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The Wooksta: Not a Spitfire Blog

Started by The Wooksta!, May 01, 2012, 08:32:10 AM

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The Wooksta!

"No, mine's a yellow Ford Anglia with flames up the sides."

The Skybolt Vulcans are getting closer to getting a coat of paint, as all the filling is done and sanded back (pause for sarcastic laughing) and I just need to fit the pylons and fill them, plus the bomb bay doors as leaving them off makes it easier to handle.  I've yet to remove the kit exhausts to replace them with those spiffing brass ones, so out with the saw tomorrow.

The partially assembled Vulcan that was dragged out of me Mam's loft last week.  The intakes are now in place and filling there has commenced, which will get sanded back tomorrow. That is definitely going to be the tanker, but I need to do some checking as the serial I have for a K2 may not have Olympus 300s.  Easy enough to replace them if they're not - I have three different sets of 202 exhausts, plus a set of 201s.

So, what about the Red Flag desert Sand and Stone wraparound XM607?  Well, that's easy. Easy peasy.  I've got another Vulcan.

Well, one of the ones I got from ebay last week was part started, actually, largely assembled, with only one wing to go on and the tailcone.  TBH, I think they'd actually come off or the whole thing had been assembled and then dropped, as one of the intakes was rattling about inside when I opened the box.  I managed to pry open the airframe enough to get it out and then wiggle it back into place.

So, thinking that, well, as it was that far along I may as well go the whole hog and get it to primer stage.  Except that it's not quite that easy.  As usual, buying an airframe built by someone else with different standards and build ability is never a good idea.  It's a lottery and what one modeller may find acceptable, another may just take one look and chuck it in the bin.  Well, it wasn't that bad, but none of the gaps or seams had been tackled yet it was pre shaded. The intakes are particularly badly done but at least I can hide them with FOD guards.  So, out with the filler.  Some bits were put back on and others taken off - the little vents and exhausts had to come off as they were both badly fitted and not cleaned up enough for my tastes.  The first lot of filler has been sanded back and the next skim is curing overnight.

And after this and the tanker are together, I'm not doing another Vulcan for a while.  7 together is enough for anyone.

Comments on this thread - in the vain attempt that anyone is actually reading it and can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Look, why don't you just go away?"

I am not happy.

Buccaneers.  I had a new tool one assembled, all it needed was the slippers.  I had the Freightdog WE177 conversion ready to go on it and I could get priming.  Fast forward to Monday.  I get another kit, the RAF boxing.  And now find all the bits are different, so what I'd intended as a 1984 Cold War Hot aircraft is at best an early RAF S2A circa 1970 sans bomb door and with the wrong wingtips.

It's fixable, I suppose.  Fill the open doors on the wing fold, rip off the wingtips and attach the original S2 ones and paint in a mid 60s scheme with a higher demarcation for the white (modified backstory - the RAF agrees to take Buccaneers provided that they get a minimum of 60 TSR2s) and go with a training aircraft from 237 OCU on a jolly outing to Otterburn.

Still means I have to get another new tool RAF boxing - which I really didn't want to do - to do the WE177 version, as the one I got on monday was going to get Paveways. And I *still* need another Sidewinder and associated pylon as I want the WE177 aircraft fitted with a pair plus slipper tanks as it's going on a one way trip into Belarus to bomb something.

Comments on this thread - in the vain attempt that anyone is actually reading it and can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"I tend to think the whole outfit is a little on the snug side."

I started cleaning up the Gannett kit/prototype/test shot of the English Electric P.8 and it's coming ing together reasonably well although I can see some more sanding and test fitting before I can think of using any glue. I do know that some bits will need the hot water treatment whilst the wing trailing edge needs rebuilding. I also have to build up the wing root leading edge as Alistair had issues getting it out, but it's taped up now and it looks impressive.

It's a bit odd in that there are some panel lines but not others. For example, the flaps are on the wings but no ailerons. The air brakes are there but not the removable spine that would have allowed access to the upper engine. There's no rudder either, but I have a vague memory of TsrJoe telling me the type would have had an all moving fin - ie the entire fin was the rudder a la TSR2.

I'm happy with it so far - I've been wanting one of these for a good twenty years and the opportunity to build one is simply a dream come true. I've already expressed an interest in a second, possibly a third, as I'd like a more developed version in a late Lightning scheme, in the air defence greys, bigger fin and either more missiles or underwing tanks, plus a scab on belly tank and refuelling probe.  Maybe 5 sqn markings.  The other one I'm tempted with would get VG wings, either some bits I got from Joe (IF I can find them) or the Freightdog ones.

As it goes, it's a superb effort, a big leap in quality over his earlier printed kits and I think Alistair will go from strength to strength. Now, what about an EE P.6 single engined Lightning and a Hawker P.1103?

In other news, I've been tinkering with the new tool Vulcan and have some of the cockpit assembled, as well as the bomb bay with associated structure and the lower wings. One of the uppers is badly warped and unusable so I've stalled somewhat, although there's lots of other bits I can get on with.

I just want to get on with the P.8 and the new Airfix Mosquito is winging it's way to me as I dab this.

You should know by now where the comments go.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Oh, who cares?"

The P.8 is now together and I've done the first round of psr, although my filler of choice here being superglue and baking soda.

I was right in that the integral undercarriage is limiting access whilst sanding, although not as much as I'd feared. However, the trailing edges of the wings are very fine and do tend to chip. Not easy to fix either and there's some superglue gel curing now in a vain attempt to give it another go.

I went to see if I could find the VG wings. I found one in a box with three Lightning T.55s (three? Thought I only had two!), but the other one turned up in a different box which had a solid resin shape for the P.8 - I'd taken a mould from one TsrJoe had done some years back and the resulting model had stalled. The detail is all in place on the port half, I'd just not put it in on the starboard. May have to try and finish it, albeit as a flying model.  May go for one of the Phantom units rather than Lightning - too many of their squadrons are the sexy ones and that goes against the grain.

Also dug out the moulds for the belly tank and the original Lightning fin to see if I could improve the 3d kit but decided against it.

Very happy with the P.8 and it does look impressive. The rate I'm going, the paint should be on tomorrow.

Comments? You know where they go.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Okay, I'll change it then. Hello, Cliff Richard!"

The second P.8 has arrived and it looks very nice indeed. Perhaps a tad more involved but the clear resin and the different breakdown should make assembly easier.

Now I know I can get more, I'm getting more ideas. One with one of the Phantom units was on the cards, but other than 43 Sqn, all are either sexy and that flew Lightning and thus too obvious, or strike squadrons replacing Canberra. I did get the cockpit section, to do a preserved front end, so that could be the camouflaged 43 Sqn one.

I was toying with a Royal Navy one, plus perhaps one with RAF Germany in the Dark Green over Aluminium, but a late 80s one in the Air Defence greys is most likely. I'm almost wedded to a 5 Sqn one with a red fin.

The other Gannet kits... I'm rather enamoured of the delta wing version of the AW.58, as it's got a bit of a Super Sabre vibe about it. One of those in camo toting a quartet of Firestreaks could be interesting, And then there's the Saro P.187. That would have to be RAF Germany in the Dark Green over Aluminium as it so very Thunderbirds it would be a crime to do it in any other scheme.

I was fortunate to have been gifted some of Alistair's earlier 3d printed prototypes last year and I have to confess they have remained in the box.  The FD3 and the twin engine RAE fighter design were the two I most wanted to give a makeover, so once I have the Mosquito out of the way, I may well dig them out. The RAE thing would definitely go in the greys but the FD3...  I need to have a bit more of a think.

Not quite F.155 but derived is the P.1121 that's been languishing in a box for far too seriously long enough by half and it really needs finishing. TBH, it was the canopy that held it up and I think Whirlybird now give two.  I also have a one ready to assemble with a lot of resin, so there's another.  Again, a suitable squadron is lacking.  Somewhere I have the bits from an abortive attempt to copy it in resin and IF I can find the remnants then a two seat Navy one is possible, albeit with a Hunter T7 cockpit grafted on.

And then there's a Swift F7 that really does need finishing.

Lots to think of.

Comments? You know where they go.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:


All of your ideas - I recognise the problem. It's like experiencing some kind of system overload where you get stalled because there's just too many options available. But it's still a rather Nice problem to deal with.  ;)

Carry on, Sir. I'm following your progress with interest
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!

The Wooksta!

"Yes, that was very sweet. But can you get out now? We're trying to change the light bulb."

The P.8 and that Lightning book have got me thinking about the latter, as there are some interesting and easy projects in the book. A PR version and a tactical bomber with a Red Beard, both being P.1B airframes but with the later kinked F.6 wing and wingtip fuel tanks. These being top of the list without having to shell out any cash monies.

Now, I invested many years ago - early 90s when I was building real ones - in a number of Airfix and Novo Lightning's. They're nowhere near state of the art and weren't when I bought them around 1991 so they're ideal for butchery. That being the case, I went digging through the loft to find the box they're in.

On finding it and going through them, I had a few surprises. Mainly aftermarket parts bought at the time to upgrade them. A resin cockpit for the F.6 which will do nicely for the next P.8. One Airfix F.3 had a load of white metal and etch, plus some other extras which will feed into the P.8.

I know I'll need to sort out tailfins, so the Sword or Whirlybird F.1 fin will need a bath in some rubber at some stage, plus the early prototype wheels. There was a spare set in a Whirlybird F.3 which were surplus to requirements.

Thoughts on a tactical bomber turn to a more developed one based on an F.6, still with the tip tanks but underwing WE177s. I'll have another look through the drawings. May well use a Hasegawa one as there's a few in the loft.

Whilst in the loft, I discovered the Whirlybird P.1121 and yes, there's a spare canopy. So I'll dig out the built up one and find the rest of the bits before I go any further.

Another project that was started but never got finished was the VG Lightning. I was gifted some wings by TsrJoe a good twenty years back and they got attached to one built around 1992. It got a coat of aluminium and abandoned.  Now dug out of the loft and given a clean, one wing will need reattaching and I need to do some scribing before a respray, but it's something that can be turned around sharpish. National markings and a P.1B serial and we're gravy.

There was a few export versions mentioned, but I may have to get some bits from Colin and look out one of the Matchbox T-birds.

Again, plenty to think about, but some interesting kit bashing ahead.

Comments go in the other thread!
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"That is the most completely brilliant thing I have ever seen - a flying shark!"

There was one other early, and I do mean early, Lightning proposal that I have to have a go at. No belly tank, early fin, no spine and a proper bubble canopy. It was to have had four cannons in the lower fuselage too. The drawing is dated June 1952, so say a 1955 entry date, 54 if they can spare the wadge. Looking at a Hunter scheme - Dark Sea Grey and Dark Green over Aluminium - and possibly an ex Hunter unit or perhaps they'd be replacing the Sabres in Germany, which would mean PRU Blue underneath instead.

Off back into the loft to do some digging and nabbed an Airfix F3. It's an old mould, early 60s at least and fairly basic.  Not sure how much of a cockpit I'd be putting in, but given the timeframe it would be black anyway. May have a spare Revell Hunter one. That'll do. 
It'll need a fair bit of surgery and no doubt lots of filler too, especially underneath once the belly tank comes out, so the 2TAF squadron may be a better option. Given it's speed, it'd be handy out there in Germany. Yes, I know I can get a new belly from Alleycat but I don't want to have to wait an ice age to get it and pay twenty notes into the bargain.
So some digging through the Hunter sheets and the decal box for that Model decal Sabre sheet may be in order. I do like the idea of 112 Sqn and their shark mouth but it's really a bit obvious.

Whilst in the loft I spied some built up Lightnings that may be salvageable. Both were F6 airframes, probably Novo ones, and one looks to be salvageable, so that may end up as the later tactical bomber. I have some WE177s and whilst they were slated to go on a Vulcan - XM594 from the new tool for reasons explained up thread - the lack of the overload tanks for the bomb bay and the lack of loading trollies for said weapons put the block on that.  I will need another set for the earlier P1B version at some point. I can steal appropriate pylons from a Buccaneer.

Also up there was a rather forlorn Hunter, a PR.13 that never got finished. May give it a clean and a new undercarriage and try to finish it. And there was a pair of assembled Buccaneers that I never knew I had!

Speaking of Buccaneers, I now have a cunning plan for the assembled new tool Navy one - RAAF. Say they bought them and kept them for the same length of time as the F-111? BAe tell them of the issues with the RAF ones in the early 80s and the Australians do the same mods. This explains the earlier naval features on an airframe with the 80s mods and I can get away with a very simple grey scheme. Can you get late RAAF markings for F-111s?

So, lots of ideas and potential projects. Just need some focus.

Comments, for those still reading and who can be arsed to reply... You know where they go by now.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Oh, it's broken."

Well, I found the P.1121 and...  It's not up to current standards.  The decals have gone a bit odd and some of the filler work underneath isn't the best.  I'm not even sure where the rest of the bits are either, although drop tanks and missiles, plus a few doors, should be replaceable.  I do have a second kit that's almost ready to get assembled, but that's more longer term.

Whilst looking for Lightning bits - again - I came across a Final Touch (don't laugh, I got it given...  Probably as a punishment) Lightning T4 conversion.  Frankly, it's basically a shape and clearly based on a converted Matchbox T55 and dropped into rubber. So what to do with it?  Well, there's that spare set of VG wings and a trainer for VG in the early 60s would be rather handy, even if it's for Vickers test pilots.  U/C up and in flight on a stick ,with a solid canopy as the cockpit is just a hole and not a big enough one at that.  I'll have to take off the cable ducting, or shorten it at least.

More later.

Comments, for those still reading and who can be arsed to reply... You know where they go by now.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Oh no, please?"

I hate scribing. Have I mentioned that before? I really hate it. Especially when there are no panel lines at all. Of course, I'm referring to the shape that is the P.8. I now have the scribing done but I had to do some searching to find the blown up drawings  from the relevant BSP volume and they weren't where I thought they were. I still have to sort out the starboard tailplane root, but the piece carved out of a Novo Lightning needs a bit more sanding.

The wings are already done, although I'll have to sort out wingtip launch rails and possibly some underwing pylons too. Given its flaws, this one is going camo. I'm just thinking where I can steal a decent late fin, possibly a Sword T-bird or one of the Alleycat conversions I picked up cheap in the Kit swap a few years back.

Finishing the shape in camo means the Gannet one can be done as the late one in grey and the cockpit section could go all F2A in Dark Green.  Means I still need another Gannet one to do the Navy one, aboard Eagle 'natch, but I'm sure Alistair won't argue.

The VG trainer. Some bits are attached and the nosecone is all blended in, whilst I've done the bulk of the scribing on the wings. A bit more and I can get them on. This is going to be a bare bones one, something quick and simple to use bits that were unlikely to ever be used properly.

And as for the early Lightning. Well, I've now got a unit in mind, 4 Sqn, although I've yet to have a good look for alternatives. 4 meets the criteria, having went from Sabres to Hunters in the timeframe I'm looking at.
I'm naming it the Rapier, because it's not a Lightning. Build wise, it's had the spine and bellytank removed. I've also done some surgery to the bulkhead that Airfix laughably calls a cockpit to get a Hunter tub to fit. The latter also needed a tweak to fit but it does look quite natural in situ, especially once it's painted black.  I found some assembled and tidied up wings in a spares box, so it should be easy enough to get together quickly once the yawning chasms on the fuselage are fixed.

My final thoughts on Lightnings today revolve around the T55, or rather a reasonable whif I've done before but want to revisit. 19 and 92 had their F2s rebuilt to near F6 standard, so why not upgrade the T4s to something approximating the T55? It's something the RAF wanted and it's an easy one to do. Aluminium with a Blue spine or the Dark Green over Aluminium with a gold undercarriage?  Decisions, decisions, although as I find I actually have 4 T55s, I could get away with both.  I have plenty of spare markings too, so one from 19 in one scheme and t'other from 92 in the later.

Comments... I shouldn't need to tell you by now.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"What I need is the drill, the hedge trimmers and some ordinary household bleach."

Well, the shape is progressing nicely. The starboard tailplane root is in place and filled, the belly tank is on and filled. So is the tailfin and the wings. The latter needed some minor surgery to fit, but they're in place and the filler is on. I'll leave it to harden overnight before I do any more sanding. I've left off the tailplanes to make the sanding easier and there's less chance of knocking them off.
I've also sourced some pylons for under the wings - Buccaneer ones but they'll do - and for the wingtips. I'm thinking a total of six Red Tops or Firestreaks. I'm tempted to use the overwing tanks but I'm not convinced as I've never liked them.

I did go looking for markings and found my Sabre sheet, which has some nice options on it, including my preferred option, 4 Sqn. But there's also one for 92 Sqn, which is another interesting option.

Also in the box was a Modeldecal sheet I didn't know I had, with several grey Lightning's on it, but also several Phantoms, which include 43 Sqn, the preferred option for the shape, albeit in greys rather than the DSG/DG/Aluminium with Type D instead of the tactical roundels that's the preferred  scheme.

Quite happy with it so far, although some of the scribing is a bit "meh" and it just looks like a Lightning, what with the early F1 belly tank, later F3 fin and the kinked wing.  It looks just similar enough that the onlooker is at first sure it's a Lightning but just that bit different enough that they'll come back for another look. And those are the best whiffs.

Comments... Shouldn't need to say it by now.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Five past eleven and it's still raining."

The shape is cleaned up, the tailplane are on and so are the wingtip launch rails. A coat of primer and the I can move a bit further. Very happy with it, but with the Gannet kit, thankfully I won't have to do another.

The latter is moving ahead nicely. The fuselage is largely cleaned up and ready to go together, although the airbrake hinges had to go as they impede assembly.  The fin was also removed as it's getting an F3 fin. Not looking forward to cleaning up the wings.

The VG single seater has had all the scribing done. Not perfect but it'll do. Just a coat of paint, when Halfords get in the cans of Aluminium I've ordered, and then the markings.  It's going to be very anonymous, basically roundels and a serial from one of the P1B pre-production batch.  I've asked a mate who's good with figures to paint a pilot for it.

I was thinking about getting an Alleycat conversion to do one of the P1Bs, but then common sense took over. I can do the surgery, filling, and I have the kits about for kitbashing, so why shell out the money?  This would be for the P.19 interceptor and from the drawings looks like an F1 but with an F6 wing, Red Tops and no belly tank.

The number of Lightning projects seem to be growing exponentially. As usual. Perhaps I need some sort of plan?

Comments?  Blah, blah, fishcakes. I honestly doubt anyone is bothered anymore...
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"That's a completely brilliant idea, Mike. I've been wanting to do this for a long time!"

I've been having further thoughts on the VG trainer, largely because the bits I have are clearly based on a standard Lightning wing, whereas any production aircraft would have had a wing 10% larger, the Freightdog wing is clearly the latter.  Obviously the single seater would be a Vickers test aircraft so the two seater? I don't like masking off yellow stripes, especially on something with all the curves of a Lightning, so it's not a trainer.

But not all trainers have yellow bands, the T5 flown by the Empire Test Pilots School didn't (more anon) and they did fly the Shorts SB5, which was an aircraft used in the Lightning's development programme. So they are an obvious candidate for a VG aircraft and thus the T.4 VG goes to them.

The T5 used by ETPS was rather colourful, with a red spine and wingtips, so looks to be fairly easy to do. Spray the red, mask and spray Aluminium. Standard Type D markings.

Just have to shorten the cable ducts and we're sorted.

Comments? You know the drill.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Well, of course you hate it, Neil. It's not finished yet."

The VG T4 is coming along, with all the filling and sanding done. Just the tailplanes to add and then on with the primer. I'll go to white as I'll be spraying the red first

Another project I've looked at is the  p18 tactical bomber, basically an F1 with the F6 wing, tip tanks and a Red Beard under the fuselage. I have the latter, the wings are assembled but need filling, and I located a Red Beard that TsrJoe gifted me years back.

However, there was an assembled F6 in the loft that needed a bit of work and that becomes a candidate for the developed version with a pair of WE177s.  I just need to add the pylons and on with the primer. It's going with one of the F4 strike units, I have either 6 or 14 Sqn in mind but it depends on what F4 decals I gave tucked away. Camo will be similar to that worn by Lightnings after they got toned down in the late 70s. I did think about Dark Green over Aluminium but that's just too easy.
I'm just unsure if I can fit the missiles or give it cannons in the lower bays instead, as where I'd like to fit the bombs would have clearance issues.

The Rapier, which is my name for the initial P1b sans belly tank and spine, is coming along nicely. The fuselage is together, with all the huge holes filled - the belly with plastic card sheet bent into place then planked with offcuts before being hit with superglue and baking soda. The spine was similar, but I used one off the offcut spine remnants in the resultant gap and again employed superglue and baking soda. All is sanded back now, so a primer coat should show off any issues.
I've yet to fit the exhaust, as the drawings shows the design to be similar to that of the P1a. Now, I have an Aeroclub conversion and the exhaust is a metal piece. I also have moulding rubber. You can guess the rest. As soon as I've got the resin clone, I can crack on with the Rapier.
Unit... I'm still minded with 4 Sqn, but I did find markings for 92 Sqn as they flew Sabres before getting Hunter, so that's tempting but possibly a bit obvious.

Finally, one idea that's tickling me is a two seat P8 along similar lines to a Lightning T5, but I don't want to chop up any of my two seaters.

I need to get that plan sorted out...

Comments? Oh, who cares...
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"I don't know why you bother ever."

The Lightning builds are getting somewhere.  At least all the wings are sorted and cleaned up. Fuselages may take a bit longer. I still need to cast some parts.

I sorted the moulds out on Wednesday and demoulded the masters. The first few casts came out okay, although the Rapier's jetpipe needed a second cast after the mould got tweaked with a scalpel. So I've spent the last day casting fins, early wheels, belly tanks and outer mainwheel doors. Some bits feed into the planned P8s, others for the Lightnings on the go.

The current P8s, both the shape and the Gannet one, are subject to a bit of a rethink as regards camo. the shape is still going three tone but the other may not be going greys. I've a feeling the canopy would have got changed at some point in the 70s to something with a bit more glazing, so I may try to get a vacform one done or sand the hell out of the printed piece, polish it and then mask it off. I still want a grey scheme, but I'm unsure of which one to go for as there's at least three.

I'll be drawing up the Lightning Plan over the weekend, to which I'm adding a few others, such as a Swift PR6 and the stalled F7, the Type 545 F1,  possibly a pair of P1081s, maybe a Vampire or two, and two of the older 3d printed models gifted by Alistair.  The latter just need a good sanding before a respray.

Time is running down and whilst not all are vital, I've a core half dozen I really want done.

Comments... Is anyone actually bothering to read this?

"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan: