
Spey_Phantom's corner of solitude

Started by Spey_Phantom, October 20, 2012, 02:07:12 AM

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Captain Canada

See you after Christmas Nils ! Have a great holiday ( and hopefully your Nephew doesn't break too many models  :thumbsup:
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #53

ok, last blog entry of the year, and its a nice moment to reflect back on 2013.
i had a lot of ups and downs this year, but more down then ups unfortunatly, but thats something im working on for 2014.
im hoping things will go better in the new year, new challenges, more models and, most importantly, new job.

in terms of work, i have decided to register for reschooling, having my eyes set on a course AutoCAD 2D/3D and Inventor software programming and drawing, in short, Industrial Technical CAD designing. figured i can get more work done in that field.
another possible course was Welding, but due to health problems i cannot work in a welding station for prolonged times (Asthma).

thats Newyears resolution 1, resolution 2 is returning to my plan to lose weight, since ive been unemployed i gained 10kg (about 22lbs).
i have tried a diet earlier this year, but failed to keep it, but this time im gonna try again, and this time taking it more seriously.

in terms of modelbuilding, i already finished a U-99 sub last week and im currently working on a 1/144 F-4J Phantom II (real world) just to get my mojo back.

below are a pair of pics of the sub and the WIP Phantom.
here's all the best for te new year and hoping for bigger and better things in 2014  :thumbsup:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

Nice little Phantom Nils !

See you next year

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Blog Entry #54

first new blog of this year and the first activity of this year  :thumbsup:
in the past week, i finished 2 models, but both realworld for a change.
first is the F-4J Phantom, second a Se210 Caravelle (both 1/144)

the Mistercraft caravelle looks horrible, but what do you expect from re-issued vintage 1960's ex-RUCH kit.
i did like the decal options that came with it, but thats about the only good thing about this kit.
however, i am gonna build a What If model soon, as preperations have already begun for a Sabena Airbus A350-900 (changed from the orriginal 787-8 plan).

at the same time, im also doing some more research work for more WWIII storybuild models.
i got a J-20, Mig-37 and various other models on the waitingline.

furthermore, im gonna be introducing a new force to the storyline, the United European Defence Force (UEUDF).
i got the idea from recent proposals from various EU countries to merge all theyre armed forces under one command.
common sence tells me that in the real world thats gonna end up being a failure and a distant utopia, but it makes a good what-if subject.

i was thinking of serial markings similar to the United States, but for the roundel, i was thinking a circular EU flag with 2 thin outboard yellow/gold rings, with an anchor in the background for the Naval Forces.
but however, i would keep the UK armed forces seperate, as the UK doenst want to be part of anything Joint European, but would still cooperate.

im thinking the following seperation:

-UEUDF-AC (United European Defence Force - Air Command): this is all the airborne assets of the EU under one force, this wuold be split into 3 devisions: Air Defence Devision (containing Air Defence assets such as Typhoon, Tornado ADV,...), Transport & Logistics Devision (transport aircraft, tankers and SAR Assets) and Strike & Support Devision (containing all Air-to Ground and CAS/COIN assets)

-UEUDF-NC (UEUDF - Naval Command): these would be a merger of all maretime assets such as Ships, Aircraft Carriers, Carrier Aviation, Maretime Patrol Aircraft,.....

-UEUDF-AGFC (Armed Ground Forces Command): this would include all ground based assets from the EU forces, such as infantry, armour,....but would also have an Aviation component including all attack- and transport helicopters and Special Operations Aircraft (Helicopters and Fixed wing).

i still need to work out a few things, this idea could be dropped later  :-\

here are some pics of the models finished this week, more soon  :mellow:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Captain Canada

Nice work Nils ! The little Phantom looks awesome. Lots of detail to busy it up....must have been alot of squinting to get her all painted !

The Caravelle does look like a bit of a dog, especially around the nose. But again, you've busied her up nice and the decals do look great !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #55

no modelling physical activity, but ive been sorting out the stash boxes and spaces, as to what projects will be started this year.
i have ben taking a RW sabatical in order to figure out what whiff projects to build, and i have figured it out what will be next on the list.
im gonna be building 4 projects at a time, 1 for the WW3 build, 1 for the Luft46 build, 1 large whiff superproject and 1 commision build.

so first up, planned for the bench now:

-1/144 CATIC Y-14EW (Chinese Air Force, Airbus A340 based Electronic Warfare aircraft, similar to the Boeing E-4 Doomsday Plane)
-1/144 Airbus A350-900XWB (Sabena, currently in Decal Designing stage)
-1/72 Dornier Do335 Pfeil
-1/72 A400M or B-35A (to start as soon as the bench is clear)
-1/72 2 x NH90-NFH Belgian AF (50% completed)

ive also recently been getting back into making Real World models as a way to get what-if ideas for alternatives.
the 1/144 being my favorite scale to work with, but i do sometimes get pulled back to 1/72  :mellow:
i will be building some more of that scale as 1/72 offers more models in different subjects, as well as lower cost compared to rare and exotic 1/144 scaled kits.

i do often get new whiff ideas, so i write the down to remember them and to revisit them in the near future.

on personal note, i have put in motion my long-term unemployment backup plan.
last week, i have registered to start a new re-education course in the field of Industrial Drawing (using AutoCAD 2D, 3D and Inventor CAD/CAM design software).
with 3D printing now on the rise and the "soon to be expected here" large scale 3D printed Production, i thought this might be the best idea to take the course to enter this new field of work.
somewhere later this month or early februari there will be an info-session in Ghent, followed by 2 preliminary tests/exams, then another phycho-technical test. if all goes well, i should then start the training in May  :thumbsup:

if course this is just a backup plan, i will continue to look for work in my current field until then, but i dont expect to much succes.
but at least it keeps the administration- and unemployment office off my back  :rolleyes:

-more soon....

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

That's quite the collection of whifs ! Looking forward to the Chinese bird, as well as the 350, the A400 and the NH-90s...such a perfect looking chopper !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #56

due to circumstances (helping my sister move into her new appartment in the city),
there has been little to no progress in modelbuilding  :-\

however, im getting my mojo back and last night, i had another dream that inspired my with a whiff idea.
in that dream, i was in a field, when a Belgian AF SeaKing passed overhead with an Alouette III.
at first i thought it was a Belgian Navy helicopter, but as it landed, it turnedout to be a Brazilian Air Force Helicopter.  :o

so that Brazilian Alouette III (with the 2-tone Jungle Camoflage) is definatly on my list of future what-if projects.  :thumbsup:

at this moment, im about to start on some more decal designing, beginning the ones for a RCAF CF-188E Super Hornet (1/144)
ive also been playing with idea's for future projects, including a new Air Force One, Based on the new Boeing 747-8.
also concidering a new Shuttle Carrier and Doomsday Plane, also based on the new 747-8 platform, an idea that van be done with simply cross-building the Revell E-4B and 747-Shuttle carrier with theyre recent 747-8 kit. but these project are in the long haul due to space restrictions.

in the more immediate future, im currently getting in the mood for F-15's, some Real World, Some What-if.
one idea im having is for the F-15ST Eagle (version of the F-15E for the Turkish Air Force). and F-15C/D, also TuAF.
looking at Revell's 1/144 F-16C (of witch i have 4 in the stash), im also looking into converting one with an RCS reduction treatment, and a new delta wing similar to the F-16XL (although with a standard fuselage).

in 1/72 scale, im also examining a 21st Century Me262, P-51D and Ho229, equiped with modern weapons and a glass cockpit.
for the Horten Ho229, im thinking of Low-Vis modern Luftwaffe markings, with a 2-tone light grey splinter camo.
for the P-51D, im thinking F-15 camo with AIM-9 A2A missiles under the wings.
kinda think of it, other early jet aircraft or later props could also do with a 21st Century make-over  :rolleyes:

more soon....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #57

this week, ive mostly concentrated all my energy into finishing the 2 NH90-NFH's currently on the bench.
those should be finished some time later this week or early next week.

meanwhile, ive been looking at the backlog of the commision-build orders (requested by friends).
right now, the orders (all Belgian and 1/72) consist of:

-4 x Seaking Mk.48 (3 standard camo and 1 in the 25th anniversary scheme)
-2 x NH90-NFH (not the ones on the bench, one for a friend in Brugges who will supply his own kit, and once ordered special today by the first Belgian NH90 instructor pilot)
-1 x AB412SP (in dutch markings, still need to get the kit)

i will look into taking 2 of these orders on the bench at once, as some log back almost a year.
of course will focus most of my energy into what-if models, and as soon as the bench is clear, im gonna start on a 1/72 Airbus A400M.
i might take the 1/72 XB-35 kit in a later stage as an in-between build.
other projects in queue are various 1/144 models and 1/72 Tiger-ARH and EC-635 in Belgian Army markings.

more to be posted soon, in the mean time, here's a pic of the 2 NH90's on the bench.

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


no, thats the designation the RW NH90's got in Belgium.

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Blog Entry #58

work on the 2 NH90's have encountered delay due to family problems.
these will be finished in the next few days.

meanwhile, im looking into some future project and ive just started looking at the WW3 build timeline.
im currently writing up the timeline so far, and i am looking at adding more chapters.
im hoping to close the Russia chapters of the story soon and start on the main China theatre.
as for Russian hardware still to be built (in all scales) im looking at Ka-58, Mig-37, Mig-39 (1.44 MFI), T-50 Pak-fa,...
meanwhile im also making up a wishlist for future additions such as more Su-30/35 & J-11/15 variants, Tu-160, J-20, B-2A Spirit,......

projects im examining right now are the PLAAF A340 airborne command post, PLAN J-24 Firkin (Su-47K Derivative), North-Korean Tu-95 Bear-D (Sigint Platform) and various F-16C, F/A-18E/F, Eurofighter and Rafale's for different allied countries.
of course there is much more to come but i havent worked out the details yet.

in terms of decal designing for some projects, i still need some more time/ideas as i want to fill an entire A4 size sheet first (inkjet cartriges and decalpaper is a terrible thing to waist). so im gonna look into some additional realword model decals in various scales.
so far i have created decals for a 1/144 Belgian Airbus A330 & A321, Sabena A350 and a RCAF CF-188E Super Hornet.

more soon....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.