
Re: NöNö Bärs Shipyard (WIP: Dutch Coast Defense ship, still unnamed)

Started by nönöbär, June 23, 2012, 01:58:42 AM

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Old Wombat

Glad the floods haven't been as bad as they might have for you, NöNö Bär! :thumbsup:

Those floods across central & western Europe are a fairly good reason for having the modelling mojo dampened (pun intended) for a while. :o
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Quote from: Old Wombat on July 18, 2021, 03:00:55 AM
Glad the floods haven't been as bad as they might have for you, NöNö Bär! :thumbsup:

As indeed am I. Glad you and your engineer are safe  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


@Old Wombat & @NARSES2:

In the end it was up to 20cm of Water in the cellar. Luckily it was clear water, no muddy one. Packed a lot of trash bags of stuff that has to be thrown away. Bad, but about 15 km away parts of a village were flooded away, houses broke down and much more. :( :( :(
Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de


The problem with any depth of water is how long it takes to truly dry out  :-\

Quote from: nönöbär on July 18, 2021, 06:29:02 AM
Bad, but about 15 km away parts of a village were flooded away, houses broke down and much more. :( :( :(

The UK news has had fairly extensive coverage of the damage and it looks awful. Now as I understand it the rains have moved to S Eastern Germany/Austria, but not quite as heavy.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


My engineer is going on vacation for two weeks, so i won't be able to do anything without her.

However, she is already working on something new in its initial planning phase, I do not fully understand what it will be, but I guess I will see after the vacation time.

Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Well, sometimes my engineer is a little bit clumsy. Maybe he was still thinking of his vacation time.

Anyway, while adding the rigging to the Seeteufel II, ha made an uncontrolled mode, breaking one of the masts. So all the rigging has to be done again....  :banghead:

Pic showing him while repairing everything, hope something like this does not happen again.

Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de


That's a  :banghead: moment for sure. Hope he's not in to much trouble  ;)
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


While i am currently preparing and planing a new, lets say "triple-model" for the next What-If, a non-What-If left the shipyard: The IJN Musashi.

Wanted to build this big monster of a ship for a while, so here it is, a 1/700 scale Tamiya model. Was quite nice to build and it was painted with Revel Aqua Color. I have added some PE crew to it, the antennas are made from fishing-line

With some other IJN ship, the size of this battleship is quite big.

More about the upcoming project soon.
Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de


It's quite "racy" looking for a battleship, nice build  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


After some preparations, my engineer starts with a new project.
Not one ship, not two, but three.

Topic will be CVE projects. The idea is - take a merchant ship hull and convert it into a CVE, one version for IJN, one for USN and one for the Kriegsmarine.
The hull and basic ship will be the same for all three navies, but superstructure, armament, aircraft and all the little things will be different.

Most of it will be 3D designed and 3D printed, but for some smaller parts, the big spare part box will be used.

To start with, we need a merchant ship, and I will use the same 3D model that I used for the Swedish Cargo Ship Ramsö (https://www.whatifmodellers.com/index.php?topic=46558.0):

First thing to do is tor remove all unnecessary parts of the superstructure:

My engineer checks the print of the first hull:

This one is printed with the FDM printer. I also tried to print it with the Resin printer as quality would be better. But as I cannot print it on one piece I had to spit it in two parts, and this did not work very good at all.

Next will be the hangar deck, two versions are designed, one with lift down and one with lift up:

As I am not 100% sure which one to make for which ship, I printed a few of them.

And my engineer tests if it really fits into the hull. This is the IJN version.

The hangar deck - which will be an open hangar - needs a support structure below, so this is what i made in the 3D program, one for the forward part, one for the backward part.

Those parts are printed with the resin printer as they are much too small for the FDM printer. Those are the forward support parts

And added below the hangar deck.

Hangar deck now added to the hull, with support structure. Again, the IJN version.

And this is how far all three ships have progressed now, IJN, USN and Kriegsmairne, front to back. On the IJN carrier, some first tests for Val dive bombers can be seen. Of course, they need to fold their wings, when being in the hangar.

Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de


Fascinating project and I'm glad to see your engineer is up to date with the latest technological advances  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Aircraft carrier need aircraft. So those are the first attempts to print some in 1/700 scale: Japanese D3A Val bombers and USN SDB3 Dautless. The Vals printed ok, but the Dautless lost their landing gear. Also tried to make some Ju87, but those did not print good at all.

As I had some issues with the resin printer, I continued with the flight decks - three different variants for the three carriers.

My engineer is testing the flight decks - IJN, KM and USN, from left to right.

Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


I am mainly concentrating on the IJN carrier right now, as this one is the one that has progressed most. And its the one where I was able to print some aircraft succesfully.

Here is the flight deck, with some Val bombers on it.

Talking about Val bombers, a first attempt to make one with folded wings. Otherwise it will not fit into the hangar deck.

Also working on the aircraft lift. Three different versions with lift up, lift middle and lift down. Each of the carriers gets a different version. IJN lift up, KM lift middle and USN lift down.
Unfortunately, those lifts printed a bit too big, so they do not fit, have to redo them again. Looks as if my engineer made en error here.

Current state of all three carriers, still thinking about names for them.



The flight decks bend down as there is no support structure below it, so this has to be made next.

Daily updates from my engineer: https://twitter.com/Scratchbr1

German Naval History               : www.german-navy.de
Bärenreisen                             : www.barenurlaub.de