
Spey_Phantom's corner of solitude

Started by Spey_Phantom, October 20, 2012, 02:07:12 AM

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Congratulations to the both of you!!!!!
This will be the most awesome time of your lives! Cherish this time as six months after they are born they are asking to borrow the car so they can go out with their friends......
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Hey!!! How about that!!!! Congratulations, yous!!!
-Sprues McDuck-



You are just starting an exceptionally long term project.  All the best to all THREE of you.
"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you....."
It  means that you read  the instruction sheet


Congratulations and wishes of all the best for the family!! :cheers:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Blog Entry #267.

first off, i want to thank everyone for the congrats on our pregnancy. we just recieved the results of the NIPT-test (wich checks for Down, Edwards and Nassau Syndromes), it shows all is good with the baby and with the results we also recieved the gender identification.
with about 95 to 99% certainty we can confirm that ITS GOING TO BE A BOY.

and now back to the bench.

its nearly empty at this moment, still on the go is a 1/144 F-20A Tigershark, that is now nearing completion.
also still on the go (for the past 5 years) is a 1/72 Sea King (as usual, the neverending story).

with more Area 88 themed models to follow, next in line in 1/144 are Greg Gates's A-10 Thunderbolt (Manga), Kitri's Mirage F-1 (2004 Anime) and Charlie's F-16A (OVA movie). im also adding my own F-16A to the mix. to comply with the Area 88 timeline, im thinking of a Block 1 viper (with the black nose).

im also got an idea for a somewhat Luft'46 build, i cant go into details yet as im still figuring out some issues such as Staffels, Gruppe's and Geschwader organisations. one thing i can tell is that it involves later mark propeller driven fighters (late model Bf109G's, Bf109K,...)

more soon....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Fantastic news on all accounts.
-Sprues McDuck-


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Fantastic news! Better start putting things away, little boys are great at breaking things!
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Blog Entry #268

new projects have entered the bench, as now the 1/144 Area 88 F-20 is now finished, work has started on 5 1/144 F-16's.
2 are to be realworld Belgian F-16A & B MLU's, the other 3 are to be WHIF builds. the first whif is an Area 88 F-16A Block 1, flown by Charlie in the 80's OVA movie, the second is also a Whiffed area 88 build, my personal F-16A Block 5 (with Block 1 nose), the third F-16 is one from a Buck Danny album, flown by the Ghost Squadron over Bosnia.

however, im planning on freezing 2 or 3 of them to make room for a few 1/72 projects.

personal news, good and bad news.

first the good,

the baby is doing okay, tonight i felt a first kick on my wife's belly, its a wonderfull feeling, guess my son is trying to cheer me up.
earlier this week we got a homesonar to hear the baby's heartbeat, which is always a happy moment.

which brings me to the bad news,

last sunday i woke up with a painfull feeling in my lower abdomen, yesterday i was still aching so i stayed home and called the doctor.
from what she saw, it appeared to be a umbilical hernia, an ultrasound at the hospital today confirmed it. tomorrow im going back there to meet up with the surgeon, to go plan the surgery wich should take place a few weeks from now.
im scared out of my mind, as i had never had surgery before (with the exception of having my wisdom teeth removed) and i really hate hospitals, especially when needles are involved.

what also makes me nervous is going back to work, as it requires me doing heavy lifting, im affraid im gonna make it worse.

more soon....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Old Wombat

Nils, tell your boss about the hernia & see if he/she can put you on light duties.

Surgery is nothing to be nervous about. Cautious - yes. Nervous - no. Talk to your surgeon & get to feel comfortable that he/she knows what they're doing (they usually do). If you don't, see if your GP/MD can refer you to someone else.

Hospitals are where you go to get fixed, think of them as human maintenance shops, & needles aren't a big deal, it's all in your head, mate! You just have to work on changing your mind-set. Keep telling yourself "It's all good!" &, eventually, it will be.
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


I couldn't put it any better than Mr Wombat Nils. Just talk to your doctors they are more than used to people being a bit worried.

Great news about the baby  :thumbsup:. Is he a right or left footer ?  ;)
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


thanks everyone, i just got back from the hospital, surgery is sheduled for the september the 17th.
its not the operation im worried about, its the recovery as i will be out of action for the following 3 weeks.
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Blog Entry #269

its been a while, but i am finally fit enough to hit the bench again after recovering from surgery.
work has continued on the 5 1/144 F-16A/B's on the bench, of wich 3 are WHIF, main assembly on 2 of them is nearly done, the other 3 will get some more attention later today.

i have also started planning the next series of builds, these will likely be either a pair of 1/144 Area 88 A-4 Skyhawks (using the new Eduard boxing). also next in line is another Area 88 build, an A-10A Thunderbolt II that has been waiting in line for a while now, i might build it in combination with another Heller A-10A wich is destined to ba a Realworld version.

i also started designing a next decal sheet, so far on it are the markings for a 1/144 B-1B lancer (Area 88) and 2 realworld 1/72 Alouette III's (Belgian Navy). there are more projects planned in the near future that need decals, but those are still in the planning phase.

on a personal note:

last sunday i visited the annual Sanicole Airshow in Leopoldsburg, Belgium. i still need to look and work on the pictures i took, expect those to be up when theyre done at a later date.

immediatly the day after coming home, as noted earlier, i as to undergo surgery to fix my umbilical hernia, the operation went alright and i was sheduled to go home the same day, however due to unpleasant side effects due to the sedation drugs (i will spare you the details) i had to stay the night. for the past 4 days i have been mostly been lying down to recover as the wound still stings, im starting to get better but im having troubles standing or sitting up. its better now but i cant sit or stand up for longer times without feeling the pain from the wound.

more soon.....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.