WIP - USS Enterprise: the R-Protocol

Started by Orne M, January 02, 2012, 02:12:36 AM

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Orne M


EYES ONLY / StarFleet Command:
Recognizing the enormous expenditure required to build and equip Enterprise-Class Primary Hulls, StarFleet Command issues the following secondary-protocol in the event of self-destruct order given during hostile-takeover, and urges implemenation by all starship-commanders in lieu of absolute destruction of their vessels:

Self-Destruct R-Protocol:
Starship systems will be hardwired.....activated by voice-command.....ForceShields shunt incoming transport of boarding party to Secondary Hull.....airborne nerve-toxin to render comatose boarders whom enter Primary Hull through physical means.....Saucer/Primary Hull separates prior to Secondary Hull destruct-sequence.....nearest Federation StarFleet beacon.....engages impulse-engines for automatic course-return.

Incoming StarFleet all-sectors alert from Sigma Five deep-space array:
Signal received from USS Enterprise, NCC-1701. Ship self-destruct activated per
R-for-Robert Protocol. Secondary Hull with engineering section and warp-nacelles jettisoned following engagement with Klingon warship and destroyed in orbit above Genesis Planet. Whereabouts of command and crew unknown.

ALPHA COMMAND AUTHORIZATION - USS Montgomery, NCC-1954, from StarFleet Command:
Priority One Intercept of Primary Hull, USS Enterprise, NCC-1701. Determine cause of Enterprise self-destruct, disposition of crew; undertake all measures necessary to return Primary Hull to secure StarFleet dock-facility.

StarFleet Command from USS Montgomery, NCC-1954: Despite several attempts by Klingon forces to intercept and claim Primary Hull of USS Enterprise, and Genesis-related material in its computer-core, with the aid of StarFleet Taskforce 65 diverted to aid the recovery, Primary Hull has been handed over to StarBase Seventeen Command for spacedock inspection.

StarBase Seventeen, Initial Findings of Inspection:
Primary Hull USS Enterprise, NCC-1701, is generally in good condition in view of recent events, and some creative command-systems alterations by Commander Montgomery Scott. (See separate Report of Findings from StarFleet Intelligence regarding computer-core retrieval protocol, RE: Genesis.) Recommendation: Complete necessary structural-repairs, update all systems on par with current Starships, and mate Primary Hull with new-build secondary hull and warp-drive section.

StarFleet Command from Federation High Council - RE: USS Enteprise, NCC-1701.
A decision has been unanimously arrived upon that, due to the historic significance of this starship in the Federation, and even among our adversaries, that the vessel will not only be rebuilt, but that it shall benefit from any and all resources available to bring it back to operational flagship-status. Selection of commander and crew will be decided following completion of this effort.

StarFleet Command from Starship Construction Division:
Per request regarding upgrades to USS Enterprise, NCC-1701
.....due to the poor showing of USS Excelsior, and Command's decision to revisit its many faults prior to commissioning - along with Excelsior's sister-ships in the construction-cycle - we recommend utilizing sub-systems, secondary hull, and the improved Mk. XIV warp-drive/nacelles from the alternative Enterprise-class replacement, USS Discovery, NX-2001. While this design does not offer the theorized potential for trans-warp as Excelsior, we believe that it's dual nature as a force-projection asset (fourteen phasers, six mega-phasers, fore/aft photon-torpedo launchers, with a wing of fighters and support shuttlecraft) and long-range exploration ship (enhanced sensors and sciences modules an order of magnitude above both Enterprise and Excelsior ship-classes), will benefit probes far beyond Federation borders. The sole necessary interface between
the Enterprise Primary Hull and the Discovery secondary hull/warp-drive dictates a modified dorsal main-pylon. As the Mk.XIV warp-drive has proven markedly
more efficient than the prior installation aboard Enterprise, with a generally smaller volume, it will not be necessary to replace the impulse-engine/crystal
housing of the Primary Hull. If the order is recieved to go forward with these modifications, and as several Discovery-class Secondary Hulls are nearing completion
in the pipeline, the ship should be ready to embark for a shakedown-cruise within two months.

Captain James T. Kirk, from StarFleet Command:
Per the decision of the Federation High Council, you will re-assume command of USS Enterprise, NCC-1701.


I have long concurred with many others that the original Enterprise shouldn't have been destroyed. No less than Gene Roddenberry was angry with the entire turn of events seen in ST III, and had said during production that instead the saucer from the ship be jettisoned, brought back to spacedock, and rebuilt with a new engineering section. And as it worked out in ST IV - replacing the ship with a direct copy - what was the point beyond poor storytelling and the need to blast the ship to pieces for a cheap PR stunt? (How many times could they have Kirk fall out of the Captain's Chair berating "Klingon bastards!" after killing his son?)

Anyway, putting forward (above) my own take on how an alternate scenario would have played out, with a twist to the finale of that particular trilogy - proof that the Enterprise was not truly wiped from existence as believed, and was now a more formidable starship than the cadet-training vessel that had warped out to Regula I.

.....and for those wondering, "R(oddenberry) -Protocol".


The model:

-- R2 1/1000 scale Enterprise Refit kit saucer, nacelle pylons. and deflector assembly.
-- Rebellion Creations 1/1000 USS Discovery (final work on the Discovery saucer in-progress 1/1/12); Secondary Hull with Mk.XIV warp-nacelles. A month solid of kitbashing, scratchbuilding (tooling the secondary hull dorsal-area from Sculpey). Engineering Hull and Warp-nacelles available as separate sets from www.rebellioncreations.com or email infinityreach01@hotmail.com

The ever-evolving plans and scratchbuilt model of USS Discovery / NX-2001 (dating from 1982):

Shots of the parts laid out, and assembly prior to final painting and decals. Using two sets of the aztec decals because of the larger area and size of the parts.

The buildup, the only real surgery was to cut off the nacelle-pylon tabs
and run steel-rod thru them to pin the ends into both hull and nacelles, and add a thin strip of plastic at the nacelle-end to seal minor gap.  The clear parts - tinted metallic blue -  are from the R2 kit.


Great looking ship.  I have a somewhat similar idea for trimming down the butt-ugly Enterprise C.

Orne M

I'd go the other way with the Enterprise C - since the existing saucer is a bit over-large for the rest of the design, kitbash lengthened nacelles and build up the engineering hull.


My problem with the C is threefold, I guess.  The warp nacelles are far too short, and I really hate the squared off pylons and the neck is just plain awful.  So my plan was to sweep back the pylons, lengthen the nacelles and cut down the neck.  More like the E, I suppose.  Although it would still be a recognizable bridge between the Excelsior and the D.

For the life of me, I can't understand why the C gets so much play.  We get two different kits of that pig, but have to sit and wait for a decent repop or retool of the K'tinga. Meh.  Guess I'm just jaded. :blink:

Orne M

Look at the main pylon on my design, it's the top half of the refit section with a wedge; skip the wedge, just widen the -C pylon, and cut down the height.  Wing sweep on nacelle pylons is always a good idea; never cared much for the 'Atlas Shrugged' frontal aspect of the -C and Excelsior pylon.

In my view, several reasons why the -C design gets so much attention: it was closer to Andrew Probert's original design for the Enterprise-D, and both the canon and "non-canon" (i.e., the Trek novels featuring the events before and after the time-fracture) back-story, literally the focal point in time that opened up the TNG era shown in the series.


Can't see unfortunately, the pages require sign-in.
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.

Orne M

The website I was using previously decided they were going to transform into an Asian marketing site or something, and had to move everything.   So far the only one I could locate to was on Yahoo groups, and you have to "join".   But it's a painless sign-up.

Orne M

I don't know how much longer this will be available as it's past the Dec. 1 deadline given to vamoose, but re-posted the photos on the older website:

Mods - also tried directly inserting photos using the image-button above, but nothing took.  Not sure if I something wrong or just cut out.


You can't host pictures directly on the site - you have to use a third-party image host (or your own webspace, of course).
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<



Quote from: pyro-manic on December 14, 2012, 06:36:11 AM
You can't host pictures directly on the site - you have to use a third-party image host (or your own webspace, of course).
Ah, no.  The image button allows you to post images from an image sharing  site.  What I do is post all my pictures to Photobucket, then copy the 'direct link', which is given in a little box below your pic.  Then I click the 'image' button, and paste the link into the middle of the 'http' bit that comes up.  When you post the reply/message, your picture pops up where you put the link 'code'!  Simples!!