
Spey_Phantom's corner of solitude

Started by Spey_Phantom, October 20, 2012, 02:07:12 AM

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Blog Entry #68

been stuck in a rut this past week, as i just cant seem to find my mojo again  :-\
still grumbling about the failed tests, still all quiet on the job hunting front,....

i have had a lot of time this weekend (as the GF was out of town with her friends) to do some research, just to get me motivated again, starting with simple things, like reading up on Luft'46 and IJA/IJN'46 books, and thinking of future projects to build.
before getting busy on current projects, im gonna do some cleaning of the workbench. might even have to start on the big spring cleaning.
got a lot of things i want to store in boxes and get on the attic.

i have been getting in the mood to build some 1/144 kits, i might start with some RealWorld project, just to get my mojo back.
later this week im gonna look into getting some cardboard boxes to store long-term stash projects.
furthermore, stash additions will be kept to a minimum, as my financial situation is changing and i need to cut  a few things from the budget. so for now, no more "heat of the moment" buys  :-\

hoping things get better soon, more soon.....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

Sorry to hear about the test Nils, but as you said, maybe a good thing in the long run.

We have that going on here as well. TFWs, Temporary Foreign Workers. To fill in spots when there are too many jobs and not enough bodies to fill them. Problem is, able bodied CDNs are sat at home while TFWs are working. I wonder why ?

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

As for modelling....144th sounds great !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #69

been a slow week, but i finally got around to some modelbuilding  ;D
ive just started with a Revell 1/144 F-15E Strike Eagle, witch im gonna build as a Realworld F-15D Eagle in USAFE 32TFS markings.
just to get my mojo warmed up  :mellow:
furthermore, ive been looking into some more decal designs for future projects, including the SABENA markings for the Airbus A350-900, Fokker F100 SOSTAR-X (operational Netherlands AF markings), RCAF CF-188E Super Hornet,..... i also need to start designing decals for the KC-737 tactical tanker, im also thinking of an A320 tanker/transport version (Belgian AF, inspired by the new A321 transport, maybe in combination with an F/A-18E).

ive put the 1/72 CF-105 on hold for a while, i will continue work on it occasionally. but first, i have to get a move on the commisioned builds. starting with a pair of Seakings and NH90's (the latter's decals are still in the design stage).

in terms of finding a job, all is quiet on the front for now (the financial crisis isnt making it any better). hope thing will get moving again after the national elections next month. but im keeping my hopes up, hoping something will pop up soon.

more next week.....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

That's it ! This used to be my favourite blog....but with the Arrow on the shelf I'm going on strike ! Who's with me ? No more views or posts until the Arrow is back on the bench !


What ? You're still doing a bunch of 144th and helicopters ? Ok, I'll come back......

:cheers: :tornado:
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #70

smooth sailing on the bench at the moment, with a 1/144 F-15D Eagle (RW) nearing completion, should be done in a few days.
meanwhile, ive been thinking of my next projects, reviving the 1/72 CF-105 build as an "in-between" project.
another 1/144 project planned after the F-15 is a British FAA E-2C Hawkeye AEW.1 (to be based on the 1/144 HMS Courageous aircraft carrier).
im also thinking of delaying the Luft'46 Beriev Be-6 build until the CF-105 is finished, so i can spend some timeon the commisionbuild SeaKings (first 2, followed by the NH90's).

building the new Revell 1/144 F-15E kit (as an F-15D), i noticed this kit is a real gem, its fit is perfect, it goes together very easely and the level of detail is excellent  :thumbsup:
i still have 3 or 4 more of those kits in the stash, and i have various whiff versions planned. adding Thrust vectoring nozzles looks quite easy on this kit, combined with canards from the F-15S/MTD (F-18 tailplanes), i could build something to rival the Su-35/37, maybe in USAF or RAAF markings :lol:, another kit could become a Turkish AF F-15DT Anatolian Eagle.

meanwhile, in terms of decal designing, i just finished designing those for the new Belgian Airbus A321, and i made 2 sets, as to use one for a possible A320/321 tanker/transport version  ;D
as for the 1/144 KC-737 tactical tanker/transport planned, im thinking of a Belgian Air Force version, combined with an F/A-18E.
looking at the Airbus A340 in the stash (witch i had no use for) im now thinking of shortening the fuselage (and converting it to an A330-200) and build it as a RCAF KC-45 (CC-145T Ajax) multi-role Tanker/Transport.

more news, same time next week  :thumbsup:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

Look forward to it ! I gotta get myself a few of those F-15 kits when I see them.

The Ajax sounds interesting....and it's also right in the Rat's backyard !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #71

the workbench is on the move again, with 2 1/72 SeaKings under construction, and the CF-105 Arrow build being revived.
the F-15D was finished earlier this week, so thats one project done.

i was planning on building more today, but since my cat Rossi dies yesterday, i wasnt in the mood to build  :-\
so today i decided to go to a large swap meet in Brugges, just to get on the bike, get some air and to clear my mind.
afterwards i texted my GF and payed her a surprise visit, ended up spending most of my afternoon there with her and her 5 year-old niece.
we had fun, felt good to have a laugh and a giggle  <_<
my Birthday is coming up next weekend, she said she had a surprise for me, something Hobby related  ;)

if its going to be a new modelkit for the stash, then i know she really is the one  :lol:  :wub:

in terms of jobhunting, al quiet on the western front  :-\
ive had a call for an interview in another city last week, had to take a 2 hour bike and trainride to get there, but turned out to be nothing. as expected, they call you, say they have a job for you and once you get there, they dont  :angry:
ive told them a hundered times already, "if you dont have an job-opening for me, dont bother calling!"
not to get political, but the national elections are coming up in a few weeks, and im really hoping things will change for the better this time. (you wouldnt believe the absolutly absurd laws they past recently).

on a lighter note, later this week (weather permitting) im going to Koksijde AB to witness the arrival of Belgium's first NH90-NFH helicopter. and im really hoping to get some good pictures of the new machine  ;D

more next week....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

Sorry to hear about your cat. Always sad to lose a pet like that....

Glad to hear the Sea Kings and Arrow are back on the go.

Sorry to hear about the job situation. That's gotta be tough, but you;ll get there eventually, and hangups like this just mean that the right job is still out there.

Glad to hear your're going out to Koksjide to see the chopper come in. Very cool !
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #72

little progress was made the past week, except some small works on the 2 SeaKings.
hoping to get the CF-105 moving agian, maybe today  :mellow:

ive been in the mood for some more building lately, perhaps i will start on some more 1/144 models, as i really want to revive my WW3 storybuild, witch has been stuck in writersblock for the past 6 months. im starting on some additional 1/144, 1/72 and 1/700's really soon.
as soon as the CF-105 Arrow is done, im gonna start on a luft'46 model soon, perhaps that PM 1/72 Ta.183 (i have a revell FW190 cockpit set aside for it  :mellow: ). im thinking of scratchbuilding some Air-to-Air missiles for that, might even build some more for a future Ho.229 night-fighter (i have a PM 1/72 2-seat Nightfighter in the stash).

last friday i went to Koksijde Air Base to witness the arrival of the first NH90-NFH for the local SAR unit. 4 of these will replace the last 3 SeaKing's and 3 Alouette III (destined to be retired by januari 2016).
many spotters from over the country came to witness the arrival of the first machine, witch will be presented to the press on Tuesday.
when i came home, ive seen myself on the 7 o'clock news, and the day after, i was in the papers (alongside my friends).
Friday on TV, and Saturday the 10th in the newspaper, great way to celebrate my 30th Birthday.

had my Birthday party last saturday  :party:
was a great day, nothing special, my GF came over for coffee and waffles, and she got me a little crystal airplane (a rael Swarovski (she didnt pay to much, as she said it was secondhand), she must really love me, like the way i love her :wub: ).
i really had a great time, and had a lot of fun with my family and friends  :cheers:

more next week.....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Glad you enjoyed your birthday mate  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Captain Canada

Arrow ! Arrow ! Arrow !


I'd like to see an NH-90 up close, and in the air ! Where's the pics ? I'll go look in Plane Spotting' in case there are some there.

Glad you had a nice birthday Nils ! You gonna whif the crystal plane ?

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #73

little to no progress on anything what so ever  :-\
had some personal things to do the past week so i had little time to do some modeling.

yesterday i went to Leopoldsburg for the Belgian Army opendoor, had a great time and got to see the new NH90-TTH in action  :mellow:
also got to see the aircraft up close on the ground, pictures to follow on a later date.

modelling wise, im decided im gonna continue with some decal designingfor future projects.
i have a 1/144 Tupolev Tu-144 in the stash that i was gonna convert into a supersonic bomber, but i decided to put that project on hold and build the Civilian version OOB, in a What If Livery. i decided to go for the East-german Interflug scheme.
im gonna start designing the decals later this afternoon.

i really want to get the bench moving again, so im gonna be looking into some current projects this week (1/72 SeaKings & CF105), and maybe start a new 1/144 one (thinking RW Tornado GR.1 in Desert Storm scheme), might even build a small extra 1/144 whiff in between, but i dont know what yet.

as for the planned Boeing 737 tactical tanker, ive been playing with the idea of adding a refueling boom to the tail, but i think the real 737 would not be able to be fitted with this system, concidering the small size and structural integrity of the airframe, so i guess im gonna have to stick with the 2 or 3-point HDU version. scratchbuilding a boom isnt that hard, all it takes is a bit of leftover sprue and plasticard.
the planned A330 based RCAF CC-145T Ajax will be fitted with a boom.

more next week....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

Looking forward to seeing that Ajax Nils !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Quote from: Captain Canada on May 19, 2014, 07:43:01 AM
Looking forward to seeing that Ajax Nils !


i just finished designing the decals for it (and other projects), its printed out and  the first layer of sealant is currently drying.
i'll check again in 10 minutes, its its dry, im gonna apply a second coat  ;)
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

Sweet ! If they turn out maybe you can make a second set for a certain Canadian  :thumbsup:
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?