
NöNöBärs's What-If Flugwerft (WIP: Greenland Airforce TS-11 Qinngorneq)

Started by nönöbär, June 06, 2012, 12:25:42 PM

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Now its painted, all parts attached, waiting for the decals and the final finish.

Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de


Nice! The slender nose with the prop looks nice!


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Well, back from summer vacation, its now to start something new.

So here is what to use this time:

Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de

Captain Canada

Oooh another Skyhawk ! Nice ! Look forward to seeing how you do this one. Love them old Matchbox kits !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?



Quote from: dumaniac on September 09, 2014, 02:15:34 AMMe 262 V1 looks good

But its no Me262V1, its a Avia S-96..... ;D
See the completed model here:
Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de


The first steps for the A4 are made, and the pilot has dressed to get into the plane:

But still quite a way to go.
Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de


The A4 has now returned from the paint shop and can now show its Marineflieger paint scheme:

Not so much left to add to the little plane, I have to see if I find the right decals for it.
Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


What do you mask the canopy with please?


Quote from: Ifor on September 28, 2014, 08:38:15 AM
What do you mask the canopy with please?

I use Tamiya tape, put it on the canapoy and use a scalpel to cut it in the right shape. For plain windows - like the ones on airliners, I use Revell Color Stop.
Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de


Most of the paint job is now done and the Marineflieger A4 is now waiting for its decals.

Some bombs have been added under the wings.
Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de



Looks alredy sharp, even w/o markings.  :thumbsup:
"Den Luftraum über See, beherrscht das MFG" (The aerospace over the seas is ruled by the German Navy Air Arm)


After the Marineflieger a4 has been completed, time to start something new.

Lets return to a WW2 What-If this time.

This is what to use (apart form some spare parts), two old Airfix Do 217 kits:

This will be a  Dornier Do 218, a four engined variant of the Dornier 17-217 family.

Lets start with the cockpit - pretty basic in this old model, so I have to see how to improve this

The Do 218 will have four engines, so the wings have to be upgraded. Interesting to see the different color of the two kits.

And this gives an impression how this plane might look like ...
Now that the wings got wider the whole plane must enlarged a bit.

Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de