
Spey_Phantom's corner of solitude

Started by Spey_Phantom, October 20, 2012, 02:07:12 AM

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Quote from: Nils on July 16, 2013, 12:30:54 PM
-British (yorkshire) Tea (for my dad  ;) )

Glad you've got your priorities right Nils  ;D

Enjoy your trip
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Blog Entry #31

there are 2 projects on the bench at the moment, both 1/144 Boeing 737 derivatives. the first is the earlier announced AEW&C version, but there has been no progress this week due to the heat.
the second project that i started was a P-8I Neptune, to be painted as an RAF 51 Squadron Neptune MRA.1, the "what should have been" Nimrod replacement.

last weekend at RIAT in Fairford was great, although it wanst that good with the absence of the Americans  :-\
pictures of the event will be posted soon (allong with those from the Belgian Navydays and Ursel Fly-in)
but i did manage to get a few stash additions, including a pair of Airfix 1/72 DH Vampire T.11's, of witch one will be built as a Belgian AF machine, i was thinking a fighter conversion with AIM-9's and painted in vietnam-style camouflage or air superiority grey.
i would build it as a radar equiped FB.15 version (daytime version of the NF.10)

Bench Progress:

-1/144 737-AEW&C (20% complete)
-1/144 P-8I Neptune MRA.1 (5% complete)
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #32

last weekend we had a heavy Thunderstorm, witch was expected seeing the temeratures we been having here lately.
something local must have been hit by lightning, as my Internet connection was out for the past 4 days.
our internet provider sent us a technician and in less then an our we had our connection fixed (had to rewire our phoneline, install a new router and repair our home wireless network).
however, i had one problem afterwards, my powerline network adapter didnt wanna work anymore. still need to fix that, currently working with the WiFi tinfoil dish again as a stopgap till that problems fixed.

Modeling side, since i was going "Ghost Protocol" for the past 4 days, i used the offline time to get things on the bench moving.
i have just finished the RAF P-8 Poseidon for the WW3 Story build, so expect pictures on that soon.
with no internet in the past days, looking for reference/walkarround pictures was impossible, but that was overcome by doing reseach the old-fashion, pre-internet, way. looking into back issues of Air Forces Monthly for decent pictures of the P-8 and the Nimrod MR2/MRA4.

Bench Progress:

-1/144 737-AEW&C (25% completed)
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #33

honestly, i havent been in the mood for modeling for the past week, except for some small progress work on the 1/144 carrier refit, i decided to look at the current problem im facing, image hosting.
for the past few months i have been cery dissapointed in Photobuckets new 10GB bandwidth policy.
looking at other alternatives, such as Flickr, Picasa, imageshack, Devianart....i dont see any improvement or even more limited storage space.
as a stop-gap till better options come along, i have created a second Photobucket account, solely for model pictures and website images.
the current main account would then only be used for my airshow and aviation pictures. all WHIFF pictures will be moved to the new account in a while. furthermore, to decrease bandwith use, im planning on turning off publik linking for a few albums.

on a personal note, modeling has been low-key the past 2 weeks, due to a possible upcoming depression.
i have been stuck at home unemployed for the past 5 months now, i i havent even had 1 job proposal, the EU economic crisis is hitting hard and the flooding of the metalworkers market with cheap eastern-european labour forces has me concidering re-educating to another line of work. i dont know what field yet, but i will think of something.
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Nils. Retraining may be a good idea.

Hope all goes well for you  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Blog Entry #33b

this weekend is the annual Wings & Wheels event at Ursel Airfield is East-Flanders, hope toi find some nice Luft46 kits there like i did last year and the year before. weathers looking excelent.

however, i dot some rather dissapointing news today.
back in december 2010, i had a chance to fly in a Belgian Air Force Sea King Mk.48 helicopter. it was great experience.
however, today, i have learned that the helicopter i flew in, Serial RS03, is to be retired following the planned introduction of the NH90 later this year. first flown in April 1976, it has the most flyinghours in the fleet (about 13000+ hours). if course i was kinda dissapointed when i got the news.
im gonna mis her, farewell old friend.

on the modeling side, im currently cleaning up the bench to start assemblyline-building 4 trumeter 1/144 F-22 Raptors (1 USAFE, 1 RAF and 2 New Flanders).
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #34

things are moving allong nicely this week, with 2 1/144 F-22's now finished (2 New Flanders ones, off the record).
2 more F-22's are currently on the bench, 1 in RAF No.111 (F) squadron markings, the other to be painted in USAFE 32TFS markings.
both for my "WW3: Rise of the Dragon" storybuild.

regarding the storybuild, after seeing this and this, i have found new inspiration for the next instalment, a JMSDF Aircraft Carrier (same as in the videos) and a JMSDF F/A-18E Super Hornet. there are also some PLAAf and PLANAF aircraft in the pipeline, so expect more  ;D

as for the Japanese Aircraft Carrier, i bought a Revell 1/1200 USS Nimitz for conversion. the shape seems about right and a new island superstructure wont be that hard to put together. i found a few pictures from "Perfectbook 2025/2035" via Google images, although the resulution from a scan-in is not perfect, they're good enough for reference.

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #35

once again, i diverted from the WW3 build and got into building some WW2 stuff.
im currently putting some finishing touches on the 1/72 Renard R.38 witch wil be finished real soon.
ive also started on a restoration project, i had an old 1/72 Airfix Brewster Buffalo on the shelf in Belgian markings witch i built about 12 years ago. it was in a very sorry state and i though about replacing it with a newer kit, but since the airfix buffalo is hard to find at the moment, and the hobbyboss kit seems a bit pricey, i started restoring this old kit, taking of the clear parts, repainting and re-decaling.

also on the bench are 2 1/144 F-22 Raptors for the WW3 build and a 737-AEW&C still awaiting conversion.
early WW2 aircraft, especially in service of European Air arms in 1940/41 sooms very intresting and i might have to make it into a theme in the future.

still on the drawingboard are  a 1/144 JMSDF F/A-18EJ Super Hornet and a 1/1200 JMSDF Aircraft Carrier for the WW3 build.
i also have a Kamov Ka-50 in the stash that can look good in East German or Russian Navy markings.
im also thinking of building a North-Korean Tu-95 Bear.

but for now, there's still a lot to finish...

Bench Progress:

2 x 1/144 F-22A Raptor (RAF and USAFE, 50% done)
1/144 Boeing 737-AEW&C (no progress)
1/72 Renard R.38 (90% done)
1/72 Brewster Buffalo (Under Restoration)
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Ooooh I like the idea of the Belgian Buffalo  :thumbsup: Looking forward to it.  After seeing the idea on here I'm thinking of a Belgian P-36
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Blog Entry #36

been feeling kinda low and tired the last few days, with little to no progress.
however, yesterday i started on a new long-due project, a realworld Belgian NH90-NFH.
furthermore, im looking to start on a second one, witch i will then present the 40th SAR squadron in Koksijde as a gift, to congratulate them when the first of the real NH90-NFH's arrives in November.

it has been a very turbulent week. being gone almost everyday for 4 days straight.
first there was a Charity Event at Koksijde Air Base to raise money for seeing-eye dogs for the blind, although i did not participate in the sporting event, i did however support the cause.
Day 2, also at Koksijde Air Base, was the final flight of Sea King RS03 (see topic in plane spotting).
Day 3 was a Emergency Services 112 Safety day in Nieuwpoort (with a SAR demonstration by the Sea King), pictures to follow.
and Finally, Day 4, last Saturday, was the visit to the 40th annual Hobbytime Modelshow (with some good inspiration and stash additions).

it was a nice escape from the sometimes depressing life of unemployment, even if it was for just a few days, get to spend some time with good company, friends and Sea King Helicopters :)

the jobhunting is still ongoing, but after 5 months with no calls or open applications, it kinda gets you demotivated. in the past years, many metal workshops have either moved to Eastern-Europe, or bring cheap Polish Labour here. even though these companies then save loads of money this way, it is very hurtfull on the jobmarket, seeing highly trained and educated Belgians being dumped and cased aside, in favor of untrained, cheap eastern-European Cowboys.

i wont go any further into that, to avoid an international incident here.....
i really am hoping things will get better, i try to stay optimistic, but its hard to keep it up much longer...

no modeling tonight, i spent the whole night waiting for a rat to come out so i can shoot it (with an 4.5mm air gun, usually used against burglars).
we have a rat behind our tomato plants in the shed, and its eating our produce, i took i shot at it earlier but it appears i missed.
then we set up a trap but failed, i will have to try agian tomorrow morning.
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #37

there has been little to no activity in the past week, due to a small case of modellers block.
but things are going well on the drawing board part. im getting new ideas for my WW3 build, cause lately ive been having problems looking further the the things i got on the bench now. im also thinking, to get the gears moving, to repost some older pre-built models and writing them into the storyline.

speaking of the WW3 built, ive focusing to much on 5th generation equipment, so im thinking of adding some upgraded older 70's era aircraft in the mix, maybe as mercenary planes or operated by 3rd world countries such as in Africa.
looking at Revells new 1/144 F-16C, im thinking of getting some more and give them a 5th Gen make-over.

like the proposed delta winged Block 60 for the UAEAF

its to bad Airfix/Arii 1/144 F-16XL's are out of production, they would make a great addition to the storyline.
im gonna be sorting out through the stash this week, see what can fit in the storyline.
of course im still gonna take in a few smaller "in between" projects, such as WW2 and/or Luft46 models.

furthermore, ona personal note, im pulling myself out of depression, i already have 2 calls for work since monday, im going to Brugges tomorrow for 2 jobproposals. it will most likely end up being a lie (like what happened in the past, they call you, say they have a job for you and when you get there, they withdraw they're offer). ah well, at least while im there i can visit some modelshops  ;D.

just hope i can get rid of this nasty cold ive been having  for the past 4 days  :-\
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

Was the Neptune dropped ? Haven't seen it in the updates.

Loved the Sea King pics BTW...thanks Nils !

:wub: :tornado: :cheers:
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Quote from: Captain Canada on September 10, 2013, 05:35:48 AM
Was the Neptune dropped ? Haven't seen it in the updates.

Loved the Sea King pics BTW...thanks Nils !

:wub: :tornado: :cheers:

the Neptune was finishd over a month ago, Cap  :mellow:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #38.

this week, i had another model finished, this time a Realworld Belgian C-130H Hercules (Revell/Matchbox 1/144 kit).
for the rest there has been no progress, as i have been to busy playing the new Grand Theft Auto 5 game for the past 3 days.
also, i had to go to my Aunt to take apart a closet, and put it back together again a few days later.
so its been a very busy week.

no progress tomorrow, as i will be off visiting an opendoor at Melsbroek AB, the military side of Brussels Airport.
where not only the Belgian AF's transport fleet is based, but also the Police Aviation Wing. so expect some nice pictures when i get back.

furthermore, the Jobhunt is finally picking up pace, i already recieved multiple calls for work, although half the times its to far out of the area, or required additional or completely different skills then whats on my resume (kinda wondering of they even read that thing?)

but at least things are getting better :) (for now)
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Quote from: Nils on September 20, 2013, 01:57:10 PM

furthermore, the Jobhunt is finally picking up pace, i already recieved multiple calls for work, although half the times its to far out of the area, or required additional or completely different skills then whats on my resume (kinda wondering of they even read that thing?)

but at least things are getting better :) (for now)

Glad to hear that Nils - best of luck
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.