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The Wooksta! - The Plan, a Spitfire Blog

Started by The Wooksta!, March 08, 2012, 06:59:56 AM

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The Wooksta!

"Look! Look, when they get back, tell them I'm incredibly sorry!"

You'd think after 6 or so years doing the same thing I would have learned by now, wouldn't you?  But no, yet again after setting a Plan - and this one was decidedly conservative and short - I decide to add extra stuff into it.  I mentioned the Seafangs above, but in the box was two Spitefuls and bits for at least one more.  Two are going 607 Sqn and I know exactly what I want to do with them in terms of scheme (unfortunately, I don't have the decals to do another).  I have started another one, because I've had a hankering to do a Rhodesian one for some time, but whether it'd be in the light grey worn by their Spitfire F22s or the three tone camo worn later, I'm not quite sure.  Although having said that, it's not as important as the 607 Sqn stuff so it could well be axed. 

I've a feeling I may have to take an axe to the whole plan anyway, because it's looking a tad unwieldy.  I've updated it and it now runs to a page and a half, and that's after trimming out a few which I was still unsure of what I was going to do.

Still, quite a few are ready to prime so I should be in a position to start spraying a few by the start of next week.  I hope.  And bearing in mind a few - oddly, very few - are in NMF finishes, I might even get a head start on some of the decalling.  But I'll believe that when in happens!

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Well, I think that should do it!"

First major milestone passed - priming has begun.  However, it's had to stop as I ran out and due to work commitments, I won't be able to get to Halfords until Sunday, which will be a journey and a half to get to sodding Silverlink via public transport through the badlands of Wallsend...  I'll also have to get a can of Gloss Aluminium - the one I thought was gloss isn't and the resulting spray job looks...  Not what I want.  However, these are teh primer coats, so I can live with it.

I've also cleaned up a load of resin wheels for various Heller 16s and even painted a few exhausts.  These, along with props, always tend to trip me up, so I'd like to try and avoid all this unpleasantness if possible.

Yet another Spitfire has been thrown back into the build queue, this time a mk IX UTI converted from an Airfix IXc with some strategic saw cuts and a few resin bits and bobs.  It doesn't look too bad and this time, I know exactly what I'll be doing with it.  North Korean.  No?  Yeah, you're right.  It's going to be another Czech one.  This WILL be the last addition, any other changes are likely to be deletions.

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"This should get things going!"

Now about two thirds through the priming and as predicted, the journey to Silverlink was as tedious and vile as I'd feared. To top that, Halfords would appear to have stopped doing Gloss Aluminium, which is a real kick in the teeth.  To add further insult to injury, I tried getting the relevant storage boxes from various outlets only to find that the worthless tax dodgers... er, students, had hoovered them all up, apart from those in ASDA which were vastly overpriced.  Still, what I overpaid there I saved on a reduced bottle of Koko Kanu*, which I've been meaning to get for a while now.

What was promised as the last addition has been closed up and it looks rather spiffing.  This is the Czech mk IX UTI converted from an Airfix mk IXc and I'm very pleased with it so far.  It was to have been the last addition to this year's build programme, only I found enough cockpit parts about to get another Fujimi F14e low back together, although I'm torn as to what to do with it.  Another 607 Sqn aircraft? Pakistan?  I'll advance it to primer stage and make a decision then.

And then whilst searching for something else, I find the old Czechmaster Seafire F47 - and by old, I mean pre-1996 and it appears to be very similar to the mid 80s Pegasus kit (and one is a copy of the other, but I'm not sure which way round it is).  It's basic but could be the basis for another Spitfire F26.  Quick build?  So, the wings are on, plus the fin and it's now slathered with filler.  I am tempted with an NMF scheme, possibly 603 Sqn when they trade in their F21s, but I'd rather use a better kit for that and in any case, something darker, such as the late 1940s Intruder scheme, may hide a few flaws and the sheer crudity of the kit.  It has a poor representation of a gull wing and the contraprop has vanished, so it'll have to get a standard 5 blade one.  The kit canopy is a lovely shade of gold, but couldn't be used anyway, ironically being one for a Spiteful.

Mention of Spitefuls brings me to the last Spiteful mentioned, which is now axed for the time being, largely due to a lack of canopies.  The 607 Sqn one I'm doing does look rather good though and I'm determined to have that one finished at least.

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*Koko Kanu is a coconut flavoured white rum, which looks and tastes like Malibu but is a manly 40% ABV as opposed to the girlie 17% of Malibu.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"But it says here, Michael look, "Ensure machine is clean, and free from dust"!"

Well, almost at the end of the priming stage.  One or two last ones to do in terms of prime, fill and sand and then I'm on to the spraying.  it's not quite that simple, there's a fair bit of other bits and bobs to do first, but in many cases, I can get the two top colours on before having to worry about underneath.  Radiators and u/c legs will cause delays and I really need to get spraying.  Underneath can wait until I have more time to spare.  A full day or two could be helpful and I have a week off work coming up, although I had planned to start decalling then.  Or at the very least, get the masking done for the last camo colour.

The Plan has been updated and pruned where necessary, although one entry that I know is on the go isn't in it.  One of the exports planned has been altered to reflect an available Spit that was two thirds painted.  If I can save myself a small amount of work, I'll do it.

Still kind of undecided over what scheme the CMK Seafire cum late Spitfire will get.  I'm leaning more towards the standard three colour scheme and stick it with one of the post war second line units.  Looking at photos of Mosquitos in the period I'm considering, it looks like I can use the nice glossy post war markings which I really like and white codes.  I've had a flip through Alan Lake's Flying Units of the RAF and now have a victim in mind.  Now that the kit has a coat of primer on it, it doesn't look quite so bad, although compared to more modern kits, it does look very clunky.

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Five past eleven and it's still raining. I wonder how hard it is?"

I had hoped to get the last of the priming done and some work on various radiators but the weather has turned.  Still, I managed to get many of the wheels cleaned up and mounted so I can spray the hubs.  Also assembled several props, which is one thing I dislike doing, plus got the radiators for a pair of Fujimi 14s assembled.  Tedious stuff, but better it's done now than at the last minute.

It's slowly coming together.  Once I start spraying, it's going to look a bit better.  I need a hard copy of the current Plan, as there's several on the go that I doubt are in there - if I can eliminate them, it should cut down on duplication of effort.  It should also make the place a bit less cluttered.  But not by much...

Comments on this thread - if anyone reading it can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Oh God, no sugar!"

Spraying has *finally* commenced and the first colours are now done, although not without a few snags.  The late F26 was initially done in Dark Sea Grey but upon updating the Plan, I found it should have been Ocean Grey, thus necessitating a respray.  Annoying, because the DSG had gone on really nicely and I had a very nice surface sheen.  Still, the respray was just as good.  I also discovered that the FR.VIII should have had Mid Stone on first instead of Dark Earth.  Frustrating isn't the word, but I'm never keen on Mid Stone and I've yet to get a desert scheme I'm entirely happy with, so I may well change the colours and do the planned FR.VIII later.  I've a feeling I was thinking of a couple in a few different schemes in the same theatre (Italy) so I don't think I lose anything.

The two Czech T-birds will also need a modicum of surgery, largely adding the rear canopy rails and I'm annoyed that I didn't add them BEFORE I started spraying.  Luckily, I remembered halfway through spraying the c winged UTI version and before I commenced with the e wing.  I've also decided to change the scheme on that one after looking at the markings from the KP Avia CS-199 and deciding to nick one of them to make life a bit easier.

More worryingly and certainly annoyingly, I discovered that I have no Extra Dark Sea Grey or Sky either, which means a three hour round trip via public transport to Whitley Bay to relieve Uncle Frank of several bottle of Xtracrylic.

And I *STILL* haven't learned the lessons of the past about adding stuff back into a crowded plan.  You see, as I had the compressor and airbrush fired up, I decided it might be a good idea to put some paint on a few others sitting in primer from a while back.  I looked at one mk IXc, with it's canopy in place and masked up ready to spray and decided to get some paint on it.  Not entirely sure what nationality yet, although I'm leaning towards Portugese and I think that's what I'd intended anyway.  I did look at several others but thankfully, common sense took hold and I put them back in the Cabinet of Doom for another day. 

I did think about a respray for a stalled FR16, because the upper colours had lifted when I removed the tape and it looked awful.  Darker colour perhaps and another change of owner?  Turkey had mk XVIe lowbacks and an FR one on the Soviet border would make some sense, plus they did respray their PR19s with a dark green upper surface.  Something along those lines I might be able to get away with.

I also found my RAF Attacker FR bird, but again reflected it'd be a better idea to leave that one for a while, largely because I've forgotten just where I'd put the canopy and the whole thing needs more work than available time would allow.  Pity, as I think it's going to look rather good.

Anyway, I've turned a corner, not onto the final lap just yet but I'm not too far off.

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"God, what a boring day."

Just as well I phoned Uncle Frank as I left the house I'd have had a wasted trip - no Extra Dark Sea Grey until thursday and I won't see him till saturday.  Slows me down a bit but I've got other things to do in the meantime.

By which I mean masking for the second coat on all the three colour aircraft.  Slow and messy with Maskol and it's one job that I *really* hate, almost as much as masking with your actual tape, which is even more boring.  So, stuck on an episode or two of "Callan" in the background and managed to do seven.  If I can get the same number done over the next few nights, I can get the whole lot done bar the two RN aircraft going 3 colour by the weekend.

Went hunting in the spares boxes dotted about to try and locate the missing Attacker canopy.  No luck but I did find a contraprop that I think was allocated to a Swedish aircraft.  Just need to find another.  I did find a load of resin wheels I think I cast last year.  Pity I didn't find them sooner as I could have saved myself some hassle a week or so back.

Finally, I got the canopy rails on one of the T-birds and give it a blast with some Halfords - I bit the bullet and went back to Silverlink to get a new can and lo and behold, it's back to being the nice shiny stuff again. Said T-bird looks amazing, even without decals on it and I'm looking forward to seeing it done.

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Then what are you looking in the cellar for?"

It seems others have the Spitfire bug as well and being the kind soul I am (actually, I'm not, I'm a selfish self centered individual but I *try* to be better) I've offered the bits from me copious Spitfire spares boxes   - I say boxes, because I have several dotted about and even after condensing them down, I still have a few - to them.

So, I've been rummaging about for radiators to start with and what do I find?  The Attacker canopy, which should have been in another box entirely.  Now, do I have a look at trying to get the FR one done or do I just leave it for now?  See, I think it'll look really good and it's one I've been wanting to get finished for a long time but it diverts effort away from the main build at what is a critical time, and that's despite having a week off.  Hmmn.  I need to clean up and attach a belly tank, sort out an u/c and doors and then quickly prime it.  Could be done, possibly later today.

However, I digress.  All the first stage making is done and I'm slogging my way through the second top colour.  I've come to the conclusion whilst spraying the FR.VIII that I hate the Hasegawa Spitfire.  I've yet to do one that I've been remotely happy with and I may well just dispose of the lot that's in the Stash, not that there's too many of them anyway. 

The Heller 16 that I'd abandoned due to lifted paint got an overall coat of Dark Slate Grey - it was in the airbrush after doing the Seafire 17 and Seafang so I decided to use it as the Turkish 19s had an olive green colour and Dark Slate Grey looks a bit olive green if you squint a bit - and it looks okay.  Will the paint lift this time?

I've just one final batch to do - about ten - that need the Dark Green and then it's off with the maskol and on with the tape.  That's the one stage that I find soul crushing, as it takes ages.  Still, means I can get the undersides done in a day.  If all goes to plan, I should be able to start decalling on Saturday.  Which reminds me, I need to do some research into serial codes...

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Oh, God. I think I'm going to be violently and copiously sick."

Well, it's done.  the masking with tape is all done and I'm ready to start spraying undersides.  Two days it took and I only just had enough tape - the last airframe, an 18, I had to cut bits off others already masked to scrape together enough to finish it.

Go the u/c and doors on several that I'd bypassed for speed reasons and I've yet to sort out the Seafangs as I couldn't find the box with the bits in until fairly late on.  Me mate dragging me out for an hour in the casino didn't help.  Still, it was a break which I needed and got a few more done when I got back in.  The box of Eduard spares received from ebay has helped there and a bag of resin copies of various Eduard Spitfire wheels has been dragged out also.

Anyhoo, I'll have the bulk of the undersides sprayed today.  I've already done the ones with aluminium undersides - out into the back garden with a can of Halfords - and the masking is already off.  Really very happy with them so far and I'm looking forward to getting the decals on.  The Attacker I'm very fond of already and the F21 had me beaming like a Cheshire cat that's been let loose in a cream factory.  I like the F21 as it's that last variant that looks like a Spitfire, whereas the F22 onwards, what with it's cut down fuselage, big tail and revised wing, looks almost like a different aircraft but with some family resemblance.   

The Spiteful, I'm less happy with, but I've had a change of plan as to what I was doing with the pair.  The silver one gets proper codes and a red spinner (saw a mention of a 607 Sqn one with LA codes and a red spinner on Britmodeller by a 607 Sqn fanatic so I know it's right) and the one that was going to be a gate guard, and still could be if and when I ever do the writeup, will get squadron bars.  If I had another set, I'd do it with a silver aircraft too.  Bearing in mind I've a plan for a lineup of 607 sqn aircraft into the 50s and 60s (P.1081 Kestrel and then Hunters), I really do need quite a few.

And I *still* haven't learned the lesson about putting airframes into a complete Plan at the last minute!  This being a mk IXc that was already together and primed and I thought about a Czech one that was stripped back to the metal after VE-Day but before they went home re-equipped with the latest lowback IXes.  Quick bit of sanding to sort out the bulges and raiding an AZ mk IX to get the gun bulges, replacement cannons courtesy of the Eduard spares bin (that is going to be so helpful in the long run and that's before I start raiding those in the stash - having had a quick count, I'm sure it's into the three figure region, which seems high but bearing in mind I have quite a few of the two, three and four kit boxings, it's not hard to come up with that figure).  First coat of paint is on and I need to do a modicum of sanding and filling, but I should have it ready to decal quite soon.  I'm doing something similar with a mk XVIe belonging to a Polish squadron and a XIVe lowback with 607.

So, I've turned the corner onto not quite the final lap, and I've still got a lot of work to do, but I'm now seeing the beginning of the end. 

Comments on this thread - if anyone reading it can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Yeah! I had to! I was drunk!"

Two thirds the way through spraying undersides and had to take a break.  On the final third now and halfway through all the medium sea grey.  I'd forgotten quite how much I detest spraying and three tone schemes specifically.

Didin't help either that I pulled YET ANOTHER primed model from the "Cabinet of Doom" to give it a coat of overall PRU Blue.  Well, I mentioned that I'd got the Yugoslav decals for mk IXs, had a look to see what could be done and found a pair of PRIVs converted from the Revell Vb with an Airfix XIX wing.  Couldn't do the projected Yugo one as it'd have to have a Vokes filter and it already had the small filter in situ.  Anyway, it's now sprayed but I'm at a loss not as to what to do with it.  I've done the post war hack thing with PR birds so a modern warbird may have to suffice, especially as it's got the later legs with the scissor links (inherited from the Airfix XIX bits).  I have a can of not quite PRU Blue but it sprays horribly so I just kept the standard PRU Blue.  Anyway, it's not on the list so will probably go back into the "Cabinet of Doom" for the time being.

I did find a use for some of the Airfix mk Ia models in there, although it'll have to wait.  I'm thinking of that nice 3 colour scheme worn by the early PR Mossies and I've a unit in mind, 421 (Reconnaisance) Flight, so a small collection of their aircraft (probably no more than six, and all early Merlin types) could be interesting.

The tape has been removed from several more of those already sprayed and the Turkish FR bird looks okay, although the tape did lift some filler at the wing roots. Hmmn.  Not too difficult to fix with a few quick coats of Dark Slate Grey quickly sprayed on.  I did consider some large black anti slip sections, but one of the lifted bits was in the wrong place to fix that way, so back out with the airbrush.

Right, few doors to put on and back to work.

Comments on this thread - if anyone reading it can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Now then, where was I?"

Hurrah! All the spraying is done.  Except it isn't.  When I started sorting a few boxes, one that I'd already assumed had it's underside coat...  well, anyway, it didn't, so that's one to mask later and quickly get sprayed.  I've the underside to respray on some none Plan items* - and they only got sprayed because they were already masked for spraying some time back, possibly May 2017.  IIRC, I've yet to give a short nose Seafang (short nose being my term for semi-navalised Spitefuls that have the arrestor hook but standard Spiteful nose, as opposed to the long nose with the deeper Seafire 47 style cowling) a final coat of sky.

All the tape is off now with a minimum of lifting and overspray issues.  A few will need some remedial action with a brush but overall, very happy so far with pretty much everything. Some are already firm favourites and these have higher priority for completion. As to whether it all gets finished is down to time or the lack of it, Work, and the vagaries of the postal service.

Haven't done a lot today other than sort the various aircraft into box lids with their respective wheels, exhausts, etc, to see where I'm up to.  There's a lot of props yet to sort out but not as many wheels as I'd feared.  The resin copies I was given of the Eduard Brassin wheels** are nice but I can't find a way of mounting them for spraying as cocktail sticks just don't work.

Decalling may start later today, but after the last few days graft, I'm taking a lazy day today.  I plan to have the bulk of the decalling complete by Thursday, a day of varnishing, and two days tidying up.

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*For the record these are a P51D Mustang, an MB5 and a Tempest II.  There's also a Centaurus engined "Furious"  but that needs a tad more masking before I can spray it later.

**  Nice bag of various 3, 4 and 5 spoke wheels plus top cowlings were sent by another Spitfire fanatic on Britmodeller some time last year and it's only now that I've started trying them out.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Even mindless violence seems boring today!"

Little over a quarter into the decalling and I'm bored to tears.  I hate it more than masking, especially all the cutting out of squadron code letters which takes forever.  I spent over two hours yesterday going through the decal boxes to try and pull things together.  I had to do the same again today and don't have a lot to show for my time.

What I do have is starting to look quite spiffing.  Several done so far are only partials, because I'm waiting for decals to arrive and more worryingly, I know I'll have to order some tomorrow as I don't have enough Sky code letters to do several mk Vbs.

The Plan is becoming slightly more fluid, as I've noticed that there's a few on the go that aren't in it, so one of the planned Swedish aircraft may well end up in RAF markings instead, largely because I want it for a second line unit to go with the F26.  I couldn't find the unit I wanted so went with another and then thought about a few extra to go with it.  My fetish for lineups kicking in again.  I did find mention of this unit (I *think* it may well be 203 Advanced Training School) having a PR19 on the books but there's only a serial mentioned, no scheme, so I'm thinking a quick Aluminium respray of another primed "Cabinet of Doom" resident and get the decals on.  It's a grey area but one that I'm quite happy to exploit.  It also gets one of the many unfinished aircraft done.  Much of the smaller parts are already done, so it's not really too much of a stretch.

Doing the research is having an odd effect, because it's making me think about the next issue of The Plan and where I want to go with it.  Quite a few ideas are popping up and I'd like to start cutting plastic.  Not just with Spitfires, but Spitefuls and Seafangs, Hornets too.  Getting hold of the lates Franks Datafile on Merlin Spitfires doesn't help matters either, especially with Colin reboxing the AZ/KPM Spitfire Vb with parts for Seafire Ibs and some of the bits are applicable to mk Va's...

I'm also reluctantly considering axing one or two of the planned middle east exports.  The Syrian mk IX because the markings I have that are in period are a bit big, the Lebanese one because I already have a Lebanese aircraft in the collection and the Jordanians?  Well, I'm not sure if the markings I have are right for the early 1950s.  The mk IX I'm quite happy to reallocate but I was quite wedded to the mk 22 as it looks completely different in a desert scheme.  I've a mk XVIe lowback that I *still* don't know what I had planned for it.  May well be best to be ruthless now, because pruning the numbers will help getting the bulk done.

Clock is ticking and I still have a great deal to do.

Comments on this thread - if anyone reading it can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"What's happened to all your clothes, Neil?"

A day past schedule and the decalling still isn't complete.  The bulk of it is now done, but there's quite a few which need finishing - I'd got the national markings on and then moved to the next. so I've got to add nasty things like serial and squadron codes.  There's several which where waiting for some custom serials (thanks Kit!) which I'll finish on sunday - for various reasons, I lose much of tomorrow.  All of the decalling must be finished on sunday to stand any chance of getting the bulk finished.  I know I'll be varnishing then too.

Several of the ones I'd been vacillating over markings have now been sorted out.  The mk 16e ended up as a 13 Group communications aircraft (they had a mk IX) and I also gave the planned Syrian IX to the same unit, suitably serialed as a 16 highback.  The planned Pakistan 14 is going RAF instead - I couldn't be bothered with the extra research and, having done the research for the other RAF second line ones,  I found a suitable post war unit.  The 203 AFS 19 is now done and I also dragged out another PR19 from the "Cabinet of Doom" which will get a quick coat of PRU Blue on sunday and be marked up as a met flight aircraft.  Still haven't learned that lesson and I doubt I ever will...

The research is annoying, because it's throwing up quite a bit that I *really* want to do but can't until I have Telford out of the way!  Bollocks to the decalling and finishing - I just want to start gluing!

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"No, but it doesn't say, "Ensure the machine isn't full of washing-up liquid"!"

The last bar one of the un-decalled Spits are now done, the last one is awaiting some decals which I should get tomorrow and it'll get done tomorrow night.  There's still quite a few partials still to complete, but I have most of the relevant decals ready to go on, it's just having the time to do it and sunday should see the lot done and hopefully varnished.

I have a fair few wheels to sort out and then there's the whole thorny issue of props to consider.  Then there's the exhausts as a few will still need sorting out.  Pretty sure I'm now within sight of the final lap, but it still feels like there's lots to do.

Comments on this thread - if anyone reading it can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Bored. Bored. Bored! Bored!"

Still decalling, but almost on the final straight with that now.  The last one to start decalling, a lowback IXe in Russian markings and flown by "Comrade Ogilvy" is now done.  I'm really happy with it, although the patriotic slogan I wanted down the fuselage didn't quite eork out, so he just got kill markings and a Ace of Spades badge.  I did want an RAF roundel in the centre of the fuselage star, but couldn't find one small enough (although having said that...  No, still too big) but really, it's not that important.

Still slogging my way through the partials, but it's small stuff now so should be ready to varnish later.  But it all looks really good.  The two 607 Sqn Spitefuls look good, especially the one in the final scheme with the squadron bars.  Really happy with that one and I'm looking forward to seeing the final result.

Comments on this thread - if anyone reading it can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan: