
Spey_Phantom's corner of solitude

Started by Spey_Phantom, October 20, 2012, 02:07:12 AM

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Blog Entry #207

lately ive been feeling that many of the projects on the bench are taking too long, but having only very little free time doesnt alow me to do much.
but the missus is out of town tonight, so i intend to use that time to get some modelwork done  :mellow:

im nearing the end on one of the 4 1/144 Super Hornets (a realworld VFA-103 F/A-18F), and a 1/144 Anigrand AW101 (Norwegian) is also nearing completion.
the 2nd Super Hornet, a RAAF F/A-18F, has been put on hold for now, the 2 other Super Hornets are going to be completed at a slow pace and might become "in between" projects.

other projects on the go is the Secret Boeing 747-8 project, with the painting on the engines nearly finished, i should be starting on decalwork very soon.
other porject on the bench are a Belgian 1/72 T-33A (RW, about to start), Soviet Tucano (on hold) and the last 1/72 Sea King (that has been gathering dust for a few months now).

as soon as the AW101 and the first Super Hornet are done, im gonna start on a larger 1/144 WHIF model, propably an airliner, transport or bomber, i havent quite decided yet. im also gonna look at getting started on at least 1 Luft'46 themed model.

in the research phase are the German WWII escort carrier project, V2-launching U-boat and various Belgian Naval Aviation models (Dauntless, Corsair, Martin mariner,...). im also starting to look at a number of ship models, including a sovietised Gepard-Class attack boat, maybe in GDR Volksmarine markings. im also  still doing research on alternate RAF aircraft, including the F-104K Starfighter F.3, Vickers Vanguard AEW.1 and/or MR.2 (would make a good nimrod/P-3 orion alternative) and Airbus A320 CC.1.

aside from Belgian, German and RAF plans, i also have plans for various Soviet/Russian aircraft, including an IL-86TZ Tanker, a couple of upgraded Su-47's and realworld Su-30 and 35. in whiffery there are also plans to build various Mig-37's (Russian AF, Navy and GDR versions) but im also looking to build a ground attack version of the Mig-39 (Mig-1.44) and a fighter version of the Su-47 in 1/72 scale.

more soon....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Quote from: Nils on May 06, 2017, 08:45:03 AM
Blog Entry #207

lately ive been feeling that many of the projects on the bench are taking too long, but having only very little free time doesnt alow me to do much.
but the missus is out of town tonight, so i intend to use that time to get some modelwork done  :mellow:

In a way that's a good thing mate.

Enjoy your modelling time  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Captain Canada

Last Sea King ? Did I miss the second last one ? But please remember, a Nils, without an unfinished Sea King on the bench, cannot exist !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #208

another weekend to myself to get some benchtime, the missus is out of town with some friends and im all alone till tomorrow  :mellow:
today, im gonna get some projects done and tomorrow im off to Middelkerke of a modelshow, so expect some new stash additions  ;D

so what does the bench look like at the moment?

well, the 1/144 AW101 was finished last week, and im now concidering a 1/72 version in the future.
the first of 4 1/144 Super Hornets should also be finished today, the second one (an E-version) should be the next one to be finished in what-if USMC markings.

the secret 747-8 project will also recieve some attention today, at least the wings, the main fuselage will be spray painted once the temperature in the garage is up and i have a spraystand set up.

EDIT: with weatherconditions and temerature in the garage just right, i was able to start spraypainting the 747, will put on a second coat later, but im kinda (like always) having problems with runners  :-\

in 72, im about to start on a realworld Belgian AF T-33A and a yet to be determined WHIF project, either 1/72 or 1/144.
there are also a number of future projects that need decals, so i might get some decal designed for those.
looking at the list of projects, some of them dating back as far as 10 years, there is plenty to choose from. another plan i have is to build another few civilian models, including a Flanders Airlines Airbus A320 or Boeing 727-200 (with new engines) and a Yamato Airlines Boeing 747 (from Area 88, have managed to design the logo for the 2004 version).

as some of you have noticed, my stash growth has been kept under control since the beginning of the year. i am trying to put in a stash stop until i can reduce the current stash or get some more space freed up. with the money im saving, im planning to get some better tools and new racks for paint-tins, as im having problems with the current drawers-system that sometimes get jammed.

more soon...
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


You're like myself with the spray paint... I get too heavy handed at times. I have to force myself to remind myself (ha) to try to do mist coats but I mess that up, too.  ;D

Lots of neat projects in the wings and of course I can't wait to see the 747.......
-Sprues McDuck-

Captain Canada

T-33 ? Yes ! Straight wings and tip-tanks ? One of my favourite a/c.

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #209

more movement on the bench this past week  :mellow:
another project has just been finished this morning, namely the secret 747-8, reveal will be in 2 months time for a special reason  ;)

meanwhile, other projects will be dusted off, including the last 1/72 Sea King, a T-33A and a new project still to be determined.
3 1/144 Super Hornets are also in need of attention, but will likely be put on hold for a little while longer.
for one of the next projects, i might do a Luft'46 model, witch is long overdue, still have no idea witch one.

in terms of future project, there are a number of both WHIF and RW models on the planning board, im also been looking at reviving another old idea, namely a 1/72 S.A. Bulldog light COIN/FAC aircraft, perhaps armed with light bombs, rockets and/or stinger missile tubes. perhaps painted in markings of some small asian or african country. in RW, im also planning an F-104C in 1/144, with Retrokit's F-104C conversion set and paint in in SEA vietnam camo. there's also pans for a 1/144 A-6 Intruder for a Vietnam GB.

there are also plans for a fleet of Belgian Navy ships and aircraft, aswell as a 1/144 sovietized Gepard-class attack boat in east-German Volksmarine service  ;D.

more soon....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #210

its hard to believe its been almost a month since my last Blog entry  :o

a lot has changed over the past month, with projects coming and going, so here's an update.

on the bench at the moment:

-2 x Valom 1/144 T-6G Texan (1 Belgian & 1 yet to be determined)
-1 x scratchbuild 1/144 Stampe SV.4b
-1 x Huma 1/72 Junkers EF128

the 3 1/144 Super Hornets and 1 1/72 SeaKing have been put in the fridge until a later date.

there are various plans for both WHIF and RealWorld models. projects include a 1/72 Belgian Agusta A109 (RW), 1/72 Belgian Army Humvee's (WHIF), 1/72 Belgian AF RQ-1B Predator and still waiting to be built, the Belgian Army Airbus H135M and H665 Tiger-ARH.
in recent light of the Austrian Eurofighter replacement decision, im planning on building an Austrian AF SAAB Gripen (still choosing between the single- or the 2-seater).

in Luft46, im researching 2 new projects, the Arado Ar.400 Jet Airliner (1/72 scale, built from a 1/48 Ar.234) and a jet powered 1/72 Junkers Ju.288 (with the swept wings of a 1/48 F-84F Thunderstreak) and an Arado Ar.555 in Amerikabomber configuration (with 2 BMW-018 engines instead of 6 Jumo-004). im also looking to start a USAAF P-84A Thunderjet.

there are also a number of Civilian build in the line, including a CityBird Airbus A350-900, Flanders Airlines Airbus A320,...

more soon...
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Like the idea of a jet Ju.288 in particular
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


-Sprues McDuck-


Blog Entry #211

the bench has seen more movement in the past week, 1 of the 2 1/144 T-6G Texans is now almost finished, it just needs a set of replacement decals as those supplied by Valom were quite brittle and have an urge to curl up.
another 2 projects were added to the bench last week, a revell 1/72 Agusta A109 to be built in Belgian Air Force colors and a revell 1/72 HMMWV to be built as a WHIF Belgian Army version. the Huma 1/72 Junkers EF.128 has been put on hold, awaiting upgraded parts.
meanwhile, on eof the next projects in line is a revell 1/144 F-104G Starfighter, to be built as a USAF F-104C (using retrokit's F-104C conversion set) in Vietnam camo & markings as an entry for the Vietnam GB over on KG144.

meanwhile, as of today, i have started designing new decals for future projects, including those for the F-104K Starfighter F.3, Sea Harrier FA.2, Thunderbird 6 tiger moth and the aformentioned USAF F-104C,...
looking back at previous posts, im looking to get reseach started on a few old and new projects. im reviving my RAF Air Support Command Airbus A320 CC.1 allong with several other projects. looking at the Eurofighter Typhoon, im thinking of backdating one to the late 60's early 70's, in RAF camo (grey/green camo with black nose and large serials under the wings) thinking of redesignating it the BAC/Dornier Typhoon FG.1 and/or T.2. ive also been looking into developing a new V-bomber replacement force, including the Northrop/Avro Vengeance (B-2 Spirit bomber) and the BAe Vindicator (bomber version of Concorde with Skybolt missiles).

i have had a very unlucky week, monday i couldnt leave to work in time due to a heavy thunderstorm, tuesday my bike ran a flat, wednesday an order i placed was delivered to a wrong adress and yesterday i lost my job  :-\, its a miracle i survived today without incident.
on the plus side, the final preperations for the wedding are finally coming together, with 28 days to go, im starting to get quite nervous. not for the thought of being married, but the feeling we've forgot something. this weekend im spending at my parents place, so no benchtime, but i will hit the bench several times this week as part of my styrene therapy to keep my mind off possible upcoming depressions and boredom that comes with unemployment.

more soon.....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Commiserations over the bad week Nils, particularly losing the job  :-\

Thinking you've forgotten something when it comes to planning a wedding is only natural and happens to most of us. Don't worry about it
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Sounds like "one of those" weeks. 

You'll come back from the job mess better than ever. Hang in there.
-Sprues McDuck-


Blog Entry #212

progress on the bench is going smoothly, im almost finished with a 1/72 Agusta A109BA (converted froma revell A109K2) witch took loads of modification work to get it look right. all that needs to be done is the decals and a coat of varnish.

next project to be finished is a 1/72 Huma Junkers EF.128, a good project to test out Humbrols RLM color line.

looking at this project, i have been playing with the idea of a Luft'46 based Lufttwaffe advanced flight school, imagine somewhere in Bavaria or Czechoslovakia in 1946, a large airbase where only the best selected Luftwaffe pilots go to learn to fly the most advanced aircraft. im thinking Ar.96's and Me.262B's in an all-metallic scheme with red/black trims. still need to do more reseach on this topic.

im also revisiting some old Cold War RAF idea's i had, thinking reviving the F-104K and the Airbus A320 CC.1 projects.
im also playing with the idea to get another Airfix Vickers Vanguard, so i can build both AEW.1 and MR.2 variants, i was thinking of building only 1 but couldnt make up my mind on witch one to build.

im also still trying to figure out what to do with the Revell C-17A Globemaster III in the stash, at first i was thinking of an Israeli version, then a Civilian Citybird Cargo version, but now im playing with the idea of a Netherlands AF version  :unsure:

might even lookat making some progress on the last SeaKing thats been gathering dust for over 4 months.
next in line to start is a 1/144 F-104G that to be converted into an F-104C. i also need to finish up a scratchbuild 1/144 Stampe SV.4b i started some time ago.

more soon....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #213

more progress on the bench.

the 1/72 A109BA is now finished and a Huma 1/72 Junkers EF128 is also nearing completion.
ive also started on a 1/144 Academy Mig-23 thats gonna recieve a number of improvements and be converted into a Mig-23ML. if succesfull, im gonna build a Mig-23BN version. both floggers will be painted in East German camoflage.

that doesnt mean im gonna stop building Whifs for a while, as a matter of fact, im also gonna start on a new WHIF project when the EF128 is finished. im thinking of starting on the RAF Airbus A320 in RAF Air Support Command markings. as im also gonna start on the 1/144 F-104C, i might take another F-104 and build the RAF version aswell, the F-104K Starfighter F.3.

also, the reveal of the secret Boeing 747-8 i have been working on for some time.

there are more project in the works, and i managed to get some new ideas for future projects, including a 1/72 Cuban AS532 Cougar, 1/72 East German Airbus Helicopters H145M & Yakolev Yak-130 (as soon as Zvezda's new kit gets out), 1/144 East German Mig-25,....

however, as of next week i wont have time to build for at least 2 weeks, my marriage is coming up and all my free time will go into the final preperations. we have run into a few problems on the way there, but those are now as good as solved.
in terms of looking for a job, im gonna hold off the hunt until after the wedding and the honeymoon, so can get back into it with a clear head in the beginning of september.

more soon.....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.