
Spey_Phantom's corner of solitude

Started by Spey_Phantom, October 20, 2012, 02:07:12 AM

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Deu to the National & EU elections in Belgium tomorrow, an early blogpost  ;)

Blog Entry #74.

im coming down with a bit of a bug the last few days, i was gonna go out with my GF this afternoon, but i wasnt feeling that good.
at least i now have some time to get some work done on the bench.

ive mostly been doing planning and decalmaking these past few days. but instead of making the usual 4 x 6inch sized decalsheets, i made an A4 sized one as it had more room for the larger projects.

decals were made for:

What If:
-1/144 Fokker F100 SOSTAR-X (RNLAF operational markings)
-1/144 KC-737 (Belgian AF, in Desert Pink and toned down roundels)
-1/144 CF-188E Super Hornet (RCAF)
-1/144 Airbus A350 (Sabena)
-1/144 Tupolev Tu-144 (Interflug)
-1/144 Airbus CC-145T Ajax (A330-MRTT in RCAF markings)

Real World:
-1/72 NH90-NFH (Belgian)
-1/144 Airbus A321 (Belgian AF, made 2 sets as one will go to an A320)
-1/144 Airbus A330-300 (Belgian AF)
-1/144 F-16A/C (USAFE, IDF/AF, Iron Eagle)

-1/144 roundels for swiss F/A-18C/D
-1/72 DDR-NVA (East-German Army) vehicle roundels (for future vehicles/tanks)
-NATO-OTAN Fuselage markings (for planned ISR-aircraft, possibly A319/320 based)
-Various bort-numbers and names for ships.
-Helipad for future ship project.

as far as phisycal building goes, no progress.
im starting on some new project soon, so expect some pictures of those very soon  :mellow:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #75

there has been some progress on the bench this week  :thumbsup:
i have just finished the first new model for the WW3 story build, a Sigint/Elint version of the Fokker 100.

also on the bench are 2 RW 1/144 F/A-18C/D (single- and 2-seater in Swiss markings), that are nearing completion, and 2 Whiff 1/144 F/A-18E's.
one is a Canadian CF-188E Super Hornet, the other is a Belgian AF F/A-18E (Boeing offered the SH to the BAF in March this year). these should be finished by next week.
no progress on the 1/72 CF-105 or SeaKings this week.

this weekend there will be no modelling activity as im going to be spending the weekend over at my GF's place in Assebroek (Brugges), with a trip to Blankenberge tomorrow for the harbourfestival. should be back home on sunday in the late afternoon.
expect some pictures of the many ships and the SeaKing (or NH90) helicopter when i get back :)
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #76

the bench is clearing up again, 2 1/144 F/A-18C/D's (Realworld Swiss AF) have been finished this week and im now about to start on 2 1/144 F/A-18E's, 1 Canadian and the other Belgian. might even add a 3rd one later in JMSDF markings.

since i dont have anything to do this weekend (GF's off to london with her friends) im gonna see if can get some work done on the CF-105  :mellow:
i also need to get those 2 SeaKings moving, or at least finish the interiors.

in terms of mental well being, ive been feeling kinda down lately  :-\
i had an interview a few days ago for a metal press operator, terms were good, but the next day i recieved the call that i have not been accepted.
the reason:.......... "been at home for to long"  :unsure:

ive heared a lot of dumb excuses for rejection in my days, but this one can fit up there with the top-5 of dumbest reasons (with No.1 for being a man (darn feminist b*tch!)). ive been at home, unemployed for 16 months now, i didnt ask for this and it surely didnt want this!
sometimes when i wake up, i wonder why i even bother getting out of bed  :-\
ive been at home for so long now, i dont even have a vision of work in my future anymore.
i havent heared from my employment office counciler in almost 3 months, im starting to think they forgotten me and abandon me.

but back on topic,

more modeling activity updates soon....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Nils, friends of mine have had the "been at home for to long" excuse for not getting a job in the past. Now from experience of interviewing people I do know where they are coming from however unhelpful that may be.

The way to deal with it is to do some charitable work in order to get you back into the feel of the world of work. Now I don't know about Belgium but in the UK there are loads of ways of doing that. Employers tend to be quite impressed when they see that on your CV. Only needs to be a day or so a week and one person I know helped out in a local dogs home. took the dogs for a walk twice a week, loved it and it helped with his CV. Employers are strange like that.

Best of luck mate

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Blog Entry #77

this week, ive started on a side project, the upgrade and restoration of an old (and horrible) Airfix 1/144 F-16XL, build about 16 years ago.
using parts from the newer Revell 1/144 F-16C, ive managed to turn this turd of a kit, into a little gem  :mellow:
still need to do some finishing touches, and some decalwork, should be done soon.

as for the 2 1/144 F/A-18E's, i havent really started on them yet, due to lack of spare time this week.
as for this weekend, i wont be able to continue modelling until sunday evening, as my GF is coming over to spend the weekend here with me  :mellow:

im also been getting in the mood to make some Luft'46 themed builds.
thinking of starting off with a PM 1/72 Ta.183.
its quite a simple kit, having already build one before, but this one im going to build with upgraded parts,
including the cockpit from a revell 1/72 Fw190A, 2 or 4 scratchbuilt X-4 Missiles and a few more bits and bobs  :mellow:

in terms of work, the main unemployment office once agian sent me an invite (witch im forced to go to) for an infosession for a line of work im NOT qualified for. they already invited me for that same position 6 months ago, and that turned out to be a waste of time.
im affraid this one will be the same thing (it is for the same company (the railway) and for the same position). guess some people dont even bother to read your file/resumé, i starting to wonder why i even bother writing them.

more soon..........
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #78

little progress this week, just finishing up the restoration of the old Airfix 1/144 F-16XL (ex-LS kit).
in the mean time, ive been preparing to start on the 2 1/144 F/A-18E's on the bench (Belgian and Canadian).
there might also be the start of the 1/72 Ta.183, but that will happening after the weekend (spending it @ my GF's place).

in terms of stash growth, i really needs to stop, as im starting to run out of storage space.
also, due to the turbulent financial situation im gonna have to start making cuts in the hobbybudget.
im gonna stop buying kits for a while, except for the more rare ones that intrest me.

me and my GF had also been planning to go on holiday this summer, but the prices they ask in nearby holiday resorts is ludacris,
its much cheaper to take a 4-night holiday to the Costa Del Sol, all in! but timing problems and previous engagements have thwoarted our plans, so were gonna start looking towards next years holiday  :mellow:

also, the summer is aproaching fast, with various weekend events  :mellow:
next weekend, im going to a Fly-In at Ursel Airfield, im expecting to see some WW2 vintage aircraft and RAF Tornado and Belgian F-16 fighters.
the weekend after that im going to the Belgian Navy Days, then 2 weeks later there's my Godsons baptism,......
looks like its going to be a busy but fun summer  :rolleyes:

of course there will always be time for modelmaking and other things  ;)

more next week, in the meantime, here's a picture of me and my GF, from our daytrip to the Blankenberge Seaside a few weeks ago  :mellow:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


I have very fond memories of Blankenberge from when I was there as an 13/14 year old. Still got loads of photos (slides) of the annual carnival. My first experience of Belgian beer. Dad let me have half a pint and I walked into the bar's door on the way out  ;D :drink:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: NARSES2 on June 20, 2014, 07:13:24 AM
My first experience of Belgian beer. Dad let me have half a pint and I walked into the bar's door on the way out  ;D :drink:

Hehehe, the only time I ever tried Belgian beer, in Amsterdam, it triggered my asthma so badly that I ended up in hospital!  :o
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Blog Entry #79

little to no progress, except for some research for future project, including Managuan AF F-18's and F-104G's. (from a Buck Danny Comic)
i havent had a chance to do any building this week, due to more important things, like getting some papers sortedn doing my taxes, going out with my GF,................

but, Jessica is out of town to a concert for the weekend with her friends, so this weekend is mancave weekend  ;D
i was planning to go out myself to a fly-in not to far from here, but it looks like bad weather has caused me to change those plans  :-\

im gonna look at getting some progress this weekend on the 2 1/144 Super Hornets, and maybe get some minor work done on the 2 1/72 Sea Kings.
reading those old and new Buck Danny comics (a Franco-Belgian counterpart to Biggles) has really jumpstarted my motivation.
many of those comics have some great WHIFF ideas, from simple alternate markings to original designs, from WW2 to present day.
info video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikixUccFGjc

meanwhie, ive also been looking throught the stash, to potential future projects, both RW and WHIFF.
i have a spare 1/144 F-14 and Tornado to mess arround with, to i might be able to do something with those.
in 1/72, that A400M box under the bed is looking tempting, so i might eventually start that one, as soon as the bench is clear of the SeaKings and NH90-NFH's  ;D

more soon..........
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

Finally caught up on the updates Nils !

Sorry to hear about the job situation. Having been on pogey ( the dole ) many times before I know how frustrating the Gov't can be in 'helping' you find a job !

Great pic of yourself and the GF....congrats bro.

Look forward to seeing some pics.

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #80

there is movement on the bench this past week  :mellow:
and for this, i have a big photo-heavy update.

first up, a small project that took just a few days time, a little realworld.
the 1/144 Minicraft TBF-1 Avenger was in a very bad condition, build in my early modeling days about 16 years ago.
but it was in a repairable state, so after a few days work, it went from this:

to this  :thumbsup:

an older Airfix 1/144 F-16XL has also been repaired and refurbished, but the end results will be posted later in the WW3 storybuild thread.

meanwhile, work is also progressing on 2 1/144 F/A-18E Super Hornets.
below a picture of the models under assembly. Left is a Canadian CF-188E (with a hole drilled for a searchlight as on the current A-models), and on the right a Belgian Air Force F/A-18E.

and here, an overview of the current projects workspace, also note the 2 commision-build 1/72 Sea Kings and 2 NH90-NFH.
work on the CF-105 is also planned to continue shortly. the SpaceShipTwo model is just there due to lack of storagespace, but im planning to build that one in the future as a Russian or Chinese Balistic Missile carrier/launcher.

for the rest, i have no idea yet, but i might start on a new 1/72 project as soon as the CF-105 is finished.
as i said before that 1/72 PM Ta.183 is looking ideal, combines with some new parts and decals.
there's also a 1/72 Messershmitt P.1099b witch im planning to build in a stripped-down IJA/IJN torpedobomber.
there are alos plenty of 1/144 models waiting in line when the super hornets are finished.

this weekend, im going to Zeebrugges for the navy days, but that trip will depend on the weather witch doenst look very good this weekend  :-\
i really hope it will improve by sunday, i already missed the ursel Fly-in last week  due to bad weather and a UTI, im gonna be really pissed off if im going to have stay another weekend indoors  :angry:
there are already some great visitors in port there right now, including the Belgian Navy's new patrolboat the P901 "BNS Castor" (the first of 2, the second, P902 Pollux) is expected by yearend).
the Belgian AF its new NH90-NFH, and the USS Mount Whitney with a SH-60 Seahawk  :mellow:

i really want to go, i never gotten the chance to see the SH-60 version of the S-70 hawk, and the last time there was one here, i had the flu.

more next time........
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #81

things on the bench are moving allong smoothly, mostly because bad weather didnt permit me to go anywhere this week.
the 2 1/144 F/A-18E's are nearly finished. the paintwork on both is pretty much done, although the Belgian one still needs its wheels.
the armamment still needs to be done, but they should be done my the end of the week.

no progress on the 1/72 SeaKings or the CF-105, but i will try to work on these as soon as the super hornets are done.

to be honnest, ive been feeling kinda low these past few days, the unemployment situation is getting worse.
a few days ago, it was in the news that a marine-tool building company, where i used to work briefly after i graduated from high school, has closed down due to the recession and the unbeatable competition from Eastern and Chinese companies. i also went to another job interview today for a metal parts installer, but i failed to get the job as im affraid of heights (working on a 3-story high ladder wasnt in the job description).

things are going from bad to worse, every week there is at least one newspaper article from metalwork companies going out of bussines or moving East. im feeling really bad and i want to blame the gouverment for destroying the sector, but im starting to feel bad about myself, its now been 16 months since i was layed off, and nobody's hireing. im starting to feel like a loser, pretty worthless and pathetic right now.
yesterday i ran into an old collegue of mine, he started working at a company where i worked before the recession. he said he's gonna put in a good word for me, but i dont think it will work, as i already re-applied 6 months ago, but didnt got in.

im still hoping thing will get better, but im starting to lose hope fast.
i really want a job, just to have a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

but enough of the bad stuff, here's a couple of pictures of the 1/144 super hornets that are nearly finished.

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #81b

just a small update of the previous entry :)

the first of 2 1/144 F/A-18E's (an RCAF CF-188E Super Hornet) is now completly finished, the second will be done a little later.
im gonna have little time for modelmaking in the next week, as in a few hours i will be off to stay at my girlfriend's place for a few days. were planning to go north of the border to Sluis (The Netherlands) for a daytrip, but i will see if there are any modelshops there :).

im gonna be offline until then, but i should be back on Tuesday. wednesday im going to Koksijde, for a presentation of Belgium's new NH90-NFH's to the public.
thursday will be a free day, might do some modelbuilding then, and friday my girlfriend is coming over to stay with me for a few days (till monday) and on sunday my cousin Joey (my godchild) is getting baptised.
so its gonna be a very busy week, but i hope to get the bench moving, even if its only for an hour.

i hope the enxt few days with Jess are gonna help me clear my mind, as its been a very depressing week (see previous blogpost).
i should have a new blog entry and pictures of the finished Super Hornets up on thursday.

until then, have a good week  :mellow:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

Glad to hear ( and see ) things progressing Nils ! Look forward to seeing the CF-188E. The searchlight is a nice CDN touch !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #81

little to no progress this week, but i did a little bit of modelwork last night. it was hard to get some sleep in the heatwave currently over Belgium (temperature outside atm is 30 to 34°C). so just to pass the time, i got the decalswork on the bottom half of the 2nd 1/144 F/A-18E done. for the next few days, there wont be any work done modelwise. im curretnly cleaning up the workplace as Jessica is coming over to spend the weekend with me (and joining me at my cousin/godchild Joey's baptism on sunday).

modeling wise, im starting to look into more future projects.
im also gonna ad a RW airliner to my collection, a 1/144 Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner in Jetair Fly colors (i was next to the runway in Ostend at the delivery in december last year). yesterday i got the kit, and im currently waiting for the Skyline Decals sheet to be delivered, some time next week.

giving military aircraft a rest for a while, i decided to concentrate on Civil aircraft for a while, and im gonna start on a 1/144 Airbus A350-900 XWB next week, in Sabena markings. i made the decals for it myself, as the DACO/Skyline decals for 2000-era Sabena aircraft were no longer available (or become to expensive) and the 90's era decals are easy to make by myself (blue markings over an all-white color scheme). because the model is so large, and white paint is a real pain to apply by hand, im think im gonna spraypaint the whole thing. if i have to paint by hand, im gonna thin out the paint even more and workk in 2 or 3 layers, as im affraid the spraypaint is gonna chip off when i apply a clear-gloss layer for sealant.

for the Interflug Tu-144 im planning, thats gonna be a bit tricky, as a noticed the old 1/144 ICM mould revell released is a bit warped, so i might run into some trouble once i start on that one.

but for now, that worries for later  :mellow:
once the stash is clear of the larger boxes, i might get a 1/144 Concorde and make that one in Sabena markings  :mellow:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.