
Spey_Phantom's corner of solitude

Started by Spey_Phantom, October 20, 2012, 02:07:12 AM

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Hang in there, buddy. Perhaps the shift in modes that you mentioned is exactly what the doctor ordered.  :thumbsup:

Job hunting can be the worst... ... ..
-Sprues McDuck-


Blog Entry #223

time for another bench update while the missus is out tonight with her mother  :mellow:
having been stuck at home most of the week due to a bad cold, i havent been able to do much  :-\

earlier this week, i started on 2 revell 1/72 Me262's, both What Ifs.
one will be a German pure-fighter version, Me262A-6a, the other will be a Ki-201 Karyu (Japanese license built Me262) in IJA markings.
other WHIF projects, either 1/72 or 1/144 scale are yet to be determined. the P-84 Thunderjet project is currently on hold due to kit issues (witch is to expect from a mistercrap kit). the 1/144 Airbus A300-MRTT is also on hold while i source some new refueling pods for under the wings.

i also have plans for at least 3 more 1/144 Mig-28's (Soviet copy of F-5E) and 2 WHIF 1/144 Mig-25 Foxbats (1 East-german and 1 Communist New Flanders). a number of earlier RAF projects are also planning to be started soon, including the F-104K Starfighter F.Mk.3, A320 CC.1, Vanguard MPA.1 & AEW.2 (second kit to be sourced)....

at the moment, most of those builds are currently on hold as i am running out of shelf space, both for the 1/72 and 1/144 models.
i might have to look at adding additional shelves.

also, last night, the final parts for the Airfield diorama have arrived, namely the trees for the background.
so tonight, i might get some work on that done, so i have some nice scenery to photograph new 1/144 models.

more soon...
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #224

im starting to make more progress on the already very crowded workbench.
at the moment, a pair of 1/72 Messerschmitt me262's are being built, one German and one Japanese.
i also started on another little side project, a 1/144 Northrop NF-5A Freedom Fighter in Netherlands Air Force colors, converted from a revell F-5E.

the Airfield diorama has made a lot of progress in the past week, with much of the work now done, it should be completed very soon.
the control tower is currently recieving the most attention, there is stil a lot of painting and detailing work to be done on it.

as noted last time, im currently looking at revisiting a number of unrealised ideas and projects, such as the various Belgian, RAF, Luft'46,....builds i have planned over the years. a number of them have already found its way to plastic, others remain unrealised.
as the larger boxes are starting to take up most of the stash space, a number of these might be taken up in between builds.

but at this moment i have a problem, seeing that there has been so much build activity over the past 3 months (did more in this time then i did in a year), the workbench and shelves are quickly running out of space. so for today, im gonna put everything on hold and do some cleaning, and (although painfull) throw away some of the older failed builds (mostly old glue stained models from the early days, that are due for replacement). the bench is littered with pieces of sprue, masking tape, plastic, old instructions,.... i really need to clean this up if i am to start on some larger new models soon.

more soon...
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Oh nice, I love Freedom Fighters!
-Sprues McDuck-


Blog Entry #225

progress is going slow, but were getting there  :mellow:
main work on the 2 1/72 Me262's is now mostly done, paintwork is about to begin on the landinggear before assembly.
the 1/144 NF-5A and F-104C (both realWorld) have recieved some attention, the NF-5 recieved its first layers of camoflage paint, the F-104C has resumed progress after over a month on the waiting shelf due to decal sourcing problems.

meanwhile, im looking at the stash for my entry into the Flying Boat GB.
i got quite  a few kits to choose from and i have narrowed the list down to the following possible projects:

-Martin Mariner in Belgian Navy service (vintage 1/150 scale revell kit)
-Supermarine Walrus in Aeronautique Militaire Belge markings, May 1940 (revell 1/72 kit)
-Boeing 314 Clipper in either RAF Coastal Command, French Navy or other military/civilian colors (Airfix 1/144 kit)

one or even 2 of these projects will be built for this GB.
meanwhile, im still looking into freeing up space on the shelves, but i still have a spare shelf that can be used, it just needs to be shortened in to fit the room. one issue im worrying about atm is weight, these shelves are quite heavy and im worried they might give way and crash down, destroying my entire 1/72 collection. another option would be to replace all these with a lighter plywood/triplex shelfing system.

thats about all i have for this update, for now, im gonna leave you with this WIP picture of the NF-5A  :mellow:

more soon.....

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


-Sprues McDuck-


Blog Entry #226

there has been very little progress on the bench the past 2 weeks, as the missus is home with back problems.
i did get some bench time and managed to get some of the ongoing projects some attention.

the 2 1/72 Me262's are making good progress, the main assembly is done and work has begun on the landing gear.
the 1/144 NF-5a has now been put on hold until decals are printed out. the F-104C is also recieving some attention, with the main assembly almost done i can start on painting soon. i wasnt sure if i was gonna get it finished by the 12th, but the extension of the Vietnam GB on KG144 has given me enough time to get this one finished.

in terms of future project, development is underway for a 1/118 Martin Mariner in Belgian Navy service. decals for this project have already been designed but need improvements. aside from that, i will have a look at the "shelf of shame", the part of the mancave where WIP builds gather dust until the inspiration comes to finish them. ive decided to finish some of those builds there to free up space, before starting any further new builds. on the lot are 3 1/144 Super Hornets, a 1/72 SeaKing and a 1/144 Airbus A300.

job hunting is, as i said earlier, NOT going well. working with interim-offices, compared to earlier experiences, has become almost impossible.
offering over a 100 times the same job, sending me to job interviews at the same companies 10 times over, expecting a different result.
its like working with toddlers, tell them not to do things and they will do it anyway. i feel like im working with idiots.

i have been feeling anxious the last few weeks because of this, as everytime they send me to an interview, its for a job im either not qualified for, unable to perform, already worked there or is simply too far out of range. my heart beats overtime everytime they arange an interview, im starting to get anxiety attacks and nightmares everytime i have a job interview or even go to looking for jobs. ive had so many failures and bad luck the past 12 years, i think i lost my confidence and good faith. i feel like im going to the same dark place i was 3 years ago, and im affraid i might sink nto another breakdown or depression.

more soon....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Hope things get better for you Nils
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: Nils on November 09, 2017, 10:08:21 AM
Blog Entry #226

job hunting is, as i said earlier, NOT going well. working with interim-offices, compared to earlier experiences, has become almost impossible.
offering over a 100 times the same job, sending me to job interviews at the same companies 10 times over, expecting a different result.
its like working with toddlers, tell them not to do things and they will do it anyway. i feel like im working with idiots.

Why not apply for their jobs? It sounds to me that with the experience you have trying to find work gives you all the qualifications to do their job and to help others find a job.

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....


Blog Entry #227

slow but surely progress on the bench. the 2 1/72 Me262's are nearing the end of the paint progress, the IJN version is now mostly painted, and the Luftwaffe version has already recieved a coat of grey primer (will be an Aluminum with 2-tone green/grey camo (RLM74 & 75 camo)). the 1/144 F-104C is slowly getting there, just fitted the wingtip lauchrails and is now being prepped for painting.

there will be very little benchtime next week, as me and the missus are going to Disneyland Paris for a few days (she won the trip on a Radio contest a few months ago).

once im back, i will look into starting on the Martin Mariner for the Floatplane GB. decals are designed and are awaiting printing.
im also gonna be revisiting the "Shelf of Shame" to see what projects can be completed.

more soon....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Quote from: Nils on November 21, 2017, 10:21:44 AM

there will be very little benchtime next week, as me and the missus are going to Disneyland Paris for a few days (she won the trip on a Radio contest a few months ago).

Enjoy it mate  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Blog Entry #228

little bit of progress since the last time,

good progress is being made on the Martin mariner from the Floatplane GB, main assembly is as good as done and the props and engines are now being prepped for paint. the main fuselage is ready to recieve a first coat of paint, it will be standard FAA 2-tone grey, as applied on the Sea Fury & Fairey Gannets in the 50's, the tail rudder will recieve a full Belgian tri-color finish with an anchor in the middle, similar to those of the French navy.

with the new year approaching fast, there will be little time to get started on a new project, so im gonna look at getting some other projects fnished, the last of the 1/72 SeaKings are begging for attention and i still have 3 1/144 Super Hornets waiting on the Shelf of Shame (a USN EA-18G, a USMC F/A-18E and an RAAF F/A-18F). there's still a lot of decal designing work to be done for other future projects.

looking into the next year, there are a lot of great build ideas to see the light of day, including lots of RAF Aircraft, both realworld & WHIF,...

so stay tuned for more.....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


no blog entry, but since im gone this weekend for new years day:
Happy Newyear!!!

see you all in 2018  :thumbsup:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #229

its been a while since i last posted a decent blog entry, so here it is:

the bench is starting to clear up, with the 1/144 F-104C now finished and the 1/118 Martin Mariner nearing completion, i have started on a new in-between project, a 1/144 Sukhoi Su-47M in Russian Air Force service. once the Mariner is done, my focus will shift to completing the kits that are currently on the Shelf of Shame (started kits, long overdue to be finished, the include a 1/144 NF-5A, 3 F/A-18E/F/G's, 1 Airbus A300-MRTT and 1 1/72 SeaKing) once these are finished, i can focus on new builds.

2018 brings a new year, and new builds in the pipeline. aside from a tanker A300-MRTT i started a few months ago, but the project has been halted for a bit due to decal sourcing problems, i will also start work on a new tanker soon, of witch the kit has already been ordered. i decided to cancel my IL-86 tanker plans and switch to another platform, the IL-62M. looking at the decal option in the kit, i decided to convert it into a IL-62MTZ aerial refueling tanker in East German markings, with 2 UPAZ-1 HDU pods under the wings (propably scratchbuild or sourced from a future IL-78 kit).

2018 also marks the 100 anniversary of the Royal Air Force, and RAF Group builds will propably be held on various forums (including on KG144), for these GB's, i have already searched out a number of projects to be built this year (some of these might never see the light of day), these include (all 1/144 scale, except noted otherwise):

What If:

-Northrop/Avro Vindicator B.1 (B-2K Spirit bomber, Vulcan replacement)
-BAC Vengeance B.1 (Bomber version of Concorde with 2 Blue Steel missiles, Victor replacement)
-Lockheed Starfighter F.3 (F-104K, RR Spey powered F-104G)
-Lockheed Nighthawk GR.1 (F-117C, as offered to the RAF in the late 80's)
-Airbus A320 CC.1
-Vickers Vanguard AEW.1 & MRA.2
-Bronco OAP.1 (1/72 OV-10A in RAF service)


-BAe Harrier GR.7
-Eurofighter Typhoon T.1 & FGR.4
-Sepecat Jaguar GR.3
-Boeing C-17A CC.1
-Avro Lancaster
-Supermarine Spitfire

of course there hare WHIF planned 1/72 scale too, due to start are 2 1/72 Airbus H135M's in Belgian Army and Navy markings, others are a H665M Tiger-MRH in Belgian Army markings, IL-86 in JetAirFly colors (possibly with DACO/Skyline Boeing 787 decals) and an Embaer 190/195 SIGINT version.

more soon.....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Quote from: Nils on January 06, 2018, 01:50:38 AM

2018 also marks the 100 anniversary of the Royal Air Force, and RAF Group builds will propably be held on various forums (including on KG144), f

And on here, although I can't say when yet
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.