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The Wooksta: Not a Spitfire Blog

Started by The Wooksta!, May 01, 2012, 08:32:10 AM

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The Wooksta!

Not sure if I'm allowed to do this but...  Sod it, I'll do it anyway.  Can only get banned!

This is for what else I'm doing, in between the Spitfires.  I don't want to start anything new - Spitfires and The Plan have higher priority - but like all modellers, there's umpteen half built and nearly finished projects in boxes and I'm trying to finish some of them off when I get bored with the Spitfires.  Inspiration for the latter will come back, I don't know the exact day or date but I do know it'll be 5 minutes after I get the new Airfix Spitfire F22 home, if not sooner.

At the moment, it's Lancasters and mentioned in The Plan blog, I threw one together last night.  It's on it's u/c and waiting for primer.  This will have to be white, because part of the scheme is that colour and I'm too lazy a modeller to want to respray white over grey.  

I blame Martin for the Lancasters.  Not for me building them, but for the return to them.  Operation Cosford saw me finishing off the AEW one -  PR19_Kit was kind enough to send me some replacement Lancaster main gears to repair the u/c and there was enough to repair some of the other Lancaster projects which got damaged over time.  There's a total of four - two Grand Slam (one decalled and now needing matt varnish, t'other still needing more painting), a Spoofer/Jammer and now the Lancastrian.

A flip through Martin Streetly's Aircraft of 100 Group gave me the thoughts for the Jammer, but it's not a squadron aircraft - well, it doesn't have full codes apart from a simple "Z".  The AEW was Dougal, so this may have to be Zebadiah.  I think most of you will know where I'm going with that one...

This Blog is also for other ideas that I have but don't want to do. I won't be building Luftwaffe stuff again but still get the odd urge.  Such as either an Avia S199 or CS199 in Luftwaffe service with a training unit - say the Supermen ran out of DB605s and fitted old Jumo 211s to old or damaged airframes for use with the training schools.  It's not something I'd do myself (although one with roughly overpainted RAF roundels and an Air Min number is somewhat appealing and I did enjoy the old KP Avia CS199 kit) but someone else without my scruples may find it interesting.

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The Plan:

The Wooksta!

Mention elsewhere on the site of an IAR80 done with a jet Yak 15 style brings me to a few ideas I did have years back but never got round to.

Me 209TL.  Everyone goes on about the 109 with a Jumo 004 but what about this instead?  The Me 209A was to have used a standard 109G fuselage but with new tail and wing and a DB603.  How about Messerschmitt proposed a simple lash up with an underslung Jumo 004, or more likely BMW003, as his entry in the Volksjager competition - IIRC, they didn't participate.

Avia S-99TL  Bf 109TL version of the Avia S199.  Obviously.  Czech and Isreali markings thus follow logically.

Bf 109H  There was a real one but this is something that makes a bit more sense.  The 109G-10 had the DB605D that was intended as a high altitude engine so cross kit the Revell G-10 fuselage with the MPM BF109H wing.  The two do fit remarkably well...

One other thing I did like the idea of was an Me 210 the way it was originally intended, before Messerschmitt himself started arseing about with the design.  He was obsessed with saving weight and had the fuselage shortened.  This threw everything out and consequently, it flew like a bag of spanners.  Longer fuselage and twin fins (nicked from a Bf 110) and standard Me 210 wings and engines.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

The Grand Slam Lancasters near finishing!  Well, one does - it's been varnished (what a struggle that was...), props, canopy and wheels are on.  I just need to build the FN82 tail turret and the Hasegawa one does not like to go together at all.

The other one...  I finally dug out my Scale Aircraft Modelling on SEAC colours and found out that bombers didn't carry the wing recognition bands although there were special tail markings.  My initial thoughts were for simple white tail fins and I may just go with that.  Needs some touching up and I need to source some decals but I'd like to get her finished soon.  I'm going to have to start looking towards building the weapon now.  And another Hasegawa FN82 tail turret...

Also have the Beafighter varnished, so that's another one of the hangar queens dealt with.  One more Beaufighter to finish...

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

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The Plan:

The Wooksta!

More tinkering with Lancaster bits.  The wheels for the Lancastrian 6 are now done whilst the u/c doors have their interior colour on.  Also did the rockets for the Beaufighter.

Slow progress but I'm not really too fussed at the moment.  Need inspiration.

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The Plan:

The Wooksta!

Well, the Beaufighter is finally finished, although I had to do a new u/c door as one decided to go walkies and I've yet to find it.  I've a feeling it's gone up the hoover - I don't have carpet where I do my modelling, I have laminate flooring although it's carpeted where I spray to protect it from spillage, etc.  Consequently, any bits that I drop tend to skitter accross the floor never to be seen again.  Well, until I stand on them anyway or the Hoover gets them.

I'm satisfied with it but not entirely happy with the finish.  I'm just happy to have abother one of the hangar queens out of the way.  Just need to find a box for it.

With one out of the way, another moves into the queue.  This time it's a Sea Fury FB11, mainly decalled and just needing some codes, varnishing and the canopy.  British Pacific Fleet and it goes with the Sea Fury torpedo fighter I finished a few months back.  Whilst I'm doing that, the stalled RAF furies sitting forlorn in a box atop a filing tray stand really should be looked at.  They're at a similar stage and wouldn't take much work to finish.

Zebediah nears completion.  The u/c doors are done but yet to be affixed and the radio aerials around the nose are on but need painting.  I had an idea to use reshaped staples for these but this proved a bit clunky so I dug out some Contrail struts and stretched sprue.  Bit frustrating assembling them but they don't look that bad unless you look at them closely.  Its a Matchbox kit anyway, not the greatest of Lancaster kits and somewhat clunky compared to the Airfix one, let alone the Hasegawa or Revell ones.  Few more aerials and then I just have to do the props.  I have a feeling I'm going to detest this model when it's done.

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The Plan:

The Wooksta!

Having been thinking about extended range Mk XIVe Spitfires armed with 4 20mm cannon has also led me to thinking of RAF Lancasters in daylight camo.

Now, what would this have been?  Tiger Force is well documented and the MSG/Night scheme adopted by the Lincoln post war and some Lancasters for export is also a possible.  Most likely though is the Ocean Grey/Dark Green over Med Sea Grey worn by the Mosquito.  However, I also find either Dark Sea Grey/Dark Green over PRU Blue  or Med Sea Grey over PRU Blue quite appealing.  So that's possibly three more Lancasters to build...

All late war, so they'd need certain upgrades.  Lincoln tail fins and wheels, that's a given.  Martin mid upper turrets, carried by the BVIIs of Tiger Force is also likely.  Village Inn AGL?  Definitely.  Re-engined with Merlin 85s? Possibly.

So, if I've got three Lancasters to build/upgrade, do each one in one scheme.  Standard B.III in the first, just add the AGL.  The second, I may just use a Revell or Hasegawa kit because they don't have the flame dampers moulded on to the engine cowlings.  The latter comes with Village Inn in the box anyway. The third?  Airfix, especially if it's being re-engined with Merlin 85s. 

One of the other things I've wanted to do with Lancasters is a half way house hybrid of Lancaster and Lincoln - nose, tail and engines of the latter on the former.  The only thing that's really stopped me is the glazing, although a resin piece in clear resin may work.  May do the MSG/PRU blue scheme with this one

Again, too many ideas and not enough time.  Then again, given the number of part started Airfix Lancasters in the stash, it may not take too long to throw one together.

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

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The Plan:

The Wooksta!

Time to update this thread, methinks...

The BPF Sea Fury is *finally* finished - I painted the canopy framing last week and dropped it into place.  It's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but it doesn't look too bad if you stand about six foot away and squint a bit.

I'm starting this one on all things Hawker as I was looking some bits out the other day and found a part started Airfix Sea Hawk and most of a Frog/Novo one (IIRC, it's one Thorvic got me at some show way back in the mists of time), although I don't know where the tail planes went.

Given that I'm currently wedded to flying models, at least for Attackers, I thought about doing the Novo Seahawk as one such thing and reading through a book on the Attacker gives me an RNVR squadron that would have got Attackers were it not for the Sandys Axe.  Slam dunk.  EDSG over white.  Just need a set of tailplanes and I think I know where there *might* be a set.  Although at a push I could nick them from an Airfix one, even though they're worse than the Novo one.  Yep, you heard that right...

What about t'other?  Hawker P.1035, navalised.  Van883 did a P.1035 some years back (do a search...) and I started one soon after but never finished it.  This may get dragged back out as a comparison aircraft.  However, I've a set of Matchbox Tempest wings that I was given and nothing to do with them as they've been modded in such a way that I can't use them for Tempests but then I though "How about folding the wings?"  It gets round a problem with airfoil cross sections and if I go for that dark immediate post war scheme, it'd hide a lot of flaws. 

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

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The Plan:

The Wooksta!

Haven't updated either of the blogs as I'd not one any modelling this year, even though not having a job you'd think I'd have the time.  Time yes, motivation, no.  Modelling was a release from the pressures of work - no work = no motivation ergo no modelling.  Yeah, I've tinkered a bit here and there - little bit of glueing here, some sanding there, test fitting, etc.  You get the picture.

However, seeing the new Airfix Lancaster got me started and I went digging, did some sanding on the wing/engine joint of one of the half built Revell jobs in the stash and then BANG!  The lights come on, the drums kick in and we're off again.  I have me mojo back and this time it wants to play with Lancasters.

First up, the half started one.  This was an assembled fuselage with a Lancastrian nose and slated as a tanker but it had stalled as I couldn't figure out the housing for the drogues on the Flight Refuelling Ltd Lanc.  So that idea got squashed and I thought of another AEW Lanc as a companion for 'Dougal'.  Out came the spare Aeroclub AEW radome and the wings went on sharpish and consequently it's now ready to have the u/c installed.  I've yet to consider a scheme, but I'm toying with the Extra Dark Sea Grey/Dark Slate Grey over Sky with BPF style roundels as an AEW over the Fleet in the far east.  Village Inn has been installed but I'm unsure if I'll fit the FN82 tail turret which seems to be a feature of all my late war Lancasters and I simply don't have enough. The alternative is to use a standard Airfix (1980 tooling) tail turret but with the guns replaced with the spare .50 cal ones from a Hasegawa Lanc and say that they were bodge jobs knocked up at a maintenance unit in theatre.  The spare tropical filters got nickled from a Hasegawa Lancaster for this one also.

In the same box was another Revell kit, modified with the Paragon bits to a Grand Slam version.  Again, it's to be a far east aircraft, so the tropical filters got nicked from a Hase Lanc, along with Village Inn - this one will get an FN82 and it's going in the white over Black scheme.  Again, BPF roundels but with 9 squadron codes - 9 and 617 were to have taken their 'Specials' far east but 617 is too obvious and as I've an unfinished Lancaster VI 'Special' they may get that instead.  Dark Earth/Dark Green over PRU Blue on that and it's getting white tail fins - none of that tedious white striping malarkey there.

I threw together another Revell Lanc and again, another Far East job, a BVII.  Lincoln fins and wheels, tropical filters, AGL and the 50 cal bodge turret  but I've eliminated the mid upper turret - this should be a Martin turret but I only had one spare and that's already been used on the Lanchester (more of which anon) - so I'll explain it away as they removed them to save weight.  Scheme will be overall natural metal, or Aluminium Dope with BPF roundels and codes for one of the squadrons to be based on Iwo Jima as the main component of Tiger Force.  Why the NMF?  Partly laziness - out with a Halfords can! but it can be explained away as keeping commonality with the US aircraft and if it's in silver, US gunners are less likely to shoot at it.

So we come to the Avro Lanchester.  This is a halfway house between a Lancaster and a Lincoln, with some Shackleton thrown in for good measure.  Revell Lancaster with Paragon Lincoln nose, wheels, A2Zee Lincoln fins, Shackleton nacelles and engines.  The Revell H2S looked poor, so it got replaced with an Airfix one.  Village Inn AGL as standard plus a Martin turret nicked from a Marauder, although I think I've fitted it too far forward... 

Cue some serious trimming, filling and sanding to get the inner nacelles to fit but they look okay now.  Some similar bodge work had to be done to get the engines themselves to fit properly.  Time has not been kind to the Frog Shackleton moulds.

I'd originally intended it to carry the larger version of 'Grand Slam' - Housekeeper- which is really a Blue Danube casing but with a conventional warhead.  However, I didn't have any of the relevant resin bits in the spares box for the fairing, so it gets a Grand Slam but housed under the Matchbox Lanc bulged bay.  It does fit the Revell kit and a test fit of an assembled bomb showed that it would fit inside the doors - just - so they got fitted.  If and when it's finished, I'd like a few bomb trolleys in front of it carrying modern 1,000lb bombs for it - their shape is similar to a Grand Slam, just scaled down.

There'll be another two Lanchesters to go with it.  One similar to the one in build, but with the Grand Slam fairings, a Lancastrian tail cone and no mid upper turret.  Central Bomber Establishment testing new bomb shapes.  The other will be armed with 'Housekeeper' so no mid upper turret (none left) and re-engined with Bristol Centaurus.

I did conceive of a rather more lethal version of Housekeeper - Nursemaid.  Kerosene/Liquid oxygen warhead and detonated by a preset radio altimeter, intended as a blast weapon against troop concentrations.  Only external difference will be a radio aerial.

I'd like to finish at least one for the Northern Show.  May well be the first none plan item built from scratch for some time.

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The Plan:

The Wooksta!

After much swearing, the Lanchester now has it's undercarriage fitted.  I can honestly say that I'd like to have whoever designed this kit (rest of rant deleted on legal advice).  It's an absolute nightmare to fit and you need to have at least three pairs of hands.  Never had this problem with the old Airfix one.  I did one side first and almost threw the whole thing off the wall in frustration.  So I left the other one till later.  Much later.

Given the the extra weight on the real aircraft, most received a twin wheel tailwheel.  That's the excuse for replacing the woefully horrid Revell tailwheel with something better, only I don't have enough spare Airfix ones.  Pity John Adams doesn't do a white metal one...  I'm thinking of nicking a Canberra nosegear.

I've also fitted some more of the resin bits to the nose and it's looking to be almost ready to prime.  Hopefully, the reasonable weather will hold long enough to get out back with a Halfords can.

Lenny mentioned in the stash thread that he was looking at an Airfix Meteor III converted to a recce nosed Sea Meteor.  I have bad news for him - I've got there first.  Well, nearly.  One of the things I managed to do before the axe finally fell at NCJ was to assemble an Airfix Meteor, complete with recce nose and belly tank.  Just needs the arrestor hook and it's off to the paint shop, although quite which Navy scheme I'm going to employ is open to question and I have at least four to choose from.

There's another Sea Meteor to go with it, although nowhere near as far along, although it's together and has the filler applied, after which I lost interest.  That's one for the long term.

There is yet another FR Meteor that got as far as the paint being applied some years back - all three camo colours, in fact- but it still needs decals.  Far east colours for that one.  Again, I'd like to get it finished, if only to get it out of the way.

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The Plan:

The Wooksta!

All of the Lancasters are now on their undercarriages bar the FE Grand Slam one, although the upper colour is now on and needs masking.  Weather permitting, I'll get a pair primed tomorrow - the B VII (FE) will get a primer coat of aluminium.

The AEW is going in the scheme I mentioned earlier - Dave (Kitbasher) opined that it should be Azure Blue underneath with the entirely fair reasoning that Wellingtons and Warwicks had that scheme for use over the Bay of Biscay - however, the scheme I have in mind WAS used on Lancasters, albeit ASR ones in the Med.  

Mention of ASR brings me to a pair of part started Hasegawa ones I dug out.  One of these is straight from the box - sort of.  All the bits are from the box, bar the fins and the lifeboat courtesy of Uncle Eddy at Blackbeard Resins.  The other one was one bought part started from ebay but the engines looked unsalvageable so I'm going to give it Merlin 85s and a Lincoln nose.  Overall Dark Sea Grey and the normal MR/GR III mods.

The Lincoln nosed Lancaster VI moves slowly.  Fuselage is all done but the wings need more snading before I can bring forward assembly.  The Lancaster VI Specials also move forward but it's a slow process.  Spitfires I can throw together fairly quickly but Lancasters take a bit longer.

I need to find a cheap Condor V-2 - I've been thinking of a radio controlled Miles 52 with a warhead as an early stand off bomb.  Another weapon to go underneath the Lanchester although I still want to come up with an interesting code name.  Scrum half, perhaps?

I'm also thinking about finishing off a Tempest II that's been sitting with a coat of Aluminium on it.  Blue bands and BPF markings, perhaps?  Need some drop tanks for that but I may use the larger Sea Fury ferry tanks which came with the Trumpeter kit.  A similarly marked RAF Fury - and I have an assembled but unpainted PM kit that's to hand - may also be on the cards to go with it.

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

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The Plan:

The Wooksta!

I've finally got some primer on the Lanchester and the AEW Lancaster.  Both are looking rather good and I'm looking forward to getting the airbrush out and putting some real colours on them.

The Lincoln nosed Lancaster VI is now together and it looks a right beast.  The nose and engines change the shape entirely and as it doesn't have the stretch of the Lincoln it looks a lot more squat and brutish.  I'm liking it so much that I want another two to go with it - one an AEW and the other I'm thinking of either the Central Bomber school, Multi-engined Operational Training Unit (or MOTU).  I may drop the AEW and just do both as the options outlined.  However, if I can get another Airfix 2nd gen kit in it's Dambuster guise, all three are thus possible.  Need to have a word with one of the lads at Wor Club as he said he was building the new Airfix Dambuster and had the older kit spare.  It's really just the fuselage I need as the upper turret is blanked off and I don't have to carve it out and refill it.

I'm going for training units so I can use the standard kit tail turret - I simply don't have enough FN82 tail turrets to use.  Besides, you don't see that many second line Lancasters - we're back to my policy of more esoteric whiffs rather than the well trodden and in my view cliched famous units.

A late MR/GR has already been touted with a Hasegawa kit and the bits are cast, although that's going to be more long term.  The kit still had Village Inn left on the sprues - not for long as it's now on the Lancaster VI.  Overall Dark Sea Grey for that.

Another long term Lancaster based project was to be a second Avro Alston (this one is the first - http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,23413.0) but a lot more developed.  I'm thinking about getting rid of the buried engine and using some two stage Merlins or possibly something more powerful (Griffon or Centaurus).  This means I can use the full bomb bay and with a Lancastrian nose, move the H2S to the nose.  The wings get the Lincoln stretch but because I've got a full Revell fuselage spare, I want to use that.  This means I may be able to use a Contrail 1st tooling Lincoln wing.  As this is a nasty vacform, it makes the whole thing more long term, although I'd like to have it done for Telford.  Whatever I use, it's going to need a lot of sanding

It'll be an impressive model, although I may just have it as an inflight model for ease of assembly.  I'm determined to use the deep 'Tallboy' bomb bay that I have in the spares box - one of those dropped from high altitude would make a real mess of any target.  Plus there's some Paragon bits for the proposed ventral turret that I may as well use up

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

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The Plan:

The Wooksta!

Having looked at a long stalled Lincoln project - a part converted Lancaster/Shackleton hybrid - I may do a late Alston with the Lincoln fuselage plug.  More fuel and l can get another stalled project done.  Means using one of my Shackletons - wish I hadn't sold off what I thought were surplus ones a few years back.

The fuselage is largely done, although I'll have to remove the H2S blister under the fuslage and the visual bomb aimers fairing under the nose.  Some other work will have to be done around the cockpit area - the canopy will look radically different yet strangely familiar and could need some considerable reprofiling to get it to fit.

This has come about as having looked at the decidedly rough Comtrail wing, the version in my previous post may be a bit longer in coming, although I could use the vacform Shackleton wing that was donated some years back.  Whichever version gets done, the wheels are going to be up.

Other things I'm thinking of are the RAF YB49 that's been stalled for the best part of a decade.  I had thought MSG/PRU Blue for that but Aluminum/Black like the Washingtons may be a better bet.  Need to do some archaeology to find that one.

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

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The Plan:

The Wooksta!

Well, all of the Lancaster fuselages which are getting the Lincoln nose are now assembled - spent a rather pleasant afternoon outside in the bright sunshine doing lots of sanding, filling and cutting.  Naturally, I just had to have a drink to go with the holiday atmosphere, so a Sailor Jerry's (pre-2010 vintage) and coke was appropriate.  I say coke, I really mean Pepsi - coke is way too acidic and metalic for my tastes, plus it ruins the Sailor Jerry's.  

In addition, I just had to fire up the barbecue - I had some Bratwursts in the freezer that really needed eating.  They took an age to cook and some Polish dudes over the back cutting their garden with some powered implement kind of ruined the atmosphere.  I'm not exactly sure who was doing the garden - given the laughing and shrieking I'm assuming it was the Chuckle Brothers or perhaps Morcambe and Wise.  Some sodding comedians anyway.  I'm assuming the guys were Polish, certainly east europeans given the language and accents.  At least they were enjoying themselves.

Another SJ & Coke went down easily - too easily given that there's not much left in the bottle (although there are two 1.5 ltr bottles in protective custody at me Mams) - so the Havana Club came out.

I've come to the realisation that I probably won't get anything new finished for next week's show just roond the corner in The Toon, so I'm not going to flog myself to death doing so.  Had far too much of that, thanks.  I may try getting the 100 Group Lancaster jammer that really just needs a few aerials on it just to get it out of the way,  plus there's two Attackers that need very little work.  Maybe.

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

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The Plan:

The Wooksta!

Been having a few thoughts recently...

Had an idea a while back to do a De Havilland competitor to the Balliol, which would be a bit like a Chipmunk on steroids.  Wings need changing - something like a Hornet would do and I'm minded to use the Special Hobby kit that's part started because it's not worth finishing as a Hornet (that's how much I dislike that kit!)  Maybe Mosquito fin and rudder, although it may have to have the fillet.  Hornet tailplanes (spare Skybirds ones) and a late Mosquito bomber canopy.

The latter gives me another idea - a Mosquito T.IV.  Basically a dual control bomber version, with the instructor also being there to guide the bomb aimer pupil.  Although on second thoughts, it's a bit cramped for the guy in the nose.

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

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The Plan:

The Wooksta!

More ideas kicking about.

Backdating an Airfix Vampire trainer - F1 style tailbooms and wingtips, Mosquito fighter canopy and four .303s in the nosecone.

Venom two seat PR job - the radar nose is kind of replaced with cameras.  It's a cheaper PR aircraft for third world types who can't afford Cranberries.

A Blenheim If nightfighter but in the later MSG/DG scheme, although with an OTU rather than an operational unit.  Ideal with the new Airfix kit a few months away from release.  May also give it the twin brownings later turret from the Mk IV and having seen the sprue shots, I've a feeling we may get the bits for both marks in the one box*

Re-reading through this thread has reminded me what the half built PM Fury is doing sitting in a box.

The Elliott Balliol has arrived and boy is it rough!  So rough I'm almost minded to sacrifice a Pegasus one instead.   The Elliot one does score a bit better as the radiator bath is separate and I was wanting to go with leading edge ones on my DH competitor, the de Havilland Dean (They had a trainer called the Don, Airspeed built an Oxford, Balliol has a university connection too so "Dean" is both appropriate and alliterative).  May push this back a little but still want to do it.

*Which brings me to an article by some ill-informed muppet in the latest IPMS newsletter, whinging about the newer Airfix releases having bits that aren't marked on the instructions.  Well, yes.  They're called extras, mate, and very welcome they are too.  The major gripe of his is that the series two Early Hurricane has all of the bits for a BoB one but the instructions don't say so.  True, they don't, but then again, the kit is marketed as an early PRE WAR aircraft.  If the modeller wants a wartime one - and there were quite a few more rag wing Hurris than many realise - then they have to do their own research.  He also whinged about the Harrier GR3 kit having all the bits for a GR1 but no GR1 decals.  Well, it wouldn't - it's a GR3.  

Has it really come to this?  Are modellers now so ******* stupid that they have to be spoon fed?  Are they incapable of doing some research or using their initiative?  On the basis of this article, then yes, they are.  The utter cretins...

Next month: someone complains about the tropical intakes and Village Inn AGL on the sprues in the Hasegawa Lancaster despite no decals being given for an aircraft using them.  Insert expletive here.

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan: