
Spey_Phantom's corner of solitude

Started by Spey_Phantom, October 20, 2012, 02:07:12 AM

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Surely you can store some of the 144th scale kits inside the A400M?  ;D ;D

The British have raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved". Soon though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross". Londoners have not been "A Bit Cross" since the Blitz in 1940 when tea supplies ran out for three weeks

Captain Canada

Hang 'em from the ceiling with thread. I need to start doing that to preven el Cato from destroying them all !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Hang el Cato from the ceiling ???? Only joking cat lovers  :rolleyes: ;)
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Blog Entry #49

still working on the 2 1/72 NH90-NFH's, with interiours now completed and the 2 fuselage halves met, assembly will be going a lot smoother and faster from here on in.
furthermore yesterday i had a request to build a 3rd Belgian NH90-NFH, with the kit and crew figures being supplied by the customer.
all i have to do is build it.

no other modelling activity will be made until the first 2 NH90's are finished.

meanwhile, ive been looking into the shelf shorage problem and i just got back from the hardware store.
3 new 120 x 30cm shelfsplanks have been bought allong with the railings to fit them.
so this afternoon im gonna remove the computer from the desk for a bit, remove the old shelves and place new new ones.
this will give me more room to build again  ;D

in other news, the jobhunt goes on, yesterday i went to an interview, but unfortunatly, i failed to meet they're requirements.
i also sent out a resumé to another metalworkshop near the hospital in Brugges.
if i can get an interview and the job, i might be seeing EMS helikopters and Sea Kings (and next year NH90-NFH's) almost everyday.
an ideal location for bussiness and pleasure  :thumbsup:

here's to better expectations :cheers:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

Go Nils ! I guess that would be a dream job eh ? Good luck.

And the new shelves sound good. Post up some pics when you get done. And of the NH-90s as well  :wub:

And Chris, you leave el Cato alone ! Besides, she seems to do her own amount of flying as she falls off of shelves and suffers from the invariable cat-toss now and again  :thumbsup:
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Quote from: Captain Canada on December 03, 2013, 05:39:09 AM
Go Nils ! I guess that would be a dream job eh ? Good luck.

And the new shelves sound good. Post up some pics when you get done. And of the NH-90s as well  :wub:

thanks Cap, i need it  :mellow:

oh, and the new shelves are fitted, had to remove my PC during the works.
and as you wished, some pictures.

these are the old shelves, witch will still be used down stairs for other purposes.

and here are the new ones, i just finished setting them up
right now, bottom shelf has my 1/144 models on it, the top shelf some stash boxes.
center shelf will be left empty for future builds  :thumbsup:

there are provisions for additional shelved to be added in the future if needed.

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #50

still trying to finish the RW NH90's, progress is going well, guess about a week or 2 to get them finished.
in terms of what-if, im trying to get my creative mojo working again.
also, ive taking out an old airfix 1/72 E-boat kit and put a scratchbuilt deck on it, im gonna be looing into building it into a 1/144 Soviet-Russian patrol frigate  ;D

i can hardly post pictures, as my internet connection is incredibly unreliable (and has been ever since i moved here 4.5 years ago), as my connection keeps falling out every 5 minutes or less. but we have contacted the cable company and were hoping to have a new cable installed after newyears, and were switching providers as the current has been very dissapointing in terms of service.

anyway, 2 weeks from now, it will be that time of year again.

the time wher we all have a pinetree in our living rooms, waiting for Santa to bring us more stash/loft isolation.
the time of year where the radio will be playing christmas music hours on end in loop and the TV will be showing us endless rebroadcasts of "Shrek" and "The Sound Of Music"  :-\.

on other words, Christmas time  :party:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.



tonight, what i always feared has finally happened, i had a nervous breakdown  :-\

the unemployment, constant unfixable problems with my internetconnection and various other factors (i cant name right now) have finally made me snap.
after the billionth time i had to fix the internet connection (witsh never stays fixed), i finally lost control, went into an anger fit, just when my 2 year-old cousin was here. (only a verbal fit, no people were physicly or mentally harmed, thank god).
i always feared that one day something inside me would snap, so bad i would hurt the ones who love me.
im feeling pretty bad about myself right now.

my worst fear had come true, i've finally been broken.

in a moment of clearity,

i just wanna say im going to go offline for a few days, just to puzzle myself back together, maybe even get some help.
i will be back once i feel better about myself.
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Nils, I hope everything is ok mate. I've been in some dark places in my life and believe you me if you can rationalise about what you have done, which you have here, then you are not to far down that dark path. Only advice I can offer is to get professional help from your Doctor, it really does help even if it's just someone to talk to.

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Captain Canada

Hope you're feeling better Nils. It happens to the best of us...life is too fast these days, especially around Christmas.

BTW, the shelves look great. Nice that you can add a few more layers to them as well.

Looking forward to seeing the NH90s. That's a neat looking chopper for sure.

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #51

its been little over a week since my nervous breakdown, and im psychologicly recovering a a good pace.
but just as things couldnt get any worse, only about half an hour after my fit, the police came to our door to tell us that my Uncle Eddy has passed away, reports indicated he died 3 days earlier. i never really knew the man, i never met hem (appart from when he visited once when i was 12). he was burried only yesterday in a discrete ceremony.

so its been a really mentally hard week, my uncle's death made us realise just how short life really is and we should cherrish every moment of it.
i havent been in the mood to do some real modelmaking, today i went to help my mother and aunt to clear out house (witch isnt easy as it turns out he was also a hoarder  :-\)
not to disrespect the man, but the place was a dump, hasnt been cleaned in years, i was surprised of how anyone could even live there.

there wont be anything on the workbench for at least a few days, since i have to help clean out my uncles house and due to the upcoming holidays.

but i am doing OK, and will be building/posting stuff soon
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Look after yourself mate. It will get better as time goes on. Getting medical help is always a good idea though. (been there)  Sorry for your loss.


Geoff's right it will get better, look after yourself Nils
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Captain Canada

Glad to hear you're feeling better Nils. Too right life is short, but sometimes it's hard to see it that way. Look ahead to after the crazy Christmas season is over, and a have a new start !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #52

thought i would write another blog entry before going offline for Christmas.
i finally managed to get some model work done this week  :thumbsup:
just to get me back in the groove i decided to finish a revell 1/125 U99 U-boot i got at a rummage sale last summer.
it was already started but looked like a very sorry start, so i took it appart, replaced missing parts with spares and scratchbuilt ones.
that work was already done months ago, but it just needed a good paintjob, and so i finally gave it one  :thumbsup:

pics on that to follow later.

meanwhile, the house just got a little more crowded, as my older sister and my 5 year old nephew (who has ADD an Autism, so its kinda lively here) have temporarily moved in today as she left her boyfriend.
so she will be joining us for christmas and staying with us until she finds a new place and job.
chances are she might move into an appartment 2 houses from us, so we will see her often.

im working on a few thing model wise, as for jobhunting, im keeping my eyes and options open.
im gonna register for a CAD/CAM designing course if i dont find something soon, but that plan B, just in case plan A (finding work) backfires.

more soon, until then;

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.