
Project Pye

Started by tc2324, October 09, 2012, 02:34:50 PM

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I realise I'm a little late to the party on this one - but I have to take my hat off to you - that is one very beautifully executed build!!
I had my doubts when reading from the start but they quickly dissipated into the second or third page.
Absolutely brilliant!

The Wooksta!

It's a nice model and I can appreciate the work gone into it, but it just doesn't work for me.  The concept is fine, can't fault the back story.

The engines are way too slim to be Nenes.  The centrifugal jets are bulky things and the diameter should be larger.  Alter the back story so it's a later incarnation of the same aircraft but powered by two Avons?

The weapon looks far too modern to be a WW2 one.  British WW2 weapons looked 1940s-ish.  On top of that, engine test beds would never have been used to test weapons.  

I'm not too keen on the shape of the nose either, it just doesn't look right.  I know that the Flight Refueling Lanc had a fairly blunt nose but it was shorter.

Still, it's just my opinion.  If you're happy with it, then all well and good.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:


Well, thank you all for the the nice comments, be it thread drift, (remind me to avoid Narses2 if I spot him within 200 yrds of a curry house..   :lol:)....... or constructive comments, (wooksta, you seem a very hard man to please....  ;D :lol:).

Will be moving onto my next project in a month or so, not so much the past but very much into the future...., well, maybe 20/30 years. :wacko:
74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!

The Wooksta!

Quote from: tc2324 on November 16, 2012, 05:27:27 AM
....... or constructive comments, (wooksta, you seem a very hard man to please....  ;D :lol:).

Possibly, but more likely I've been whiffing too long and have more of an eye for stuff that's believable.  You know that saying about aircraft flying right if they look right?  I think the same about whiffs.  There are those that are right and look so instinctively right that you can believe in them knowing that they're spoofs.  Others...  (Are we still allowed to be negative here these days or do the poor darlings need to be wrapped in cotton wool?  Oh no, we *mustn't dishearten them now).  It seems to be too much of a 'love in' here these days.  You need some dissenting voices to make people "think" more about what they're doing and to put things into perspective.
"It's basically a cure -  for not being an axe-wielding homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

"Visit Scarfolk today!"

"Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio!"

The Plan:


Sorry wooksta, put the smilies in my comment as I didn`t mean it seriously, just a joke like the Narses comment.  ;)

As for your statement, I do agree to a point. I`m always happy to get constructive advice from members and if someone is a little rude about it, I just move on and leave it. That`s where your point fails to an extent. All people have a different idea about how to construe a comment. For instance, if I was face to face with you I would be able to tell how to take a comment by your manner, tone of voice, you get the idea. Unfortunately you can`t gauge that from the written word on a forum and this is why `bun` fights tend to start.

A great example of this is your comment about `dissenting voices to make people "think" more about what they're doing`. Now I could have got upset about that and taken it personally as I had spent a good couple of hours going through research for the back story for the build and I still feel the story and choices are pretty solid. I think the Nenes would have fitted well, hence the added `lumps` on the sides to compensate. If anything the aircraft would have been underpowered. Avons would have been ideal, but they didn`t fit in with the timeline very well. As for the weapon not looking very 1940`s, I could counter that by stating the bouncing bomb probably wasn`t your standard 1940`s design for a mine/bomb. Like all things, I think it depends on the inventor and their vision and I felt I covered this area as well as I could.

I think your right about the nose, like a 99p Mcdonald`s cheeseburger, I can`t argue with that but it`s all I had to work with.

Like I said, while I agree that with you that we shouldn`t have a forum `love in`, everyone still has to take into consideration how they respond and how the other person may react to that response. Being blunt and too the point doesn`t work. It just comes acroos as impolite and I`d hate to see member give up this hobby because they mistook the way in which a comment was aimed at them. (An example of this was from your earlier post, ` If you're happy with it, then all well and good.` Now to me, that came across as quite flippant and really didn`t need to be added. Just the `Still, thats my opinion` would have ended the post just as well). Just food for thought.

Anyway, that enough thread drift from me. It must be catching....  :lol:
74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!