
Looks like a what-if but its not!

Started by matrixone, December 04, 2011, 01:06:42 PM

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Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanks to all for the kind words!

BTW, the thread where the photography expert started spouting off is over at Swanny's in the general information forum, the thread is titled ''practice with the new camera''. In my response to some of the crap in that thread I titled my thread about my Mistel in the in-progress forum ''Another attempt to destroy the art of photography''. ;D



Quote from: matrixone on December 05, 2011, 10:32:02 AM
Thanks to all for the kind words!

BTW, the thread where the photography expert started spouting off is over at Swanny's in the general information forum, the thread is titled ''practice with the new camera''. In my response to some of the crap in that thread I titled my thread about my Mistel in the in-progress forum ''Another attempt to destroy the art of photography''. ;D


Lets hope you succeed  :lol:
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


Thanks Taiidantomcat, I do try! ;D

Swanny's is a nice place to hang out but recently problems with the troll (the so called photography expert) has made it not such a nice place and even caused some members to leave when they became frustrated that nothing was being done to tame or remove the troll.



Quote from: Taiidantomcat on December 05, 2011, 10:56:16 AM
Quote from: matrixone on December 05, 2011, 10:32:02 AM
Thanks to all for the kind words!

BTW, the thread where the photography expert started spouting off is over at Swanny's in the general information forum, the thread is titled ''practice with the new camera''. In my response to some of the crap in that thread I titled my thread about my Mistel in the in-progress forum ''Another attempt to destroy the art of photography''. ;D


Lets hope you succeed  :lol:

There are photo JMN's who contend that Photoshop has beaten Matrix' to that goal!
"Build what YOU want, the way YOU want to"  - Al Superczynski


Quote from: matrixone on December 04, 2011, 03:44:18 PM
Russ, thanks for your comments.
On another model forum a member has really trashed my work, mostly complaining about my photography and how I am doing it all wrong so its nice to get positive feedback here. :cheers:

What!!  But...YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY IS AWESOME!!  It has, on several occasions, fooled my wife into believing the model was a real aircraft (did I mention your modelling is brilliant!) 

Methinks there was a HUGE dollop of pure jealousy going on there - keep up the good work!


If the hobby of photography has a bunch of people like the one that has been haunting Swanny's the past few months than I would not want to be in that hobby.

Thanks deathjester,
That ''professional photographer'' was being rude to a number of people over at Swanny's and another forum too, I hope the mods will remove that person because he adds nothing to any of the forums except trouble.



Quote from: matrixone on December 05, 2011, 10:32:02 AM
In my response to some of the crap in that thread I titled my thread about my Mistel in the in-progress forum ''Another attempt to destroy the art of photography''. ;D


Wonderfull  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


I have not heard a peep from the trouble maker so maybe the title of my post over at Swanny's shut him up. I did get a number of private messages from others and they also had problems with the ''professional photographer'' and were delighted with how I handled the situation.
Its very strange that the professional photographer never once posted ANY of his work...models or photography! :o The guy is a fraud.



I picked up the Airfix kit version from Alders of Croydon in their bargin basement. The box is a bit tatty but the seals haven't been broken. I was thinking along the lines of the Mayo idea. Using the Shorts Sunderland and a Spitfire. I could use the jet Sunderland which I've started to build as the base.


BRILLIANT stuff yet again, Matrixone. Would you be willing to talk a bit more about your photography at some point?
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


Thats a fine idea you have for a Mistel system, I don't think anyone else has done a model using that combination of aircraft.

Thanks for the comment about my work.
I am always willing to answer questions about how I take the pics of my models but be warned that its so simple you might be disappointed how little effort is actually used. That is what the so called ''professional photographer'' at the other site could not get into his head that you really don't need to buy a lot of expensive equipment to get acceptable looking pictures of scale models...outdoor lighting can work very well too. The ''professional photographer'' might know about all the technical aspects of photography but I know how to take pictures of scale models without using expensive cameras or equipment.

I am racing the clock to get two more models finished by Dec. 31st, both of these will be what-ifs. :party: A third what-if model will start out the new year.



>the person who complained is a professional photographer that insists indoor lighting is the only way to get good pictures. He says not only am I wrong about using natural light in my pictures but I am destroying the 'art of photography' and by using backdrops I am somehow ''cheating'' dioramas too<

*SOME PEOPLE* just have to try to prove others WRONG for them to be right. Sad. Like the parable of someone digging a hole for another to stand in so that he may seem taller.

Your RESULTS are impressing and appreciated, regardless of HOW you got there!
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Thanks for the support sequoiaranger!

I hope to have some new pics soon, but the big problem I have with taking pictures outdoors is you are at the mercy of the weather and here in the PNW this time of year it rains almost every day which makes getting any pictures difficult but not impossible. Sadly the past three weeks it has been mostly clear weather here but I had no new models to take pictures of, now that a couple of new models are close to being finished the rain has returned. :unsure:

Not only am I getting close to getting the last two models of 2011 finished but I have reworked the last big backdrop I painted this year....I needed to airbrush more trees and darken the ones that were already painted to better match up with the trees on my photobase, I am looking forward to seeing how this will work.
