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The Wooksta: Not a Spitfire Blog

Started by The Wooksta!, May 01, 2012, 08:32:10 AM

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The Wooksta!

"No! There just happens to be an atom bomb in front of the door!"

Having went looking for a Kora Tempest conversion in my box of Tempests, some rather serendipitous things happened.

Firstly, I found that I definitely had two of each of the Annular Sabre Tempest and I also located the LF Tornado first prototype with the belly radiator.  I also discovered I had three Matchbox Tempests, although what they'll be used for is anyone's guess.  I've a feeling I've done all the whiffed Tempest IIs that I want to do.  I also found that I had at least four Heller Tempests in there, one of which was part started.  That's coming out, as I've an idea for a post war one which is pretty simple to do. 

Secondly, a box of Mosquitos fell over and when I was putting the bits back into the box, I found a trio of Airfix pilot figures that me Bob had painted for me some 8 years back.  I'd forgotten where they were and was going to ask him to do a couple more so I can finish the 2TAF Tsetse Fly tankbuster.  Admittedly, one will need his legs removing to fit properly. I've a feeling I need to do the drop tanks for that, but I've plenty of the smaller 45 gal tanks assembled plus I know I'll need to fit the radios.  I did also find that I had more Mosquito 4 blade props that I realised.  Which is nice.

I don't know what I'll do with the third figure, although an in flight 2TAF Hornet F.III with a pair of 1,000lb bombs is a nice idea.  I'll have to use a Frog/Novo one for that but there's a fair few part started ones that'll do nicely.  May dig one out later.

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"I'm afraid I couldn't find any needles, so we'll have to use 6-inch nails."

The decals are on the Sea Mosquito and it looks very different.  Not so much different, because it's a standard RN scheme for late 40s and 50s, but different because it isn't applied to Mosquitos.  Kit's serials took a bit of brute force to get them to settle - a noxious brew of Micro Sol, Future and Xtracrylic matt varnish and repeated rolling with cotton buds until the latter dried and held the decals down.  It's the first time I've used home brew decals so it's going to a bit of a learning curve.

The Brigand is also part decalled - I've yet to choose a squadron or even the colour; Sky, Night, Dull Red.  Plenty of choice amongst the strike squadrons.  Ideally, I'd like the same squadron as the Buckmaster and I've a feeling that was the plan when I was doing the two.  Not sure if I'll add some kill markings as the Brigand was big and not that ideal for dogfighting - perhaps a 190 got in the way of the cannons?

The moulds, at least two of them, are now curing, but I've yet to finish the Brigand wheels although they just need clean up.  I'm considering a coat of primer before mounting to mould.  I've yet to finish the props, although they are on the go.

So, there's a fair bit going on, some of it getting closer to finishing.  Want the strike stuff finished before I go back to the Tempests and the Blenheims.  And then there's at least two Shackletons to look at...

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Even mindless violence seems boring today."

Well, the Sea Mosquito is finished.  Just need a short length of brass rod for the stand.  Not entirely happy with the surface texture in places but overall, she's done.

The moulds for the Brigand wheels are done and I added some Airfix Blenheim wheels to it also.  Apparently they fit the Frog kit and compared to the kit originals, look like Brassin replacements.  I've yet to do any casting as the resin I have isn't the best, although I'll use it for a test shot and if it's okay, then hit the castings with a shot of primer and see where we go from there.  I was kicking myself earlier as I remembered I'd intended moulding and casting a set of Tempest wheels for use with various British aircraft, not least of which is the DH Hornet.

Speaking of Hornets, my Frog/Novo PR one has been given the rest of the surface detailing I was planning, largely confined to rescribing the wings and removing part of the spar caps I'd put on in error.  I can't do some of the little hatches underneath because I can't use my scriber template but I'm more than happy with the ones that are in place.  She's had a coat of primer and I've sorted out a few little niggles and areas that needed filling, so she'll get a coat of overall PRU Blue later today. 

I did consider the nice 50s PR scheme, with the Med Sea Grey over PRU Blue, but I want her out of the way and done - another one from the Cabinet of Doom gone - and perhaps that scheme will go on another Hornet at some point in the future.   Now I'm pretty sure I have a decent handle on how to upgrade and detail the old Frog kit, I know I can do a decent job.  Then again, I may just cheat and use the Skybirds kit, if only to annoy the purists.  I'm not sure if I have the correct style letters in the decal box as I'd like to do it with the Photographic Development Unit but an anonymous machine without a code would look good anyway.  Everything looks good in PRU Blue, especially with Type D roundels.  I'll have to see if I have any spare Hornet underwing tanks.  More digging...

Whilst I'm spraying the Hornet, I may as well do the two stage FB6 (or FB11 as it was projected) at the same time, so that's another one from the Cabinet of Doom advanced a bit further. It won't get finished, but a coat of paint and some decals gets it that bit closer.

There's plenty of Mosquitos in there that got to an advanced stage, plus a pair that were given that I had definite ideas for and again, I'd like to get them a bit further on, although in one case I'll have to get the 3rd scale Miles 52 finished (although I have it as a supersonic guided weapon).  The Hasegawa B.IV that got a pair of 2 stage Merlins was going to be a Far East one, possibly operating from Iwo Jima with Tiger Force.  It'll need the wing reattaching after an accident last week and a good clean before priming, but we'll get there eventually.

Comments on this thread - that is if anyone is actually reading it and can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"No, I didn't, Mike, I said "Let's throw Rick's record player on the fire, that'll be good for a laugh.""

The Sea Mosquito and the Hornet PR6 were quite well received at the club t'other night.  The latter still needs the canopy sorting out but I'll have to get a vacform Hunter canopy for that as it's the closest in terms of shape and size for the Frog kit.  The surface detailing has done wonders hiding it's origin but the addition of a set of Tempest wheels and a Vampire nosegear as the tailwheel plus the plain PRU Blue scheme and Type D markings make it look like another kit entirely.

I have to be perfectly honest, I fancy just building one of the Frog Hornets as a pure nostalgia build, straight from the box with the only addition being an Airfix pilot as they're better than the Frog example, with the kit option of 19 Sqn.  Gear up as I need to steal the legs for a rebuild.  Quick and simple, but then it's a kit I have a great deal of fondness for and I'd like to do the base kit justice - I did it years back in the kit scheme, twice.  I really wish one of the decal manufacturers would do a decent Hornet sheet, but in the absence of a decent kit I feel that it's unlikely.

I also want to do something different and I've a hankering for a Firebrand, specifically the Rareplanes kit as I've three in the stash, although two were bought specifically as donor fodder for two other Blackburn projects.  It's a kit I like and have had for a number of years but never did get round to building it.  I don't like vacforms as they're a pain to build but I doubt that it'll be any more of a pain than the original Magna one.  That really was a pig to build.

As for scheme, well, I'm not entirely sure, but I rather like the idea of a rocket equipped one flying over Korea or perhaps Malaya in the 50s RN scheme.  I did the original Magna one as a BPF one in the Temperate Sea Scheme.  Again, I may dig the second one of those I have in the stash and just build it, although it'll need a dark scheme to hide the flaws, not least of which being the awful resin.  That's like china and if anything worse than the stuff Unicrap use.

There's still lots of other stuff to finish, but nothing really floats my enthusiasm.

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"So am I. You're a complete b****** and we all hate you."

Currently struggling with the u/c for the Buckmaster and given that the Buckmaster and Brigand were derived from the Buckingham, they have the same u/c and thus I'll have to go through the same crap in a few days with the Brigand.

Why?  Because the individual responsible for the masters of the white metal components is a cack handed moron. They're not square and NOTHING lines up properly.  When the modelling equivalent of the Nuremberg trials take place, he'll be strung up from the tallest lamp post, pelted with wasps nests and dog turds eventually being blasted with a flame thrower.  I hate him more than I can put into words - well, ones that won't get me banned anyway.

I've come up with a solution, using stiff wire which should give it some strength but the fact that I know I'll have to do it all again with the Brigand is soul destroying...

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Oh, God. I think I'm going to be violently and copiously sick."

The Buckmaster is finally finished.  Having left the u/c in place and surrounded with superglue gel, I'd waited a few days for it to cure.  Quick paint job, on with the u/c doors - one of which decided to go for a walk - do the props and on they go.  Tidy up the canopy framing, replacing the paint that's come off with a thin brush.  Now done, it's banished to the cabinet.

I really hate it.  Possibly more than the white Beaufighter.  Why?  The u/c assembly for one.  The canopy fit - Magna's canopies were always vile - which needed filler to get to sit right and it still looks awful.  But I hate it also because it's quite probably put me off building another Buckmaster and there's some nice real world examples I'd really like to do.  It's also put me off finishing the Brigand, because the u/c is the same.  And I know there's a Magna Buckingham somewhere in the stash and that really does give me a sinking feeling.  I may have a cunning plan for that one, largely involving having it in flight so I can have the gear up, but that still leaves it's awful canopy to contend with...

What about the Valom kits?  They look very nice in the box, it's true, but on closer inspection, the Brigand is full of niggly errors and it's not a good fit according to all those online who've built the blasted thing.  Undoubtedly, the Buckingham and Buckmaster will have similar flaws due to sharing some sprues.  I've four Brigands and a trio of Buckinghams, one of which is in the disposal pile.  Do I keep the rest?

But I think I hate it mostly because it's knocked me confidence and I just don't fancy building anything for a while.  And that's a real sickener.

On reflection, I may well be able to finish the Brigand, but using the u/c from the Valom kit.  You see, I was gifted a Valom Buckingham a while back with no resin.  I can replace the engines with copies of the Magna ones (pause for sarcastic response) and if I built it gear up in overall PRU Blue as the proposed PR one, I could possibly get round a few issues and not have to fight Martin Gromm's vile cack handed Brigand white metal.

Comments on this thread - that is if anyone is actually reading it and can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"I hate these places. They're so depressing. You know, Michael, I would rather go to a lecture than a laundrette."

Well, it's finally been done.  I have assembled the Brigand u/c using the vile Magna parts and they're now in place and flooded with superglue.  I'm hating this model more than the Buckmaster.  The doors are done, just have to add the yellow tips to the props and they can go on.  Quick paint of the u/c, fix the doors in place and we're good to go apart from the torpedo, but that'll have to wait.

The assembled vacform Brigand I was given will probably end up with the Valom u/c, largely as it should withstand the lighter load.  But once it's done, I've decided to offload three of the Valom kits.  I doubt I'll ever want to do another one, because they're all really awful kits.

Comments on this thread - that is if anyone is actually reading it and can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Yeah, it hasn't been razed to the ground yet."

Barring the torpedo - which I'll sort out tomorrow - the Brigand TF.1 is all done.  And I hate it even more than the Buckmaster...

The fit was terrible from what I remember - it was largely assembled in 2000! - with an instrument panel way too wide for the fuselage and I had to take a mm off each side of it and then carve a mm deep groove in the fuselage to get it to fit.  Magna give you a moulded cockpit insert with the seats on it, but they're the wrong way round.  The canopy is awful, even by Magna's low standards and just didn't fit and it's gone a nice shade of gold under the 7 year old masking.  I didn't bother with Magna's props, stealing a set from the Hallamvac kit which were tooled by Aeroclub.  The kit wheels are best described as non circular ill defined lumps carved from soap by a blind man with a serious case of the shakes.  I've already commented on the u/c itself.  The airframe resin parts themselves are nice enough castings though, being from Magna's middle period. 

Somewhere in the stash, I have Magna's Buckingham...  And another Brigand that was going to be a basis for a Bristol Buccaneer, the halfway house between the Beaufighter and the Brigand.

Like the Buckmaster, I hate it because it's made me want to give up modelling for a bit.  There's too many things I dislike about the kit and my building of it that's just knocked me a bit.  Plus there's a few other things with recent builds that just haven't worked for me.  Maybe I need something easy or perhaps build something a bit safer. 

Comments on this thread - that is if anyone is actually reading it and can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Well, what've you brought me this time?"

The Brigand and Buckmaster went into the club th'neet, more because I wanted to show them off for a final time before they get relegated to hiding in the back of the cabinet.  Couple of the lads were suitably impressed with them, which I found surprising and quite pleasing, because they're both cracking modellers whose skills and abilities are far in excess of mine (Martin's certainly are).  So, perhaps they're not as bad as I think they are?  That being the case, they may well come down to Telford if I have space.

Nevertheless, I still feel the need to do something simple and different.  A Spitfire PR19 is certainly simple and different?  Well, define different!  Okay, I only build whiffs so perhaps something real for a change?  I've still that hankering to do that Rareplanes Firebrand and I've been thinking about doing the Rareplanes Supermarine 224 as a master, so one or both of them may be in order.

Although...  I've wanted to do a simple retro build of the Frog Hornet, straight from the box with no extras or tarting up.  Again, it'd be a real world build but it's something that may just give me the boost I need.  And the Frog Hornet is a kit I have a great deal of affection for.

Comments on this thread - that is if anyone is actually reading it and can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"You know, I have the most terrible craving for a piece of fried lavatory paper."

Well, Telford has been and gone and I didn't get any of my planned non-Spitfire whifs done at all, largely due to running out of time and the Spitfires having higher priority.  I was somewhat restrained in my buying, knowing what I was looking for and I got pretty much what I went for apart from the two from S&M that Mel Bromley didn't have with him (his new Canberra and the resin Hastings) but on reflection, that's saved me a hundred and fifty notes.

One thing I did get that was looking for - and a pair at that - was the Revell/Monogram F82 twin Mustang, because I liked the one that was posted on site a few weeks back (http://www.whatifmodellers.com/index.php/topic,44270.msg781729.html#msg781729) because it was a new twist on an existing twin design and I wanted to do something similar.

Now, that's quite odd, because those of you who know me will I don't like twinned aircraft of any sort, because I've always felt that they were lazy whiffing for those challenged in the imagination and intelligence department who wanted to jump onto the whiff bandwagon without thinking though the reasons why such twins were created in the first place.  There was a rash of them about a decade or so back and even the good ones bored the hell out of me.

Anyway, having two of the F82 made me think about what I wanted to do with them and because I'd like to keep them within the scenario,   although with a different squadron and a reason for the RAF getting them - perhaps the Beaufighters of 45 sqn had the same issues as the 8 Sqn Brigands with crystalization of metal and the wings falling off or the props shedding blades.  I'm quite happy doing one "straight" but decide to do a second, possibly with Griffons rather than Merlins.  Looking at the fuselages, what would be the best fit?  An MB5 cowling looks about right so where can I get a spare to recast?  The AZ MB.6 "Ferret" and that's something that is really annoying me.

Why?  Because they've taken their own MB 5 kit and modified it with parts on a new sprue for a completely fictional variant and I feel this is dodgy ground to be treading.  Why is this?  Unlike their Sea Baker (and I wasn't keen on that either) - which was just a slightly modified part on their existing kit - ithe MB6 was a wholly new release of something which appeals only to a small niche market, wasting manufacturing time and energy that would have been better spent doing a kit of something yet to be kitted in injection which would have more appeal to more markets than just the Whiff crowd.  Say for example a Hawker Henley or a De Havilland Don.  Neither have been kitted in injection, the Henley having been the subject of a vacform and a pair of resin kits and the Don only getting one resin kit.  Whiffers could have been treated to a boxing of either in operational colours and the mainstream gets a kit of something which only served in second line units and yet to be kitted properly.

But you're a whiffer, I hear you cry, you should be backing this.  Yes, I am a whiffer, I'm fiercely proud of that and I have been for many years, pushing this side of the hobby a lot more than many here have and backed that with my own time and money too.  And whilst it's pleasing to see this happening, I still feel that it's the wrong move.  But Revell and Dragon have kitted various Luftwaffe 46 types, I hear you cry.  Yes, they have but these are designs that actually existed, not the work of one guy on a forum making things up.

No doubt the guys at AZ have got a kick out of doing it and they know that they'll make their costs back but we would have been better served with something as yet unkitted.

So, I got a Ferret, but not out of any real need or want or even loyalty to AZ or whiffing in general.  Yes, it looks to be a nice kit - hopefully the canopy will fit better than the one in the standard MB5 did.  I'm probably going to struggle to find a use for it.  Malaya possibly, going with the F82K. 

But somehow, I don't think it'll be a kit I'll enjoy.

Comments on this thread - that is if anyone is actually reading it and can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"I had to - I was drunk!"

New year, new possibilities and new ideas.  Possibly.

I've not done much with early war British stuff (Spitfires, yes.  Blenheims, a solitary Defiant and a few Hurricanes) and other than the Lancaster, very few large aircraft.  Well, that's about to change.

I've a real hankering for some transport aircraft, because the scheme worn by quite a few British aircraft is so attractive.  Extra Dark Sea Grey and Dark Slate Grey over Azure blue is very appealing on a small aircraft such as a Spitfire and even a Blenheim.  It looks even better on something big like a Halifax or a Stirling.  I've got the kits and the relevant conversion parts to do transport versions of the Halifax, Lancaster and Stirling.  Somewhere I have some resin bits for the Wellington but I've a feeling that they'll be too well buried for me to find them and Martin is going to get his arm twisted to cast me some more bits.

I've been wanting to this for a while but seeing a 48th transport Halifax at the Bolton show recently just set the ball rolling.  So much so that I've dug out the Halifax and the Stirling kits to see what needs doing.  The Halifax had a resin Halton conversion in it plus shiny new vacform canopies to replace the horrid Airfix ones that date to me Dad's teenage years. I also found the built Frogspawn Whitley I'd been gifted a few years back and that is probably going to get a similar scheme for operations in the eastern Med. 

It's not just transports that I'd like to do in that scheme but also maritime recce birds.  I've acquired a few Wellingtons to do the transports and had to come up with an alternative for the Matchbox ones.  They come with the GR nose, so a Wellington a distinct possibility.  There's also a pair of part built Airfix Lancasters somewhere that had the MR conversions done that may also fit the bill.  Really want to get them done and out of the way.

I'm having quite a few ideas for biggish aircraft but I'm worried about where to store them once they're done...

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!


Having come to a gentlemen's agreement, involving some beer tokens and some white metal engines, I am the potential owner of a Contrail Warwick.  I've been looking for one for a few weeks and there's a few I'd like to do.  A transport one with Centaurus engines and the big pannier is the first on the list, plus a Met Flight one in the two greys and post war roundels.  I'm toying with a Vulture engined one if I can get another, but given the scarcity of the blasted things, I may have to go down the casting route, which could be both messy and expensive.

I'm also looking at Whitleys, but I'll post more of my thoughts on them tomorrow.  I'm beginning to wish I'd never sold that pair of Airfix ones to OGL, but then again, for what I want to do, Ye olde Frog kit is good enough and I have three of those.

Comments on this thread - that is if anyone is actually reading it and can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"No, there's only two seats."

I've made a start on one of the Wellingtons, which will be a GR aircraft in the middle east.  However, the Matchbox kit is fairly basic (pause for sarcastic response) and the cockpit is decidedly bare.  Just a floor and a pair of seats, so I've been looking at one of me Trumpeter ones to see what I can.. ahem, copy and cast to see if I can tart it up a bit.  Not a lot, just enough to make it look a lot less basic and the bits can also transfer across into a Warwick.  I'm also thinking of nicking a tail turret from a Lancaster as the kit one is just too chunky plus the engine cowlings have an odd taper that is difficult to fix.  The latter will be solved with a set of Aeroclub Hercules engines and a vat of rubber.

It's not that accurate for the one I want to do either - photos of the real thing show a row of windows under the cockpit which the kit doesn't have and I'm not cutting them out because I'm a shade too cack handed for that.  I really wish I'd got that Trumpeter GR.XIV at Bolton now - ebay prices for that particular kit are around £30 and I'm just not paying that.  Modifying the back story could well be the easy answer.

I've dug out a pair of Whitleys, one a genuine Frog one in white plastic which has a great deal of flash to deal with and t'other is a half built one I was gifted by one of the guys on Britmodeller, although I forget who.  The former is again going to be a GR aircraft in the middle east, but I've slowed down construction as teh engines are just too basic to use (I've ordered a set on ebay but these are the HBM ones and the resin is vile, so the plan is to copy them and use the clones).  In addition, the cockpit is too basic and I want to tart it up a bit, but then again, the canopy is so bad I'm unlikely to see anything.

The latter will be the same aircraft but after conversion for transport duties.  I had intended to use the turrets as blanks over which to slather filler and sand them back but the tail turret is frankly vile, so much so I've just blanked it off with plastic card and glued in some sprue scrap to act as hard core before I slather a load of P38 (or it's Wilko's equivalent) over it.  Apart from that, most of teh hard work is done, but it's a Frogspawn kit, which means there's moulding flaws galore.  I've sanded off all of the greenstuff and made the joins good so I just need a coat of primer to see what else needs fixing.

S what do I plan on doing with the two others I have coming from ebay?  I'd like to do a Tiger engined one, again as a transport in the middle east but in dark earth and mid stone.  I have the conversion bits, but again, they may well fall into some rubber.  The other Tiger engined one I've a hankering for is one in overall black for use against Germany had Munich gone t'other way in '38.

I also want the Tiger engines for a possible scratchbodge of an AW project that was offered to the same spec as the Bombay and Harrow and which should have gone into service, because it would have been a far better aircraft and probably much more useable.

I've been promised the wreck of a Frogspawn one, so that'll give me quite a bit of it, I just have to bodge a fuselage together.  I'm considering a mould too, because a production one using the same parts as a Whitley would make sense.

The final thoughts I was having with Whitleys revolve around an engine change to the Hercules, but that'd be a simple prototype and I may well use the Frogspawn wreck that's sitting in me Mam's loft.

So, plenty of ideas but big aircraft that take up a fair bit of room and not easy to just throw together.

Comments on this thread - that is if anyone is actually reading it and can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Brilliant! Let's fill it in!"

The nose and tail turrets on the part built one I was given are now curing under a coat of P38.  Hopefully that should cure soon so I can start sanding it down.  I'd like to try and get the starboard wing back on today, plus possibly the tail feathers.

Sometime back, I bought a Gerald Elliot vacform Whitley off ebay.  It wasn't complete, being largely the fuselage and some other bits.  Having had another look, the fuselage looks to have been mastered from the Frog kit (I can see some dimples where things have been filled), so could well take a set of Frog/Novo wings.  The nose turret area is solid, looks to be a transport style, so that gives me another option if I ever need it.

Comments on this thread - that is if anyone is actually reading it and can be arsed to reply - go here:
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:

The Wooksta!

"Well, I think that should do it!"

All the sanding is over, tail feathers are on and it's starting to look reasonable.  Coat of primer when the weather improves (pause for sarcastic response) and we're good to go.  Quite enjoying this one as far as it goes, a reasonable challenge.

Would that the next two were... I dug out the Stirling and the Halifax.  Oh dear.  What was I thinking?  These are the horrible old Airfix kits that time forgot.  They were all well and good when they were released, even up to the 1980s when I actually built them the first time round, but time has not been kind to them and they're horribly basic, full of period features and vile crew figures, not to mention covered in flash.  I'm minded now to ditch the pair and try to get more modern kits, although the Italeri Stirling costs an arm and a leg and the Revell Halifax III has had mixed reviews.

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"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan: