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The Wooksta: Not a Spitfire Blog

Started by The Wooksta!, May 01, 2012, 08:32:10 AM

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The Wooksta!

"But it says here, Micheal, look "Ensure machine is clean and free from dust."!"

Well, the fuselage of the Thunderbird is together, largely as I've left off the nosecone for now as well as the main gear bay in case the maingears go the same way as the nose gear.  The forward fuselage needed a fair bit of repeat work to get it to blend in and some of the transitions still aren't quite right.  I'll give it a coat of aluminium as a primer as it'll show up any and all flaws.
The maingears have had a good clean up and are as good as they're likely to get and the wing locator tabs are trimmed down to allow the wings to fit a little more snug.
As for the other members of the trio, the 177 has it's wing pylons in place and all the remedial filling is done. The AZ one also has it's pylons and is about ready to prime. The Ursus one isn't too far off either.

I also did some more work on the Rapier, with the small amount of describing done, plus the cannon ports have been grouted out.  Just need to do some work around the canopy base.

Not a lot, but the 187 is taking a lot of sanding.  This is one of the key ones for me, along with the Rapier and the P.8s.  Really want to get it right and do it justice.

Comments go elsewhere, link up thread.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Because I'm not going to bed tonight."

After a couple of late nights, I'm finally getting somewhere, at least until I added a pair of Fairey Deltas and the P.6 mentioned upthread.  The former were quick to throw together, although one was admittedly part started - a Maquette boxing that I obtained a good twenty years ago.  Some of the parts were too far gone, so I'd intended it as an in flight model, but I found another FD2 that was in the loft where I'd chopped the fuselage with the intention of lengthening it as a possible ER.103C.  Never did and the bits went back in the box, so it got raided.

One of the FD2s is going with the Empire Test Pilots School in the fetching red/aluminium scheme but the other is getting Firestreaks, belly tank, some intakes and blisters plus a Phantom tail mounted RWR.  Needs a bit of sanding and the u/c on and it's ready for primer.  That one is going in the late Lightning scheme with the three greys and possibly the black fin and spine of 11 Sqn.

The P6 is a bit more involved, basically trying to install something resembling a cockpit.  The resin Lightning one I had simply wouldn't fit, so I resorted again to a Hunter tub as I've at least one spare.  It's not right for a LIghtning but the P6 isn't quite a Lightning, and it'll be painted black anyway.  There's a complex mish mash of sprue and plastic holding it in place, before I added some lead to weight the nose and filled it with PVA to hold it all in place.  Like the current tranche of P8s, it's getting the late fin and a belly tank.  Need to check the drawings again to find out where the guns go.  I think the missile fit may have to be moved to the wingtips, so I need to either modify the Airfix ones, or go for the developed kinked wing of the F6 - I have a Hasegawa one spare.  However, on second thoughts, the missiles could go under the wing instead and I use the Lightning F1 tailfin instead.  The kinked wing and bigger fin could go on the P.6 F2, which would have the area ruled rear fuselage too, based on wind tunnel data from the P8 programme, which conveniently explains away the Su7 fuselage used as a basis.  That's for the future, unless I can find an hour or two spare to chop up the Su7 fuselage I have kicking about.  And that one could go in the Indian Air Force Thunderbirds scheme to mess with people's heads.  Sounds like a plan...

One of the P8s *finally* got it's wings on yesterday, the yawning chasms at the roots being filled with the current filler of choice, sanded back and then refilled with the Revell stuff.  The other two still need the control surfaces scribed on and I'm not looking forward to that.

And finally, progress on the SR187.  Slow, in a word.  I gave it a coat of Silver as a primer to show up all the flaws, of which there were many.  Filled and sanded back, I think I have most of the transitions sorted out but another coat this morning revealed a few that I'd missed, so yet more filling and I haven't even got the wings on yet.  Sanding this beast is problematical with the printed integral u/c and doors, so I can't manhandle it as easily as say an assembled but unfilled Lancaster (size comparison), and all the odd transitions, especially underneath, make it even more complex.  Valuable lessons are being learned for a possible second one as I'd like to do one in the greys.  I'd really like to see one finished in overall Aluminium with glossy type D roundels and one of the colourful 60s schemes.

So, a final week of assembly and tinkering, before a few days of priming and remedial work so everything is ready for the paintshop.

Comments for those who can be added to reply go here:

"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Right, here it goes."

Finally!  Having procrastinated and prevaricated for far too seriously long enough by half, I now have the wings of both single and two seater P.8s rescribed. Didn't take too long and much of the time was taken by making a scribing template - take a scrap 72nd plan of a Lightning F6 wing, glue to plastic card,. Cut out shape and then remove the flaps and ailerons. Bingo, template to scribe the wings.

Apart from a modicum of sanding to the locator tabs to get a better fit, all I need to do now is glue them in place and fill the remaining gap..

Finally, having taken a few more shots of the P.187, I can get on with doing what hopefully be the last bout of filling and sanding. I really want to get the wings on it soon as time is running down.

Comments go elsewhere for those who can be arsed. Link up thread.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Brilliant. We are now completely self-sufficient in fertiliser."

Finally, having made the mould box last week, I get the rubber poured on an upgrade set for the P8. I've already got the fin moulds and the belly tank was done years back. Basically, it comprises some blisters and the IFR fairing.  Not all the planned P.8s will have them, but most will, so having the mould is handy.

I did a few other mould too, the wings for the P1081 that I've been needing since last year, although these aren't in this year's Plan.  I'm largely concentrating on Lightning and a few related types, with Alistair's 3d printed stuff having priority, along with the early Lightning design and the Supermarine Type 545.
Other than the P6, more of which later, everything is ready for a primer coat to find any remaining flaws. Day or two of tweaking and then out with the airbrush. Very few are using rattle cans, although the undersides of many are in Aluminium. Good job I got a few cans as few weeks back, whilst also stocking up on various Xtracrylic colours.

The P.6 had the fuselage closed up on Wednesday, with much of the sanding and filling done yesterday after the spine and belly tank went on. Showed it off to widescale rapturous apathy to some friends this morning and the flying surfaces went on earlier, with filler being applied soon after. It's looking good so far and I'm looking forward to getting some paint on it.  Admittedly, it'll be a rattle can - Halfords Aluminium - but I'm undecided as to a unit. Obviously, it'll be a Lightning one, but which one?  I have a few obscure units in mind for which I have the decals, but I've got too much choice.
The major sanding for that will be done tomorrow.

The P.8s finally have their canopies on. There's some minor filling needing doing, but the primer should highlight it. Units are decided and the decals are obtained.

The SR.187 is just about done, after a week of sanding and filling. For the next one - and there will be a second, but greys or earlier in Aluminium is as yet to be decided - I'll build it differently to avoid many of the difficulties encountered with this one. Leaving off the tail section until the rest of the fuselage is done and filled is certainly one approach I'll be taking. 
As it is, I've found it challenging, in a good way, but also very frustrating because it's taking so long. Still, I'm on the last or at least the penultimate lap, with a final primer coat of Aluminium going on to show the flaws in filling the wing roots.  I'm looking forward to getting some paint on it.

Comments for those vaguely interested and can be arsed to reply go in the other thread, link is in a previous post.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Well, don't worry, Rick! It wouldn't have worked anyway!"

I am unhappy. I spent quite some time trying to fair in a radar warning receiver onto the AW58 Delta, only to realise that it didn't fit in with the decals I'm planning, so it got snapped off.  Still need to do a modicum of sanding to it and then a final primer coat.

I have finally got a proper primer coat, albeit Aluminium, onto the P.187.  Most of the transitions on the fuselage look fantastic, like they weren't there, but underneath still needs some filler work, plus the tail section will need a fair bit of sanding to remove print artifacts in certain areas, not to mention the sodding great crack that reappeared, left over from the minor accident it had a week ago.  It sounds worse than it is, most of them are relatively minor, but just niggling enough to be annoying.

The P8s are now masked, the canopies have had an undercoat of black and ready for a final primer coat.  The results of that will dictate if I can get some paint on tomorrow.  I think I've worked out how to do one, possibly two, of the grey schemes.  One is going to look quite colourful and I have the decals after a good number of mis-steps and purchases of many Modeldecal sheets from ebay.  Those won't get wasted, as there's enough markings to keep me sorted for RAF whiffs for some time.

The P6 had a jolly good sanding yesterday and it looks very smooth.  Really happy with it, so a final primer coat of Aluminium to highlight any flaws and I can get the area around the canopy tidied up.  Still unsure of a unit, possibly one of the Lightning F3 units or maybe a Hunter one instead?  I have plenty of choice from the latter, less so for the former and they are sexy squadrons, a definite no-no.

Having had to pack stuff, I've realised that a good third of the build programme will have to be cut back.  I don't want to go over the two standard boxes because this year there's four in the car, one of whom is in a wheelchair, so I'm unsure about the space I'll be getting.  I can't get as many Lightnings into a box as I can Spitfires - 5 as opposed to ten - and obviously, I'm having to prioritise.  The 3d printed stuff is a must so the P8s, Aw58 Delta, SR.187, the trio of Saro 53 and 177 are too.  Then there's the Rapier, the P6, a pair of Swifts, a Type 545, a pair of Hunters and possibly a pair of FD2s.  Even with my tessellation skills, still as sharp as ever, I doubt I can get that lot into two boxes, so I may have to resort to being sneaky.  The ice cream box Alistair sent the SR187 in may be employed for the Saro types, leaving t'other boxes for everything else.

Some of those on the priority list - the Swifts, Type 545 and the Hunters - are holdovers from last year.  One of the Swifts has been stalled for some time.  I know what markings I'm using for the Hunters and it may look a bit more real world than perhaps it should, so it may confuse the unwary.  Which is nice.

Having to cut back is a possibly good thing - less spraying, less masking and less decalling - especially with time running short.  However, it does mean that quite a few of these could end up by the wayside.  Again. 

Thankfully, my V-Bombers are in hibernation, because that could set some very large cats amongst the pigeons.

Comments for those vaguely interested and can be arsed to reply go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Is this some sort of sick joke? Why isn't supper ready? You haven't done a bloody thing, have you, Neil?!"

Well, actually, no.  I haven't started spraying yet.  I'm a week behind but I have more time on my hands than I planned, so it's not all bad.  I have actually got a primer coat on pretty much everything bar one, although then again...

The primer has, as is usual, thrown up a whole range of flaws in pretty much everything, but it's never quite as easy as it sounds.  Bit of filler here, some sanding there, and more worryingly, why wasn't that seam glued properly?  It looks worse than it is, but it is frustrating. Shouldn't take too long to apply all the filler and sand it back tomorrow.

The P.187 is still showing minor niggles and flaws here and there, although the finish is by and large really good.  It's about 75% there, but I'd be much happier with 95%.  Still a few holes to fill and some print artifacts that stubbornly refuse to go, especially around the airbrakes.  I really need to make a template of those for the second one - which is ordered and hopefully in the post tomorrow - and I'll sand the whole area smooth, then simply apply the airbrakes made from very thin plastic card.  It does look very impressive in bare Aluminium, so much so I'm very, very tempted with a third...

Lightnings and nearly Lightnings.  I did finally fix the seam on the VG single seater, so that may get decalled with the others, even though it's not going.  It's just one I want finished.  The trio of 3d printed P.8s have some niggling flaws too, but I really expected them, as with the one bodged together from a solid resin fuselage. The Rapier needs a fair bit of remedial work, especially underneath where the belly tank was - you never get a proper smooth finish with a large area of superglue and baking soda.  I really should have given it a skim of normal filler.

But the P.6 is the real surprise.  The silver primer has thrown up the usual niggles, especially the panel lines from it's former incarnation, but the paint has really transformed it and it looks something else entirely.  It doesn't really look like a Lightning on a diet, but more like a MiG 21 mutant on steroids.  It does look very aggressive, very Soviet, so much so I was almost tempted to give it Russian markings and say it was repainted for a starring role in a Bond film, but then what purports to be sanity in Wooksta Towers finally took a tenous grasp.  I still don't know what unit I want to do it with.

I went looking for a box of bits, thinking that there was some P.1121 tanks in it.  When I finally find it, they weren't there, but it did give me some large Hunter tanks that are going on a Sea Vixen, a white metal nosegear that'll go on the P.6 and a number of bang seats.  Two were painted, a mk3 and a mk 4, the other two less so.  One may go in the Vixen, but the mk 4 is going in the P.6.  I was also looking for an Aeroclub Sea Vixen upgrade set that I knew I'd seen recently and that turned up in a box of Venoms.  The one I did last year got another coat of Aluminium whilst I had the can to hand.  Again, not part of Plan V3.0, but moving along never hurts.

The search also turned up some of the bits which need to go on a primed Sea Vixen that is going to get finished off as it's a simple scheme of overall Extra Dark Sea Grey.  I also took another look at the P.1121 and the offending areas are not that bad, being underneath.  A smidge of filler, some minor sanding and a good clean and we're good to go.  I'll see how much time I have left once the main builds are done, although I have some design work that I need to get on with.  The client has signed off on the master template design, so I can crack on there when time allows .

Looking at the stalled Swift F7 I realised that the nosecone was all to cock paintwise which necessitated a bit of a respray, after masking the rest of with a shortcut of a plastic bag and some masking tape.  A tad sanding and then I can *finally* get the remaining decals on and varnish it.  There's a few other things that need sorting out for it, but they're minor.

Still much to do, but I have reached a significant point, so I do feel much happier.

Comments for those still remotely and vaguely interested and can be arsed to reply go here:

"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Ah hah! Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha! Driving instructor my bottom! You're a vampire and there's no denying it!"

No, still not started spraying yet.  I am stuck in an endless Sisyphian Mobius loop of fill, sand, prime, find more flaws, fill, sand, etc ad bleedin nauseum 2.99999 recurring.  The 3d printed ones are the worst offenders, because my own drive for perfection, not to mention maintaining my reputation as "The Sandmaster", is at the root of it.  Some have at least three primer coats - the SR.187 very probably more - and I know I've yet to apply the final one.  The latter, being partly in Aluminium as the final camo scheme, needs to be smooth and I'm still finding flaws where I'd thought I'd fixed it.  The P.6 is a similar case, but that's nearly there or will be once the pylons are on the wings.  There are a few other issues with it, but not that many.  Thankfully.  Sooner or later, I have to say enough, and that point is rapidly approaching.

There's also all the tiny jobs to do before I can get canopies on, such as bang seats.  It's been a long time since I've done 50s jets - the Attackers all had solid hoods and any Meteors never had bang seats to start with.  Again, another loop.  Doesn't help when the aftermarket ones I have - Aeroclub - don't fit.  The Ursus SR53 being a case in point.  The canopy wouldn't close, so I had to cast around for a replacement.  Eventually, I found something ropey but useable from the Hasegawa Lightning.  Still too tall, so I cut the base off, shortened it and glued it back together, then added some bits of plastic card as cushions and tape straps.  Part painted, it looks pretty decent so will look fine when finished under what is laughably called a canopy.  By contrast with my bodge job, the kit one AZ provide is markedly inferior, but I'll be using it anyway.

Other issues are bits deciding to go walkies, such as the canopy for the FDII.  I thought I could bodge a replacement, but that didn't work, so started casting about to try and get another kit.  Then I had a brainwave, remembering where the bits had been originally.  That box had been cleared but I knew which one it had been tipped into, so after a quick look, there it was.  Once that was dipped in Kleer, I went to find the other bit and that had vanished...

It's all grinding along, but seems to be glacially slow.  Sod this, I'm bored. 

I'm going for a Twix...

Comments for those still remotely and vaguely interested and can be arsed to reply go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Yeah, where's the bloody vindaloo, hippie? You said you were going to the shops two hours ago!"

I did have an update ready to go last night but technical issues meant I lost it and I couldn't be arsed to rekey the wall of text.

Spraying has finally begun.  Well, nearly.  Three are still giving me grief and will have to wait until tomorrow - one's the canopy on the P6, but that's going Aluminium so not really that much of a timing issue. But I have fired up the airbrush.

The first up was to be the two P.8s, but every time I start spraying after a gap - the last time I used the thing was two years ago - it takes a while to get my hand in, so I decided this time to use a mule.  The Sea Vixen that's part of my "Eagle goes to the Falklands" scenario got a coat of ESDG to iron out any issues.  Safe to say, they're fixed and it looks okay.  So, I'm about to tackle the first of the P8s.

Once I've finished me brew.

Comments for those still remotely and vaguely interested and can be arsed to reply go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"We're completely trapped. The outlook is bleak!"

Well, I've got some spraying done with mixed results and I'm sure it's down to the paint.  Yeah I know, bad workmen and their tools but...

First two, both P8s and Light Aircraft Grey from a new bottle with a clear top.  Some odd splitting.  Okay, let it dry, I'll do another coat in the morning.  Next three, Medium Sea Grey.  Fresh bottle but with the yellow top.  Perfect.  The Sea Vixen was also done with a fresh bottle, again with a yellow top.  Then the bulk, all Dark Sea Grey from a fresh bottle, this time with splitting and an odd marbling effect.  Ruined the finish.
The bottles have all had a good shake, all thinned with my usual screenwash, so I can only conclude that the clear tops are a dodgy batch.  Cue some scrabbling around to find some yellow top bottles of the right colours.  I didn't want to use them for various reasons, not least of which I don't think there's enough!  Although I've just found another bottle of DSG with the yellow top and I know where there's another bottle of Dark Green.

I'm really annoyed, not to mention disheartened, by the DSG stuff.  I was going to give them a second coat anyway, but that's not the point.  I've spent a not inconsiderable sum on new paint specifically for the current builds and they're all a parcel of dog turds.

In other news...

I'm casting around for other squadrons for the P8s, largely because the world and his wife will be basically switching Lightnings for P8s and going for the sexy squadrons with the big colour fins and flashy markings.  That's not how I roll these days, as I like subtlety and some thought put into choosing squadrons and markings.  Whiffing largely started as doing something different from the usual and as it's got larger, it's becoming more mainstream so I'm trying to stay ahead of the trend thus going for more unusual squadrons or second line units. I *have* to be different and whilst I freely confess that one of the current builds is going 5 Sqdn with the red fin, all the others I'm considering are with different squadrons and I'm trying to find suitable decals. 

One option I'm liking more and more is 151 Sqn, which had flown Javelins so would be ideal for either Lightnings, P8s or one of the Spec F.155 options. I've got the bars on a Modeldecal sheet, but nowt for the fin, a search on the Hannants site for 151 Sqn threw up a 48th Hawk sheet which gave me some other interesting markings that may not be in the right timescale but could be used for aircraft resprayed for an anniversary to represent all the squadrons which had flown P8s before they retire.  There is a precedent for this - several Lightnings were repainted in the markings of all the squadrons which flown them around 1985 for the anniversary of the aircraft in service, thus giving me plausible deniability.

There's another two builds underway - and these are definitely the last - and thankfully they both have an easy peasy and quick Aluminium scheme that's right up my particular field of preference, but one, another P8 has to have a rounded Lightning F1 fin for reasons of contrast.  That's a problem as I wanted to do an LTF aircraft in overall Aluminium around 1975, and by that time they would have been produced with the larger square fin or retrofitted by BAC.  Hence I started casting about for the other markings and I decided on 151 Sqn for this one. But with a Roundel Blue fin.

I'm also considering a navalised one - BAC did offer a VG Lightning to the Navy after all - so that's another option.  Then I remembered my "Eagle in the Falklands" scenario and the slim possibility of P8s carrying anti radar Martels to knock out Argie radars arose.  I also remembered something mentioned on another site that AI23 had been used as a basis for the Buccaneer's Blue Parrot radar and the radome on the P8 is big enough to carry it.  Supersonic ship busters?  The Navy would cream themselves for that option.

Unit markings?  Well, that sodding Omega is out, as everyone seems to apply it to everything.  Ditto the mailed fist.  I do like the idea of that golden bird emblem, as a P8 on landing has an u/c that looks reminiscent of an Eagle's claws - much like the P.187 with the drooped nose looking like a beak and the legs like talons too, hence my dubbing it the Thunderbird.

But all this is for the future.  I have too much to think of right now. 

Comments for those still remotely and vaguely interested and can be arsed to reply go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Oh, no, please..."

Having just resprayed the underneath of the two P8s with Light Aircraft grey from an unused bottle with a yellow top with no ill effects whatsoever, I can only conclude that the clear lid bottles are iffy.  Use of a paint mule for first use from said bottles may be a safer way to go.

My concerns about not enough paint have been highlighted when I found that there was only ONE yellow top bottle of RAF Dark Green and I'll be going through a lot, not least of which with the Saro Thunderbird F1 - it's a BIG airframe.  I was a bit concerned about the Dark Sea Grey before I found another bottle, so I should have enough of that.  I also remembered a bottle of Dark Camouflage Grey only to find upon opening it, found that it's just Dark Sea Grey.  Two are going in the dark grey scheme, so that helps.  IIRC it was bought for several TSR2s back in 2005...

So, I think I'll be hitting ebay for paint and hopefully, they'll be yellow tops.

Right, time for a brew and then back to the grindstone.

Comments for those still remotely and vaguely interested and can be arsed to reply go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Well, I think that should do it!"

Having resprayed all the DSG stuff, they look a lot better with another coat from a yellow top bottle.  Given the shocking lack of Dark Green in yellow top bottles, I've had to reluctantly use a clear top one.  Good shake, add thinner and another good shake.  Hopefully it should be okay, but I've a mule that's been given a quick coat and it seems to be okay so far.  The mule, a Sea Hawk, odd looks right in Dark Green over Aluminium, having been given an overall coat by it's previous owner.

Still have some tweaking to do here and there, so thankfully Perfect Plastic Putty is water soluble. The Rapier and the P6 need more work, but the latter is NMF, so timing isn't an issue.

Right, time for another brew and then back to the grindstone.

Comments for those still remotely and vaguely interested and can be arsed to reply go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"God, I'm bored... Term only finished four hours ago and already I'm bored."

Have I mentioned that I hate masking?  Of course I have, every year about this time.  However, it's true.  Not only do I hate masking, I completely loathe and despise it.  Naturally, the first one I pick up to do, the Saro 187, fought me every step of the way.  What with all the odd angles, that T-tail and the u/c getting in the way was getting very frustrating.  So much so, it nearly went off a wall three or four times.  Still, it's done now and I can get on with a few smaller things.

Which means painting on Maskol, which is nearly as frustrating as poncing about with tape.  With the latter, I'm trying Tamiya masking tape for a change.  Well, in parts where I need a better demarcation, as supposedly you don't get paint creep with it.  So I'm using Tamiya  at the demarcation and bog standard Wilkinsons masking tape as the infill.  Do the whole thing in Tamiya tape?  At the price that is?  You're 'avin a giraffe, mate!

I'm about halfway through and getting bored.

I've been having more thoughts about different squadrons operating P8s but making them a bit more colourful and flashy.  Mention of anniversary schemes made me think a bit.  1968 was the RAF's 50th anniversary, but under Comrade Harold "Strength through Misery" Wilson's regime we never saw anything like pride in the armed forces, certainly not from a Labour government.  However, my imagination isn't quite so limited and I've been thinking.  May need to call on the printing services of Mr Spackman, but I can do the design.  I think.

I've got various squadrons in mind, but I've had a rethink on 151 Sqn, as I think they'd be better using the two seaters, so what I've got in mind may not work for a camouflaged machine, but if they're flying an earlier mark with the rounded fin, or even the square fin (as the two seaters would probably need the larger fin due to the increase in fuselage length) in Aluminium could well work.  The order to tone everything down happens after the anniversary displays and many squadrons switch to camouflage, at least the two seat units, until the mid 70s when everything goes camo.

The reason for the partial rethink, certainly on 151, was due to a lack of suitable paint - I don't think Xtrarylix do Roundel or Oxford Blue in their range whilst the blue that I do have doesn't look quite right.  The decals should arrive soon, so the machine 151's markings were going to be applied to may well be going 63 sqn instead.  Other units I have in mind are 85 and 234 sqns.  85 flew Javelins - which were intended to be replaced by the F.155 winner - and 234 flew Hunters.  I also have 41 and 43 sqns in mind anyway, with the latter's markings going on the shape.

Well, I'd better get back to painting Maskol on.  Three Saro rocket fighters and a P8.  The last few will be out with the tape.  Could be a looooong night...

Comments for those still remotely and vaguely interested and can be arsed to reply go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"If we give up, can we stop playing this stupid boring game?"

Bored, bored, bored.  I hate masking.  I said that yesterday and I'll say it again.  I can never work up any enthusiasm for it at all and find it the absolutely worst bit of the hobby.  I don't like decalling either, but at least you can see something emerge.  Masking?  No, just deadly dull.

The bulk of the first lot of masking, so I can get on the second colour, is about done.  I've yet to spray the first coat on the Rapier, but that can be done first thing and I'll use maskol on it in the afternoon.  Quick drying time is one of the reasons I like Xtracrylix paints.

But doing the tape on the two P8s - and these have to be masked several times for up to five colours - was soul destroying.  The Swift PR wasn't too bad, and then I cheated with the grey Firestreak ADV Hunter- as I'm only doing the lower fuselage, I've wrapped the bulk of it in a food bag and taped round it.  I'll have to mask it off again to do the LAG on the wing and tailplane undersides, but could well emply the same method again.  If it works.  Seemed to with the Fairey Delta.

One of the things I realised I needed was some kind of template to do the masks for the wing undersides of the P8s, as the upper surface camouflage wraps round the wing and tailplane leading edges.  Turns out for the wings the best thing to use is the lower wing from the Hasegawa Lightning, as it's a drop in panel split along the panel lines that denote where the spars are.

Of course, it's never quite that easy.  I'd masked off the P8s to do the belly tanks in Aluminium, along with the bare metal panel on the fuselage under the wings.  However, having had experience of paint lifting off a Halfords Aluminium coated model in the past, I had to look around for a slightly different scheme for one of the two - one is overall Barley (Camouflage) Grey, other than the undersides of the wings and tailplanes, so it wasn't an issue.  The other, planned as being an LTF machine in the Dark Grey camo scheme, was to have had a low demarcation line but that bare metal panel has forced a rethink.  I know that there were several variations on the grey schemes worn by Lightning, so I knew I could find one with a higher demarcation, but did the LTF operate one in that scheme? So I hit the references and find yes, they did, and it had a light grey fin too.  Fantastic.

But the same references also revealed that the grey aircraft didn't have as much wraparound under the leading edges and also not all of them had the bare metal panel, especially not XR770.  Which makes life so much easier.

But these are whiffs, surely it shouldn't matter?  No, it does.  I've always viewed it as "turn left", so all the rules that apply in the real world also apply to anything I can cook up in my imagination.  If the Air Staff had had their way, P8 would have supplanted Lightning, probably from the F3 onwards, so serials, squadrons and schemes employed on Lightning are applicable. 

That being the case, there's always some joyless nerk who will point out a flaw, so if said whiff is made to look as real as possible, with all the references to back it up, then I can defend the model.  You can largely bluff your way through anything a JMN can throw at you, but you need to have that reference material in your head to be convincing. Know your subject and be confident, throw in enough facts with the bullshit and you'll be believed.

The only concession I've allowed myself is that my post war RAF didn't return to using underwing serials, but that's more from laziness than anything else.

Rant for today over.

Not much to do re masking tomorrow, I just have to get spraying.  Then I get to do it all over again on Friday.  I really can't wait...

Comments for those still remotely and vaguely interested and can be arsed to reply go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"But we had to change the rules because Monopoly is so boring!"

I am now at the point where I almost want to give up.  I utterly HATE masking right now, having had to completely mask a good few and I've still got another four to do tomorrow.  It's utterly soul destroying...

The one I've hated masking the most, largely because it took so long - TWO HOURS - was the two seat P8 going three tone camouflage, due to the camo wraparound under the wings, that sodding bare metal panel on the fuselage and the integrally printed doors and u/c legs meaning I couldn't get a direct line. I had a similar issue with the AW58 Delta (henceforth known as the AW Archer F1 - not only is it alliterative, but the aircraft looks, in plan view, like an arrow in a bow. If you squint a bit and use your imagination.  Look, MFM, yeah), but that had more straight lines making it a tad easier.

The P8s in the greys need another coat of Light Camouflage Grey and they're largely done, except I need to mask off the base of the tail, employ the food bag and spray the fin a fetching shade of red.  I have to do something similar with one of the Fairey FD.2s albeit in Night.

So, get the last of the masking done tomorrow, trying not to slit my wrists in the process and get the remainder of the spraying done so I can finally start decalling on Monday.

Unitwise, I think I have a final user for the SR177 - 11 Sqn, as a unit hack to go with the SR187 OGL did.  I have plenty of the relevant decals in the Lightning box  All the others I know exactly what I'm doing, although I need to choose a Germany based squadron, probaby an ex-Sabre unit as I don't have any Venom sheets, for one of the SR53s, which I've dubbed the Cyclone.

The SR.187 took an age to spray the green on, as it wouldn't settle over the Halfords Aluminium I'd used as a primer, so it got misted on and built up.  The green was from one of the clear top bottles and it seemed to behave.  The finish isn't quite as smooth as I'd hoped but I can live with it.  I'm really happy with all the joins though, as you frankly can't see them.

The 48th Hawk sheet arrived and it's good, but some of the unit badges seem smaller than I'd anticipated.  There is a unit badge for 79 (Shadow) Sqn, which is great as that's an extra splash of colour to go on the Supermarine 545.  Matra/SNEB pods and practice bomb carriers as loadout for that one for a jolly outing over the ranges at Otterburn before a visit to Acklington where it gets zapped by the resident 607 Sqn hooligans.

Right.  It's late and I am very tired.  I really cannot be bothered with yet more masking....

Comments for those still remotely and vaguely interested and can be arsed to reply go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Good morning, Neil! Tea ready yet, is it?"

By which, if you mean the masking and spraying, well... Nearly

When I got round to spraying the aluminium yesterday - late due to the rain - I realised that the SR177 needed a respray due to excess dust ruining the paintwork under the tailplanes, with similar issues affecting the AW Archer.  Cue leaving them in disgust - and I'm not too enamored of the SR177 anyway for reasons I'll go into later and worse was to follow.

I took the masking of the Hunter with the P1083 wings only for the tape to lift the paint in two areas.  One is an easy fix with Tamiya tape and a food bag to mask off to respray it, but the other area is bang on a demarcation area right next to the starboard wing root intake, which is two colours with aluminium beneath. 

Both kind of left me somewhat disheartened and apart from spraying the fin on one of the P8s and the tail and wing outers of the FDII with the ETPS, I left everything for the day and didn't come back to it until about 9pm today.

I take the masking off pretty much everything and thankfully, no more paint being lifted and very few other issues. The Swift PR6 may need a slight respray aound the nose, but that's a straightforward fix.  A few need some careful touch up with a hairy stick here and there, but overall I'm relatively happy.  Especially with the demarcations as it's the first time I've had so few issues with paint creep.  Moral to take from this - don't skimp on masking.  Infill areas are okay with any barrier method, but demarcations are henceforth being done with Tamiya tape and bugger the cost.

I did fix the SR177, after some light sanding with a fairly fine pad and then a blast from the can of Aluminium, with the Archer getting similar treatment.  The salvage work on the 177 made me view it in a better light - before I detested it, now I'm just bored with it and want it done.  It just isn't talking to me so I want it finished and out of the way.

Why?  Not through any fault of the kit, it's the Freightdog one and it is lovely.  INo, what it really boils down to is the fact that I just really don't like the aircraft.  It looks clunky, the whole rocket boosted fighter concept was flawed and the SR177 was to be powered in the main by the Gyron Junior which was really fuel thirsty.  New engine + new design = disaster.  Usually, or at least considerable difficulties and I'm of the opinion that cancelling it, certainly in the form it was at the time, was a good move.

Then add into the mix that I wasn't doing it because I wanted to do it, but because it fitted a hole.  The SR53s are being done as I wanted to build the AZ kit anyway and to prove a point to someone else.  The Ursus/Airfix one because I wanted a then and now contrast.  With me building the Gannet SR187, it made sense to complete the trio.  But I didn't have an end user in mind, a scheme for it or even any ideas for a unit. I'm still vacillating over that, as I was thinking of 11 Sqn, but because it means I'm following the ideas of someone else - the site logo - have decided against it and went for something more logical.  The rocket boosted fighter would have been better used somewhere where you'd need very quick reaction times and in the late 50s and early 60s that meant RAF Germany.  So a German based Hunter or Venom unit is a more likely recipient.  I have plenty of Hunter sheets to choose from, so I'll have a dig through the books and see what I can come up with.

Oh, the Archer looked even better, although like the Hunter it'll need some small areas touched up.  I'm really happy with the finish on the bulk, although the grey LTF P8 isn't quite what I wanted.  One of the grey Hunters looks stunning, with the other looking even better.  Both SR53s look cool, although the Ursus one is let down by the vile canopy which I did try to fix, but TBH, the kit is what it is and it does look somewhat better.
The one I may be happiest with the the Supermarine 545.  Once the markings are on and the stores fitted, its going to be good.  I hope...

Tomorrow is a day with a modicum of spray fixes and then down to the decalling.  It's all coming together and I can see the end.  Unfortunately, time to get there is running out.

Comments for those still remotely and vaguely interested and can be arsed to reply go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan: