
Jet powered c-130 idea

Started by coolpop6307, May 01, 2012, 10:18:34 PM

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I had another idea....what about a-10 engines underneath it? Would it work? How many would you need? :unsure:
"I am a tangerine, and no one can see me"
"Your despicable!!"
"EHHHH Whats up doc?"


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Okay. I think about 6 but of course 8 would be better using the Tim The Toolman Calculator. If you run out of wing there is always that big tail to hang some on. :o
"Just which planet are you from again"?


4 X CFM -56s? Might be a tad OVER powered but, I guess the engines might be de-rated? I'm going to use a wing/engine set salvaged from a KC-135. Problem is , I might have to give it a new set of tail feathers?? A swept wing with that C-130 tail would, in my view anyway, look just a bit odd! :-\. I'd sort of considered using the KC-135 tailplanes with a fin/rudder at the end of each.

I'm certainly NOT going down the road of one of the stretched Herks!! Too much work! (and, I'm too lazy!!) ;D

Loves JMNs but could never eat a whole one!!