about stopping the Red Army than attacking UK.  

In 1945 a thousand bomber raid about standard for the RAF and USAAF and so even if the Luftwaffe did manage to create a strategic bomber force from nothing in 7 months it certainly would not equal that of the Allies in the UK never mind the south and east.  

The Government of the Irish Republic was pro-German and I doubt if the RAF would choose it as an option. Better options were flying to North Africa for some, others might prefer internment in friendly (nominally neutral) Portugal.  Even Soviet occupied Poland might be an option.

If the Normandy Landings were defeated then the Germans might be able to release a few divisions to other theatres.  The Allies would increase the Strategic Air Offensive and the destruction in Germany increased.  Total German bomber production in 1944 was 2,351 (or so) of which only the He177 was strategic and made up only 565 of the total.  Even assuming that the Germans could find the fuel the increased production would be at the cost of other equipment.  Compare with UK production in the same year of 10,730 fighters and fighter bombers, 5,507 heavy bombers, 2,396 Medium bombers and then add deliveries from the USA on top.  A defeat in Normandy might lead to more aircraft being part of ADGB.  A series of raids by 1,000 German Bombers might find it difficult to find space in the sky!

In your scenario I can see increased raids on the UK by small forces of fast jets (Arados) but I don't see the collapse of the Home Defence radar system or ADGB/Fighter Command.  For your scenario to be plausible you need to find a way for the Luftwaffe to destroy, in 6 or 7 months 5 times the aircraft they had destroyed in the previous 5 years.  A prodigious effort indeed!

Now if you were to go down the line of terror raids by very advanced, fast high or low altitude bombers with advanced smart munitions taking out a few high value (in morale terms) targets then that would be a different story.  That would give you all sorts whiff bombers, fighters, weapons and equipment to play with on both sides.  

Though your scenario is not plausible to me that does not stop it being the basis of a project.  It is your whiff war and you can play it out as you like!



i have another update regarding the storyline, im just working out the kinks, but this is what i have so far.
as production of equipment in Germany is constantly hampered by USAAF and RAF bombing Raids, Germany desides to move some of its warproduction to another country, out of range of Allied bombers.

seeing as Argentina was pro-Nazi at the time (even offering assylum to some key figures after the war), i would be writing a German-Argentine production agreement. just like how Brittish equipment was made in the United States and Canada, the Germans would move some of theyre key manufacturers (for exsample, Focke-Wulf, Messerschmitt, Blohm & Voss shipbuilding,...) to the Argentine mainland and ship out new equipment for Germany by ship or air from South America, via the Azores and Spain, to the Reich.

in exchange, Germany would re-equip the Argentine Armed Forces, beginning with transfering ex-Luftwaffe Bf109's, Fw190A's, bombers,.... to the Argentine Air Force. those aircraft would be crated up in Spain and shipped to Buenos Aires when new Argentine-Built jet aircraft were delivered to the Luftwaffe. then once production is geared up, the FAA would then start recieving new built jets such as the newer model Me262, Ta183,....

the country could then also function as a forward operating base in an attempt to conquer South-America.
im also working out scenario's for an extended Africa-campaign. witch might include Rommel's troops advancing towards Central-Africa and the Belgian Congo.

parties involved in the Africa campaign would be, aside from the US and Brittain, South Africa, Belgian Colonial Forces, Italy,...

i havent worked out the details yet, but this is what i have so far  :-\

in terms of models, on the drawing board are B-35's, Ta183, Fw226T-1A (navalised Flitzer), Ki-201, Lockheed P-80 (if i can get hold of 1 or more kits) and many more.
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


BIG BUMP  :blink:

After laying dormant for exactly 2 years now, i have decided to revive this project.
but to do this, i will be postponing most of the models for the WW3 story build.

after seeing the first half of the new show "The man in the high castle" (a what if scenario in witch Germany and Japan conquered most of the United States), i was inspired to revisit this theme.
also, i recently got the 4th issue of Wunderwaffen, and this has provided me with new ideas.

i will not only be building aircraft for the project anymore, but i will also add some new ships and armour to this build.
ive already been examining Revell's 1/700 scale DKM Graf Zeppelin aircraft carrier, but also theyre 1/144 Type XXI U-boat Wilhelm Bauer.
i plan to upgrade this submarine to a Type XXIb standard, with a V2 launchtube added on the rear, just behind the main island.
this would go nicely with the Type-XXIII revell has announced for 2016. ive also  restarted research into a possible smaller escort carrier for the German Kriegsmarine, using an old 1/350 Bismark hull that was previously used as a frigate. i have a nice supply of Revell 1/144 FW190, Bf109's and Ju-87's in the stash, these will fit nicely on top of it. i might even add some Me262's in the mix  ;D

not only am i planning a German escort carrier, but ive been thinking of using another spare hull and use it to build a light Soviet Navy escort carrier, equiped with SDB Dauntless and Navalised Yak-3, IL-2's, La-5's or La-7's (hoping to get more Zvezda kits).

as for the larger scaled aircraft, i got another Arado Ar.555 in the stash and im thinking of building it as a nuclear bomber, fitted with an in-flight refueling probe and a German Atomic bomb. as for tankers, im thinking a version of the FW200 Condor or Ju-290, based in the cannary islands.

as for 1/72, there are plans for P-84A, Yak-23, A-1 Skyraider, DH Vampire, AW meteor NF.14,.....
also, as part of a 1947 scenario, i have plans to build a 1/144 Tu-95 Bear-D as a Bear-A and modify it into a German bomber, as the Tu-95's engines are copies of the German Jumo-022 Turboprop engine.

more idea's to be revieled soon, the new project should start to see the light of day by Januari 2016  :mellow:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.