Matchbox Hawker Hunter T.7 Cockpit Canopy required

Started by Knightflyer, December 28, 2011, 03:06:44 AM

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Hi Everyone

I know that they are not exactly common and probably get used quite a bit, but I'm hoping that with all the chopping up of donor models that someone out there in Whiff-world would be willing to sell me (at reasonable cost including p&p) the cockpit canopy to a Matchbox Hunter T.7. If some-one wants the F.6 forward fuselage etc I'll pass the on to whoever's interested

Oh to be whiffing again :-(

The Wooksta!

Best bet would be to try an get an Aeroclub replacement.  The Matchbox Hunter was a dog of a kit, although the T-bird was the least worst option.
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Hi Wooksta

Thanks for that, that was going to be my next route of enquiry, although Aeroclub products aren't that easy to find these days. As for the quality of the Matchbox kit, I agree, but it is cheaper than the alternatives and my at modelling level I'm still at the Bette Midler approach to how a model looks....that is unless I have an expensive state of the art kit to begin with. I think I saw a link to the guy who runs Aeroclub over on Britmodeller, so I think that'll be my next port of call

Kevin  :smiley:
Oh to be whiffing again :-(

Project D

I think i saw one or two in my canopy box you could have for free, where abouts are you located?


Hi 'Project D'

I'm in the Midlands (UK!) just south of Derby


Oh to be whiffing again :-(


Did you get one mate as i have one if you need it, I also have a full scale one if you need that as well  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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