
The Finescale JMN DEBATE!

Started by MilitaryAircraft101, January 11, 2012, 12:20:38 AM

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I'm a member over at finescale, most of 'em are alright, but look at this thread dabating a 1/35 model of some yankee ship displayed on USS Lexington, on which the builder has made a few errors, and they're taking it more seriously than whether the Enterprise had 350 or 351 windows on the main deck: http://cs.finescale.com/FSMCS/forums/t/144014.aspx?PageIndex=1

Ahh, will they ever learn??  :rolleyes:


Typical responses by people who'd never even consider building something like that themselves. But of course they feel the need to criticise the work of others who HAVE put in the time and effort to do so!
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)


Army of One

Blimey.....!!! Some people.....!!! I was a member of that site....didn't stay long as it was full of people pointing out stuff to people who posted pics of models there....well,ripping them up sometimes...that's why I love it here.....everyone appreciates the effort put into models displayed....H



I don't like their attitude of looking down their noses at modellers who build models for fun and enjoyment and I don't think we should necessarily look down our noses at them because they do it.   They should be pitied, rather than necessarily reviled.

Just my two-penneth worth.
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.


In a few days, I'll be hitting them in the face with my F-4AU, based at Port Moresby in 1976, just after the start of the Australian intervention to the Indonesian invasion of PNG... It became a MiG killer with a Canadian Wisso..  :rolleyes: :lol: I bet they'll love that  ;D
Edit: I won't tell them it's a What-If, but if they ask for a source, GTX, can I pleeease have your permission to use your backstory! See how long it takes for them, and I'll take that backstory to the forum-postering-in grave if it will get some JMNs scratching their heads... lol I'll put up the results on the site...  :wacko:


Quote from: rickshaw on January 11, 2012, 01:59:25 AM
 They should be pitied, rather than necessarily reviled.

Just my two-penneth worth.

I'll add tuppence to that
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Pitied, yes, but it's still a bit of a laugh to see them that angry, or even better, they weave your model into reality... Ooh yes, the Twinfire was a late development of the spitfire in 1946 and eventually saw service in Korea.


I feel that the original poster's problem isn't even rooted in modelling, rather he is operating under
the common misconception that there is some objective standard of 'historical accuracy' that defines
what is displayed in a museum. The dreaded term 'museum quality model' is an invention of marketing
folks not curators.

Many pieces like the South Carolina in question are included as 'folk-art', which is at it should be.



Quote from: rickshaw on January 11, 2012, 01:59:25 AM
I don't like their attitude of looking down their noses at modellers who build models for fun and enjoyment and I don't think we should necessarily look down our noses at them because they do it.   They should be pitied, rather than necessarily reviled.

Just my two-penneth worth.

Does this mean we get to say 'I Pity The Fool?'
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Quote from: puddingwrestler on January 11, 2012, 01:02:57 PM
Quote from: rickshaw on January 11, 2012, 01:59:25 AM
I don't like their attitude of looking down their noses at modellers who build models for fun and enjoyment and I don't think we should necessarily look down our noses at them because they do it.   They should be pitied, rather than necessarily reviled.

Just my two-penneth worth.

Does this mean we get to say 'I Pity The Fool?'

Only after draping oneself in kilos of gold chains and getting a questionable hair cut.  ;D


Quote from: rickshaw on January 11, 2012, 01:59:25 AM
I don't like their attitude of looking down their noses at modellers who build models for fun and enjoyment and I don't think we should necessarily look down our noses at them because they do it.   They should be pitied, rather than necessarily reviled.

Just my two-penneth worth.

  Hear hear !

I used to read FSM back when it was a mainly dioramas print magazine in the 80's.
Then it seemed to become a contest journal of the IPMS and I lapsed my subscrip.
"Build what YOU want, the way YOU want to"  - Al Superczynski


I ran into a few of these types on another site, now I'm here and on SSM.  We could compare the these folks to fashion critics......
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise

Alvis 3.14159

Well, that was almost as much fun as reading a thread about how the next kit of the TV Series Enterprise is wrong because of how they may, or may not, depict the panel lines that were there, or were not.   :unsure:

Hey, if that's how some people enjoy the hobby, who am I to say they shouldn't? Now, if they are saying I shouldn't show MY stuff, well, then it's personal.  :banghead:

Oh well, modelling sure attracts some odd people.

Alvis Pi


hehe --I expect to be ripped apart for putting an extra (needed) rivet in my airplane (1:1 scale) ....... don't I know it's supposed to be 1/8th dia. not 3/16ths ???  Pity the hole I put it in didn't know that  :rolleyes:

This is why I don'y go to HyperScale or model clubs any more  :-\
you may as well all give up -- the truth is much stranger than fiction.

I'm not sick ... just a little unwell.


Quote from: joncarrfarrelly on January 11, 2012, 01:06:54 PM
Quote from: puddingwrestler on January 11, 2012, 01:02:57 PM
Quote from: rickshaw on January 11, 2012, 01:59:25 AM
I don't like their attitude of looking down their noses at modellers who build models for fun and enjoyment and I don't think we should necessarily look down our noses at them because they do it.   They should be pitied, rather than necessarily reviled.

Just my two-penneth worth.

Does this mean we get to say 'I Pity The Fool?'

Only after draping oneself in kilos of gold chains and getting a questionable hair cut.  ;D
Haha, I actually watched Rocky III yesterday afternoon on TV, they seem to be playing them all this week. One of the best lines is when the reporter asks Clubber for his prediction for the fight. Clubber replies with; Prediction? I predict PAIN!