
7th Generation Combat Aircraft

Started by tc2324, July 15, 2012, 01:04:05 AM

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I'm thinking:
Flexible wing skins with lots of servos to change the shape of the wings to the job at hand.
Very light or lighter-than-air craft with electric motors powering turbo ducted 'engines' with sloar cells all over the upper surfaces for recon.
Electrically charges shaped cloth for a glide suit ala Batman for stealth insertions of troops.
Folding wing GPS guided glide bombs with a RPV function if needed. Stealthy if posible, dropped well away from the real target.
Small Space Fighters based on an obital Carrier. Everything shuttled up and troops transported with things like Space Plane III, the third generation. Rail guns work real good in space and if you miss the rounds just burn up on re-entry. No blood, no foul.
"Just which planet are you from again"?