
Spey_Phantom's corner of solitude

Started by Spey_Phantom, October 20, 2012, 02:07:12 AM

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Blog Entry #94

work on the East-German Mil Mi-28 Havoc is nearing the end. decals have been applied, sealed and paintwork on the rotors and weapons has begun. as for other projects, work is about to continue on the 1/72 CF-105 Arrow as soon as the Havoc's done.

tonight, im gonna look into making some progress on those 2 1/72 SeaKings, the fact they they are gathering dust and take up most of the workspace is starting to get on my nerves, i really want to start on other projects.

today, i was sorting out the stash, and i must admit that its starting to get out of hand. most of the stash are luft46 models.
sorting them out, i put IJA and IJN decals in 1/72 Me.1099 and Me262 boxes, and marked them as short-term projects. i dont have any Japanese WW2 aircraft on the shelves yet, and would be a welcome change from all the Allied and Luftwaffe '46 models.

as for 1/144 models, im planning on starting on some realworld models soon, just to slim the stash a bit. as soon as i have some bigger boxes, im gonna start moving some kits in the back of the closet onto the attic.

and as ai noted yesterday, ave become an uncle for the 5th time yesterday, as my younger brother and his girlfriend welcomed they're second son into the world, Lucas  :party:

more soon......
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

Stash out of hand ? Never !

Looking forward to the Arrow and Sea Things.

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #95

little to no updates since the last entry, but i have mostly been doing some research into future projects.
i have 4 1/144 revell F-16C waiting in the stash, but ive been wanting to update 2 of these to Block 52+ standard.
ive been looking into ordering some sets of Retrokit 1/144 CFT's (Conformal Fuel Tanks) for these little falcons, but the payment options on the retrokit website put a stop to that plan (to complicated), so now im gonna look into getting some of those CFT's in retail.

the 4 F-16's will be built in Israeli (standard F-16C), Polish (Block 50/52), USAF and "Iron Eagle" markings.
there might be the additional Block 50+ (or block 60) in the future, maybe in Indian Air Force version  :mellow:
at last weeks belgian modelersforum membersday, i managed to buy a revell 1/144 Mig-31 Foxhound, but looks more like a Mig-25.
im gonna try to convert it into a more accurate version of the Mig-31 with a new undercarriage, weapon pylons,...

of course there are still the usual what-if models, down the line im gonna look into starting on an Area 88 F-14 Tomcat.
im also looking into converting a trumpeter 1/144 Su-27 into an Su-35S. im also looking into building 2 upgraded variants of the Su-47 Firkin. the first is a Chinese J-18 Firkin-B (a license build copy of the Su-47K Naval Firkin) and the Su-47S Firkin-D (improved version of the older Su-47 with TVC engines, no canards,...)

so, im still busy making (and writing down) new ideas  :mellow:

more soon....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

The Mig-25 to -31 conversion sounds interesting ! There were a few great photo articles in Combat Aircraft this past year.

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #96

the 1/72 CF-105 is now finished, after sitting on the workbench for months its finally done  :thumbsup:
build thread: http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,38498.msg656941.html#new

next up, is the real world 1/72 SeaKing Mk.48's. the long-due commision builds have to get finished as they just take p to much space on the bench.
as an in-between project, im gonna look into some realworld builds in 1/144, might take up an F-104S-ASA or Tornado GR.1/IDS.
of course there are still what-if projects in line, including some RAF/IJN/USAAF/Luft'46 models and some next-generation fighters/helicopters in 1/72 and 1/144.

ive been feeling a bit under the weather lately, after going out this morning, i got hit in the gut by a stomach flu  :-X
i really hope i will feel better tomorrow, as there were a number of foreign gouverment aircraft expected at the local airport (including Algerian Gulfstream, Luftwaffe A319, Slovakian Yak-40,..)
as for jobhunting, im gonna try to visit some interm offices aswell tomorrow, see if they have any openings.

more soon........
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #97

its been a very moving week since the last blog-entry. but before that, the bench update.
after the CF-105 was finished, there were no other whiff projects made.
hoawever, over the weekend, i opened up a small kit to get me motivated, after watching the movie "Blue Tornado", i got in the mood to build some long due RW kits, so i started with a  Revell 1/144 F-104G Starfighter, that i converted to an Italian AF F-104S ASA-M, a simple conversion, nothing fancy  :mellow:

but now, im getting really tired of boring old grey, and want to build something with a little more color, so next in line in the RW list are 4 Panavia Tornado's: an RAF Desert Storm GR.1, A Marineflieger IDS, a german Tigermeet ECR and an RAF F.3.
might take on a Heller A-10 Thunderbolt after that, crossing it with the better decals from the Revell box, so the Revell A-10 might be a future Whiff (French maybe?).

as for WHIFF's, in 1/144 im looking to make decals for an F-104G and F/A-18A in Managuan AF markings (from a Buck Danny comic).
ive also designed decals for a Turkish AF F-15T Strike Eagle.
i also recently got a Revell 1/72 Twin Otter, im thinking a Belgian Navy floatplane version for SAR  ;D

as i said before, its been a moving week. a few days ago, my godson, Joey (1 year old next week) had to go to hospital with a a intestants (hope i spelled it right) problem. and last night, my other brother had to take his second son, Lucas (3 weeks old) to hospital with a serious illness, hope the little guys gets better soon.
and last but not least, after a few days of not eating, drinking and struggling to breathe, our cat Oscar was put to sleep. we couldt stand to see him suffer any longer :(

i really hope things get better, the kids get better, i get a job soon.... because this past week has been really depressing.
ive been at home for ove a year and a half now and its driving me insane of boredom. i can hardly find the mood or motivation to modelbuild anymore. i had a job interview last week for a temporary opening, hope to get news on that in the next few days.
tomorrow im going to Brugges to see if i cant find anything there. im really trying tostay positive, but it gets harder and harder  :-\

more soon.....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


I know how you feel my friend. I was out of work for quite a long time and it really gets a person down. If you have the time try volunteering for something. It gets you out of the house and you might be able to network yourself into a paying position.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Hope everything gets better for you mate
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Yeah, good luck Nils.  I know what it's like being out of work.

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


I know what's that's like. Sent off my security license renewal documents but my license has expired before they have been processed. The security company that I work for won't pay me any leave either until the authorities start processing it. Could be a couple of weeks.

Captain Canada

Best wished Nils.

The Twin Otter sounds interesting !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


since i wont be able to make a blogpost on monday, im gonna post one early  :mellow:

Blog Entry #98

the bench is moving again, at this moment, there are 2 RW 1/144 builds on the move, a pair of RAF Tornado's (a GR.1 and an F.3).
the 2 other Tornado's (Luftwaffe tigermeet'11 and Marineflieger) im gonna bild on a later date.
also there is 1 Whiff on the line aswell, im almost finished refurbishing an old revell 1/144 F-5E Tiger II, and its painted as Shin Kazama's Tiger from the old Area 88 anime :mellow:
also on the waiting list is another Area 88 aircraft, an F-14A Tomcat, flown by Mickey Simon. i also have a spare A-10A and Harriers in the stash, might make those in Area 88 colors aswell  ;D
also in 1/144, there is still an old F-111 awaiting decals, im curretnly looking into making some Australian ones.

there are more WHIFFs on the horizon, as im planning on building a Fleet Air Arm E-2C Hawkeye EAW.1 forthe long overdue HMS Couragious Aircraft carrier, allong with a pair of Sea Tornado FGR.2's (navalised GR.1's).

as for 1/72, im still looking into that, i have a 1/72 EC-145 thats been gathering dust on the sidelines, i was going to build it as a Luftwaffe/Heersflieger SAR helicopter, but since Germany is now actually going to operate the type, i think im gonna build it in French or British markings (Gazelle replacement).

on a personal note, things are getting better. ive got another job interview next week and my little nephews are getting better  :mellow:

more soon........
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

Love all the small sacle stuff Nils. Look forward to seeing the F.3. Have not seen that kit in 144th scale.

Good luck with the interview as well buddy !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Quote from: Nils on November 08, 2014, 02:01:28 AM
,on a personal note, things are getting better. ive got another job interview next week and my little nephews are getting better  :mellow:

more soon........

Glad to hear that mate
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Blog Entry #99

there has been little to no progress this last week, im still working on a 1/144 Dragon Tornado F.3 (realworld), im gonna start on the GR1 a little later.
i had little time to model as i have shifed my priorities to jobhunting.

this week, i will have little time to model aswell, as all week, the military is holding large scale exersises in the city,
today the troops arrived on the beaches and airport and have established a forward operating base in the harbour.
also, the Belgian Air Force has detached 4 C-130H's aircraft to the local airport this week, ive seen the fly over here in pairs many times today.

tomorrow i hope to see some helicopters aswell, most likely they will be Belgian Agusta A-109BA Hirundo's, but who knows, maybe they will have an NH90-TTH flying allongside, our air force got the last of 4 TTH versions last week  :mellow:

i course, there will be some modelingwork this week, even if it is only minor work, or even decal designing  :mellow:

more soon.....

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.