
Spey_Phantom's corner of solitude

Started by Spey_Phantom, October 20, 2012, 02:07:12 AM

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Blog Entry #39

with the Airshow season now as good as over, i can finally concentrate my free time towards modelbuilding once again.
first of, im dusting off the WW3 build, and numerous new models are underway, with the first 3 nearing completion.
the workbench is in desperate need of clearing, as i have way to amny projects going at the moment.

underway for the WW3 storybuild (in 1/144) are a DDR-NVA Luftstreitkräfte MIG-29SMT (modified and corrected academy mig-29a kit), USAFE and RAF F-22 Raptors, Netherlands Air Force UH-60 Blackhawk and an unknown Boeing 737-AEW&C. the F-117N i started a while ago also needs to be completed at some point.

on the realworld builds, im currently building 2 Belgian 1/72 NH90-NFH's witch i might implement into the storyline aswell (1 model for me, another for the Koksijde based 40th Squadron due to operate the aircraft)

but im not stopping there, im also currently designing decals for future additions in various scales. including Khemedi Su-37's, JMSDF F/A-18EJ, Belgian Airbus A400M and A320. and the first Aircraft Carrier for the storyline, the JMSDF Shinano II (see earlier post about "Perfectbook 2025").

now, im gonna give you a glimps of whats to come  :mellow:

first off, the 737-AEW&C, currently under construction.

the WW3 build fighter aircraft (or part of it, ignore the Mig-3, witch is part of another future build)

and here, the AMARG shelf, these older models are all going to be refurbished and repainted and might become part of the WW3 build.
not all of them will make the cut, the TBM Avenger, Sea Harrier, F-111 and BAC Lighting will be for my realworld collection.

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #40

little activity this week, i have completed painting in a 1/144 Su-37 Terminator in sand/brown desert camo, awaiting decals (dont know what nationality yet).
also, i have been working on a 1/144 Mig-29SMT aswell, however i ran into a snag with the 3-tone splinter camo due to paint running beneath the maskingtape, had to repaint and need to start over  :angry:

thing on the bench need to start moving fast, some projects dating back months. i still have about 5 1/144 models and 2 1/72's on the go right now, and i want to finish them all before moving on to what i like to call "The Big One" for the WW3 build.

regarding the WW3 build, i ran into some problems and delays, but im looking on getting back on track really soon.
at the moment, 1 model for the stooryline is finished, 3 or 4 others are almost ready for painting.

the 2 1/72 models on the go are 2 Revell NH90-NFH's, both RW Belgian machines.

still on the shopping list for next week is a new cutting mat, and use the old one as a paint mat.
my older paintmat will be thrown away, as its layers are getting to thick to work on.

see here.

here's a cross cut of the thickest part, now, how many layers can you count, i lost count at about 100  :rolleyes:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Flippin' eck Nils  :blink: :blink:

Don't throw it, sell it as a modernist relief painting
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Blog Entry #41

finally, things are moving again.

finally making significant progress on the 1/144 F-117N that was supposed to be finished months ago.
while waiting for that to dry, im looking into the Mig-29SMT. once those 2 are done, im gonna look into finishing the 2 1/144 F-22 Raptors and the 737-AEW, after that, im gonna focus on 1/72 for a while, as the stash desperatly needs slimming.
im already looking into more kits, but i barely have storage and/or shelf space for what i have now. i already packed some older builds in boxes to be put on the attic.

fighting both the stashgrowth and unemployment depression, im gonna stop buying new kits for a while and just buy the basic modeling needs (fresh tools and paints,....). i might get a small kit in between, but those will usually be the planned acquisitions (new releases, cheap on-sale kits & rare kits).

the main reason for the stashstop is mostly due to overstock and cutbacks, as ive been home for 7 months now, you never know when surprise expenses come up or my unemployment benefits are cut (i hate using unemployment wellfare). cause things are getting worse out there and im affaid i might be stuck in it for the long haul.

finding work has become harder then it was a few years ago, and i think im going to need professional help soon, as im starting to get frustrated, bored, demotivated, anger issues, and weight gain.
i have been on a diet some time ago, but i barely lost anything. i might have to start again, this time with a bit more motivation.
i will get through it, i got the will, got a (mostly) healthy mind and good physique, i might get out of it some how.

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Quote from: Nils on October 04, 2013, 10:34:09 AM
Blog Entry #40

see here.

here's a cross cut of the thickest part, now, how many layers can you count, i lost count at about 100  :rolleyes:

Careful with that paint mat, Jackson Pollack paintings go for a lot of money these days!
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Blog Entry #42

im making rapid progress on reducing the number of projects on the bench right now.
with 3 of the projects now completed (see WW3 build topic), the bench is starting to clear up.
this weekend i spent most time trying to finish up the last 2 Trumpeter 1/144 F-22A Raptors.

the trumpter F-22 is an excellent little kit and the detail and fit is no more then excelent, comparable with Revell's 1/72 scale version.
however, the kit has one small flaw that i found dissapointing, namely that the wheels are moulded to the landinggear legs, witch made it dificult to work arround with, compared tomost other models where these parts are seperate.

if all goes well, these should be done by wednesday, allong with the next chapter of the WW3 storyline.
and, there will be a bonusmodel in the story aswell, but that im not going to reveal yet.
also note that these 2 Raptors will be the last 1/144 models in the series for a while, as i want to concentrate on the larger 1/72 scale for a while.

still on the bench, but not part of the WW3 build is a Boeing 737-AEW&C, a modified revell 1/144 737-800. this one should also be finished later this week  :mellow:

next on the bench after these are 2 Revell 1/72 NH90-NFH's in Belgian markings (realworld), as noted earlier.
once the pre-mentioned 1/144 models are done, next in line will be 2 other 1/72 kits, the first being a EC665 Tiger in Belgian markings and the other is yet to be determined.

here some pictures on the bench progress  :mellow:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Blog Entry #43

some more progress on the bench. the 737-AEW is now 98% done, all it needs is the decals.
meanwhile, progress on 2 NH90-NFH's is slow but steady, most work going into the interiour.
i have been in the mood to build Luft'46 themed models again, i might start on one or two very soon.
but today, there will be little to no activity, since i have to help my brother move into his new place.

this week, i just made a new small decal sheet for a number of upcoming projects, such as a Belgian Army EC635, JMSDF F/A-18EJ, civilian NH90, Iraqi F-16C, Blackwater aircraft (type unknown), Belgian Next Gen jet trainer.....

so there is a lot coming  :mellow:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #44

still working on the 2 NH90-NFH's, but no progress since the last blog entry.
the 737-AEW is finished, so its time to start on more.

i have decided to take a break from the WW3 storybuilt for a while and get back to one of my favorite modeling subjects: Luft'46  :thumbsup:
decided to pick where i left off, the WW2 continued storybuild

see topic: http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,34057.30.html

i will update this topic in the next few days, adding some pictures of already built models to the storyline.
to get things started i got a 1/72 DH88 comet racer (militarised version) and a Northrop N-9 on the bench right now.
although the comet is an ancient Russian-made kit (think KP or Novo) i got for free some time ago, dont expect something great compared to the Airfix version.

on the Northop N-9 (1/72 Sword kit) i already scewed up the soft vacform canopy, but i managed to replace it with a spare canopy from an Airfix 1/72 Spitfire Mk.22. all it needt a bit of filler  :mellow:
this will be painted up in USAAF markings  :mellow:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #45

slowly making some progress, work on the 1/72 Northrop N-9M is almost completed, although i ran into some more problems with the kit.
the fit of the resin coclpit isnt all that good, and the finning of the noseweel-well was so bad, i had to leave it out, building it wheels up.
there was also a gap in the front, so i had to PSR that up. another problem was that the plannes spitfire f.22 canopy didnt fit, so i had to look in the sparesbox again and found a spare from a P-47D, witch, after some modifications, fitted nicely.

work on the 1/72 DH88 Comet racer has come to a temporary halt, after constant problems with this kit, not to mention some missing pieces.
i will finish building it, but i might need to scratchbuild some new parts.

right now, im going to look into finally finishing the 2 NH90-NFH's, so i got some space on the workbench to begin with the Italeri 1/72 XB-35, to be build as an operational Northrop B-35A Mantaray intercontinental bomber, designed to attack targets in Japan and Germany from bases in the US.

also in the design stage are some IJN and IJA Aircraft, mostly license built German aircraft, such as the Ki-201 (licensed copy of the Me262) and the Nakajima N90Y "Nina" (light bomber and torpedo bomber version of the Messerschmitt P.1099A/B).
there is also a plan to include Argentina in the fight, giving they're relation with Germany during the war.

new stash additions will be kept to a minimum, due to the need to reduce the stash i have now. i will still get a few new kits, but it will only be the planned buys, no "spure of the moment" buys anymore. also continueing unemployment and financial uncertainty is forcing me to cut the hobbybudget.
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #46: Breaking News

before the big announcement, a model progress update:
the 1/72 Northrop N-9MA has been completed, completion pictures will be posted later tonight.
currently making up plans for Luft'46 Romanian and IJA 1/72 Me262's and a (perhaps Italian) FW Flitzer.
no progress on the 2 NH90's.

And now, for the big announcement!  :mellow:

3AM this morning we recieved a call from my younger brother telling us his girlfriend went into labour  :o
this came as a huge surprise to us as we wernt expecting it for another 2 or 3 weeks.
then later came the news, 9AM this morning (6 hours ago now), we recieved word she gave birth to a healthy baby boy  :thumbsup:

weighin in at 2.8kgs, 48cm tall, we said hello to little Joey. father, mother and child are in good health.
i just got back from visiting them at the hospital, and i couldnt be more happy, not just as an uncle, but also as the godfather!

although November 11 was a day to remember the fallen, today it is day we celebrate the arrival of a new member to the family.
so, here's to you, Joey.

:party: :drink: :cheers: :drink: :party:

*picture to follow*
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Blog Entry #47

taking it easy this week, thought i would take a few weeks off from what-iffing to come up with new ideas.
the plan for the 2 1/72 Me262's is still on track, but there are still a few things i need to work out.
in the meantime, i thought i would take use of the downtime to start on some more realword models.
at the moment, im building a 1/144 East-German Mil Mi-24P Hind-F (revell kit with homemade decals, originals were not in the box).
tomorrow im expecting delivery of a number of new kits, and i would also start on 2 1/144 Mig-29A's (East-German and Serbian).

furthermore, i really gotta get going on those 2 NH90's, but the last few weeks, im lacking the mood.
other planned RW projects in 1/144 include a Tornado GR.1 "Mig Eater", a Tigermeet german Tornado ECR and a Sri-Lanka AF F-7GS.

but that does not mean im quiting on whifing  :rolleyes:
im still making plans on a Belgian AF Airbus A320, USMC F/A-18E, another Mi-24 Hind (North Korean?) and a RN/FAA Hawkeye AEW.1.

and many more  :wacko:.....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #48

things are going smoothly, this week i finished 3 1/144 models, a Mi-24P Hind-F and 2 Mig-29A's.
i really want to clear out the bench as fast as possible, so i can start on some of the larger 1/72 kits in the stash.
kits such as the XB-35 and other Luft46 kits (both Allied, nazi and axis,....) are on the top of that list, allong with some of the newer 4.5th and 5th generation aircraft and attack helicopters.

just to get things moving, im gonna try to build one of each theme at a time (WWIII and WW2: 1946 themes)
but first, im gonna finish the 2 long-due NH90's so the bench is pretty much clear by the holidays (or by the time i start on a big project)

but there is a problem, one that i (and i guess i lot of us) have encountered before: the lack of shelfspace  :rolleyes:
my shelfspace for 1/144 kits has pretty much ran out, so i will have to store some of the older models and throw away the ones that are to be replaced by new ones.
1/72-wise there is still some space left, but i have no idea where to put the A400M model once i start on it  :-\

last weeks arrival of a new set of kits did not help the stash reduction either, but i think i can make some changes here and there.
i can always make space if needed  :-\

but first, i gotta clean up the worktable, AGAIN  :rolleyes:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.