
Spey_Phantom's corner of solitude

Started by Spey_Phantom, October 20, 2012, 02:07:12 AM

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Blog Entry #153

the bench is back on the move once again, of the 3 1/144 Tornado's, the first one is now finished (ECR, Tigermeet 2011), a second one should follow some time today (the GR.1 "Mig Eater") and a 3rd (IDS, Marineflieger) should follow soon.

here's a pic of the finished ECR, (revell kit, OOB )

meanwhile, work on the other projects are also going well.
the 1/72 Spitfire Mk.1 for the BoB GB is nearing its final stages, all it needs is one more layer of aluminium paint on the underside, before decals can be applied, should be done this week if all goes well.

next in line on the bench is a 1/72 Tucano, to be built as a Russian Air Force COIN aircraft, using weapons from an ICM russian a2g weapons set.

there are so many projects to choose from, i dont know what to build next.
as for 1/144 models, i have 2 RW Russian Mig-29's next in line, other versions of the Mig-29 im planning is a German and Cuban version.
after the first 2 Mig's im going to build 2 new 1/144 F-4 Phantoms (one USAF, one RAF FGR.1) and restore 2 (German F-4F and converted F-4G Wild Weasel) that are in storage awaiting repairs. there's also  that one Gripen thats been improved, thinking of puting Croatian markings on it.

im also looking into getting back into Luft'46 builds, might have to take one out whan the Tucano is done.
ive been playing around with some idea's regarding other '46 builds, including USAAF P-84A, Croatian Blohm & Voss P.194, Argentinian Me262....

more soon.....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Nice work on the Tiger Tornado!  :thumbsup: Must have been a helluva lot of work applying all those decals.

Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


Quote from: ChernayaAkula on October 26, 2015, 04:17:23 PM
Nice work on the Tiger Tornado!  :thumbsup: Must have been a helluva lot of work applying all those decals.

thanks, and indeed, it was a real challenge in applying all those decals, took me a few days in several shifts  :-\
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Looks great, esp. for a small 1:144 kit!

Captain Canada

Great job on that one Nils ! Might be OOB, but it's one of your best yet ! Great job on such a wee kit. I Sea there are no mention of heliKopters though ?

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Great work, Nils, that  :tornado: sure looks good! :thumbsup:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Blog entry #154

and with this entry, i will have reached the 5000th post on this forum  :drink: :party: :cheers:

now, lets get to the point :)

in the past week, the bench has been in full swing and 4 completed projects has left the bench, this included 3 1/144 Tornado's and a 1/72 Spitfire Mk1.

work on the 2 1/72 SeaKings has also entered full accelaration, smaller detail parts have been added and the fuselages are now being prepped for paintwork  :thumbsup:

meanwhile, ive started to make preperations on the next series of projects.
in 1/72 i have an Airfix Tucano, to be built as a Russian Air Force COIN aircraft, with armament coming from an ICM 1/72 soviet A2G weapons set, witch will also be used on other planned Soviet/Russian builds.

in 1/144, im still choosing between 2 realworld aircraft, either 2 F-4 Phantoms (USAF and RAF) or 2 Mig-29's (both Russian, operational fighter and a Swifts aircraft).

ive also been looking at other future projects, after the SeaKings, i have 2 1/72 NH90-NFH's next in line, hopefully the build of these wont last almost 2 years like the SeaKings  :-\
other projects in line are the 2 planned 1/144 A330-MRTT's (Canadian and Belgian), Belgian DH Comet 4B (in decal design stage), various Super Hornets,......
i still have tons of builds planned, including some Luft'46 themed builds, some of witch will be scale-o-rama builds in either 1/72 or 1/144 scale or smaller.

more, much more, soon....... ;)
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

You're a busy man Nils ! Love all of the idea....can't wait to see some, especially the ( you know whats ) and the MRTTs !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #155

over the past few weeks, ive had an urge to build agian, in the past week that was no different.
the 2 SeaKings are still awaiting a first paintjob, and i havent started on the Tucano yet.

in 1/144 scale, ive been working all week on not 2, but 4 F-4 Phantoms in 4 different versions (real world, 2 refurbished older F-4's and 2 new builds).
yesterday, the first one was finished, a refurbished F-4G Wild Weasel. ive converted this one about 15 years ago, and was in urgent need of upgrading and repairs.
so, after stripping the paint, weapons, canopy and engines, i managed to completly give this old kit, witch was destined to be scrapped, a new lease of life.

the result:

meanwhile, another refurbished Phantom, a German F-4F version, is also just finished.
of the new Phantoms, an RAF F-4M Phantom FGR.2 (converted from an F-4E) is aslo in the works, but the conversion was not that simple.
changes include new scratchbuilt RR Spey nozzles, a RWR antenna on the tail, new radar nosecone and revised front landinggear.

the 4th Phantom is a USAF F-4E, in SEA camo, this one is only just starting, with only the basic pre-assembly done.

after browsing through the spares box, i came across a spare, partially started, 1/144 F-4F Phantom, witch was used as a testkit for an RF-4E Conversion (witch didnt turn out that great). i might complete this kit and make a What If version, maybe an RAF PR.4 (RF-4C(UK) for example) version in all black?

when the 1/144 phantoms are done, i might eventually start on the 1/144 Mig-29's.

ive also been examining another Tanker conversion. aside from the 2 A330-MRTT's and a smaller KC-737 conversion, ive started examining a Russian built tanker. earlier this week, i bought a Zvezda 1/144 IL-86 Camber. a few months ago, ive been thinking of a more advanced and more dedicated tanker then the IL-78 Midas.
ive came up with a 3-point tanker version of the IL-86 (inspired by the recently announced IL-96-400TZ tanker for Russia).
to mix it up a but,  ive been thinking of a Cuban Air Force version of the IL-86TZ Mudgeon (Cuba would have 2 aircraft in 2001, converted from ex-Cubana airliners)

a concept profile:

more soon......
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

Phantom looks great Nils ! Love the weapons load.

The profile looks great as well.

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #156

work on the bench is booming, as one project after another starts to see the light of day.
i am currently finishing up the last of 4 relworld 1/144 F-4 Phantoms. Last week i showed you a restored old F-4G Wild Weasel, since then, 2 more Phantoms have left the bench to the shelves, a restored F-4F Phantom II and a newly built Phantom FGR.2.
the 4th and last Phantom is curretnly being finished, a USAF F-4E in Vietnam war camo.

also, last night, ived started on a new WHIF project, the first of 2 Airbus A330-MRTT  ;D
for research and test purposes, ive decided to start with the Royal Canadian Air Force version, the CC-165T (converted from a spare A340).
ive already done the cockpit and front wheel and assembled the fuselage, the fuselage has also been marked for cutting, as will have to be cut down to -200 length (-6 framed from the front and -4 framed at the rear).
the Belgian version of the A330-MRTT will start as soon as the other F-4 is finished.

no progress on the SeaKings in the past week, but work should continue during this week.

when the A330-MRTT's are done, im hoping to start on the 1/144 Airbus A400M in Belgian markings.
im still doing my research for another tanker, the Cuban Air Force (DAAFAR) IL-86TZ Mudgeon.
another project im planning on reviving is the Tu-144 in East-German Interflug colors. that project also got me thinking about building a Lufthansa Concorde to go alongside it  ;D
after seeing a Video on the Tu-114 (converted Airliner Tu-95) ive also been thinking about converting a Tu-95 into a Civilian airliner.
i still have loads of window decals left from older Revell airliners. the conversionwork itsself would not be that difficult, lust removing the belly radar.
looking at the Hasegawa 1/144 YS-11 and Airfix Vanguard on the stashshelf, ive been thinking of painting these in RAF markings and convert the Vanguard into an RAF AEW aircraft as a Shackleton replacement.

as for decal designing, so far i have designs ready for a Belgian AF HD Comet and RW German and Cuban Mig-29's.
im still looking to design markings for the Saudi Su-30MKS. in terms of other project decals, i still havent figured it out yet.
one project thats going to need decals is the RAF F-104K Starfighter F.3.

so many project, so little time  :rolleyes:

more updates soon, until then, enjoy the pics of these 2 recently finished Phantoms  ;D

this RAF Phantom has had several conversion modifications, including:

-new radar nose
-RWR antenna on the tail
-Rolls Royce Spey engines (scratchbuilt)

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Luftwaffe one in particular looks very neat Nils  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Captain Canada

Great stuff Nils love them both...as Chris said the Luftwaffe one looks excellent in that camo, but I've always had a spot for an RAF Phantom in that scheme.


Now on with the Sea Kings  :thumbsup:
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #156b

just finished the last F-4 Phantom, an F-4E in USAF Vietnam camo.
also, there will be no activity on the bench for the next few days, as i am out of town for my sisters wedding (im the photographer).

so until then, have a great weekend.
also, here's a pic of the finished Phantom  ;D

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.