
Spey_Phantom's corner of solitude

Started by Spey_Phantom, October 20, 2012, 02:07:12 AM

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Old Wombat

Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Blog Entry #251

First blog entry of the new year, so lets get started on this update  :mellow:

before starting new builds, im gonna start clearing out the fridge.
first to be put on the table is a pair of 1/144 Hawker Tempest Mk.V's (1 RW RAF built OOB, the other a Soviet lend/lease machine).
aside from that, the 3 1/144 Super Hornets that have been gathering dust for the past 2 years are also back on the bench.
also in final stages of construction is a 1/144 Airbus A400M, awaiting decals before final assembly can begin.
other project that are awaiting decals are (all 1/144) a Bordurian Bf109e, Ju-87D and Belgian Hawker Hurricane Mk.I.

Decals for the next project, a 1/72 Mig-21MF Fishbed of the Khemed Air Force, is now done, these will be printed out at the earliest convenience. aside from this, im planning to dust of some other WIP builds to take up in between paintworks. i have some Luft'46 models in the WIP pile that are starving for attention, so im gonna see witch ones can be taken up to the bench.

thats about it for this update, i havent found much time to do more lately, hopefully the next update will bring more news.

more soon...
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Quote from: Nils on January 11, 2019, 07:58:36 AM
<...> next project, a 1/72 Mig-21MF Fishbed of the Khemed Air Force <...>

Cool! :thumbsup:

Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


Blog Entry #252

been stuck at home with the flu for the past 2 days, so the ideal time to keep myself busy with some building time  :mellow:

last week, the 1/144 Airbus A400M has left the bench and onto the shelves. with this gone the workbench is finally clearing up.
the next project to come out of the fridge and waaiting completion, is a Luft'46 themed model, a revell 1/144 Tu-95 Bear-D, being converted to a Luftwaffe transatlantic bomber (redesignated Junkers Ju-289). i started this one about a year ago, but has been gathering dust for quite some time. im building this one allong with another OOB revell Tu-95, for the Cold War GB over on KG144.

with some of these project now nearly done, space is finally clearing up for future builds. im thinking of taking on a few civilian themed models. but first, im planning on doing some stash management this weekend, as the stash has reached almost maximum capacity, im planning on getting rid and selling some surplus kits, looking at older outdated kits and off-scale kits and themes.

more soon...
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Feel better soon!!! That flu stuff is the pits!

Bomber sounds awesome.
-Sprues McDuck-


Blog Entry #253

its been almost 2 months since ive posted an update, time to do something about that.

progress on the bench has been quite slow, im slowly making progress on the first 1/144 Tu-95 Bear-D, the second one, the Luft'46 version, is currently on hold until the bench clears up. also on the bench is an "in between" project, also 1/144, hope to get it done by April Fools day, all i can say about it that its....euhm.......pink  :unsure:.

the start on my next project, the 1/72 Khemedi MiG-21, has been put on hold, as im thinking of getting another Eduard kit, as its more superiour to the current Mistercraft and KP kits, might make it into a diorama with a desert scenery and a Willies Jeep. this project might take some time as im going to be mostly airbrushing the external model instead of handpainting.

looking at the project in line, there's still more WIP models to be finished, both WHIF and Realworld.
i might revisit some older planned builds, using new skill, tools and techniques to get them on the workbench, these project include, in 1/72: Belgian Army & Navy H135M's, Belgian Army S-300 SAM systems, Russian or Indian Air Force Sukhoi Su-47,...

the stash might grow again over the next 2 weeks, as on saturday im off with the missus to Aalst (for a late birthday getaway for her), so i might get something from the LHS while im there :mellow:
next weekend its off to Kortrijk for the IPMS Modelshow on sunday, im really looking forward to the What-If Modellers table, ive been on this forum for so long and i havent met anyone from here face-to-face before.

more soon....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Quote from: Nils on March 28, 2019, 11:59:32 AM
next weekend its off to Kortrijk for the IPMS Modelshow on sunday, im really looking forward to the What-If Modellers table, ive been on this forum for so long and i havent met anyone from here face-to-face before.

Not sure if seeing me face-to-face is something to look forward to  :-\

Reality is an illusion caused by an alcohol deficiency


Blog Entry #254

there has been little progress on the bench the last 2 weeks, mostly due to other priorities.
as noted here on april 1st, i finished a 1/144 F-4E Phantom in a pink Hello Kitty color scheme, not my best work but it isnt the best kit either.

looking at my previous build, im not looking step it up a notch and use new skills more often such as airbrush and im now going to start looking into experimenting with weathering powders (using the revell set as its cheap and easely available to start with). builds will now be finished at a slower pace as i noticed my last ones came out a bit toyish.

meanwhile on the bench....

steady progress on a real world 1/144 Tu-95RT Bear-D (revell kit), propellors are done, now its nearly time to mask everything off and airbrush the thing. as usual, still a 1/72 Sea King (as tradition here  :-\ ) and now i just added a 1/72 Hasegawa EP-3E Orion to the table to be converted into the L-188 Baby Electra. reseach on the latter has now been completed and i can now start masking, marking and drilling and filing out the cabin windows. in terms of decals, i have started looking into designing a few DIY versions, although the logo's need refining.

the resin EP-3 parts that came with the Hasegawa kit, has givin me the idea of mounting the underbelly radome to a Arado Ar.555, He.177 or Fw.200 Condor to create a luft'46 AEW aircraft. last week at IPMS Moorsele, after visiting the WHIF table, the missus encouraged me to pick up a Heller 1/72 Noratlas (i didnt wanted to buy it as im running out off space to store stash), but if the Electra build goes well, i might build a civilian version of that aircraft aswell, although im also playing with the idea of building it in Belgian or Netherlands Air Force colors.

other news...

im going to Denmark this summer ;D
me and the missus are going to fullfill my childhood dream, were flying to Billund for 4 days to visit Legoland, the Lego House....
ive been dreaming about going to Legoland since i was 5, and now that dream is finally coming true (i can finally scratch that one off the bucketlist).

more soon......
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #255

1st of May, its labour day, so no work today (at least not till monday as i took 2 more days off).
i wont be doing much work until then as all those days are occupied with other activities, but lets give you an update.

work on the 1/72 L-188 Junior Electra is going smoothly now, the wings have been spraye din an aluminium color, witch was a pain to apply with airbrush, so the next application of metallic paints will be applied with the good old paintbrush. another progress on the bench is the 1/144 Tu-95RT Bear-D, witch needs another coat of aluminium paint.

when the Electra is done, i might get some older in-progress projects another look, just to free up benchspace.
meanwhile looking at the  stash, ive been thinking of other future projects. a 1/144 revell C-17A has been sitting in the stash for quite a few years now, im thinking of reviving my plan to built it as an Isreali C-17I ממותה (Mammoth) instead of a civilian Citybird Cargo version. the Khemedi MiG-21 will be postponed until i can get hold of another Eduard 1/72 MiG-21 kit.

i also have another revell 1/144 Bf109E on the ready line, to be painted in Spanish civil war colors (realworld).

looking further, im also planning on several 1/144 Area 88 themed builds, i got the motivation back from watching Strobez's builds.
i home to build Saki Vashtahls B-1 lancer, as son as the Academy 1/144 kit comes out here. decals for Kitori's Mirage F-1 and Saileen Babnocks's F-104G have already been designed, but im also planning to build Shin Kazama's F-5E & F20 once decals have been designed. once Eduard releases the 1/144 F-8 Crusader, i might build that one aswell (allongside Borris's F-8). i might get onther revell A-10A to build Greg Gate's Thunderbolt.

more soon....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Captain Canada

A Nils, without an on-the-go Sea King, cannot exist !

Have fun in LEGOLAND !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Blog Entry #256

its time for another blog entry  :mellow:

work on the bench is going smoothly, the 1/144 Tu-95RT Bear-D is nearly finished and is awaiting decals. the 1/72 Junior Electra is making progress too, the wings are almost done, before starting on the landinggear, the wheelwells still need to be painted. the parts for the cockpit have also recieved a first coat of paint.

so far, everything is going smoothly and all builds are on shedule.

meanwhile, ive been looking into getting back in the 1/144 scale fighter bussiness, inspired by Strobez Area 88 themed builds.
having built Mickey Simon's F-14A a few years ago, im thinking of building a few additional Area 88 models to add to the collection.
i already designed the decals for the F-5E Tiger II (Manga version) but i might build the 2004 Anime version too. last week i recieved the Heller A-10 i ordered to be painted in Greg Gates's A-10 colors. i might even concider getting another Black Tomcat and redo Mickey's F-14 with the airbrush skills ive been refining lately.
all in all, i have about 30 Area 88 builds listed (including 2 fan made aircraft, my personal F-5E in desert camo and an EA-6B prowler).
to get me motivated, ive started rewatching all the 2004 anime episodes and started reading translated manga's online.

a provisionary list can be found here: https://www.scalemates.com/profiles/mate.php?id=20365&p=albums&album=49190

more soon....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #257

more progress has been made on the bench, i just finished the Revell 1/144 Tu-95RT Bear-D for the cold war GB on KG144.
also, the 1/72 Junior Electra is also making progress, with the cockpit assembled and the fuselage halves mated.
in the next session, im gonna start on detailing the wings and the outside of the fuselage before spraying on the white paint.
the latter job could be delayed as i might take up a few builds that wil be painted in the same white.

decals for the electra were printed out and sealed yesterday, allong with a few other designs for other future projects.
with the bear now completed, workspace has been freed up. so the focus will now go to completing the junior electra.
for in-between projects, im taking in a few smaller 1/144 scale builds, these will be either WW2 aircraft or a series of Area 88 themed F-5E's and an F-20 Tigershark. decals for these, have been printed out, allong with those for an A-10 Thunderbolt, Harrier and a provisionary decal for a MiG-23.

in the next series of decal designs, more Area 88 aircraft will be featured.

more soon.....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Blog Entry #258

its a long weekend, so more time to hit the bench again.
paintwork on the 1/72 Junior Electra fuselage is just about finished, the nosecone just recieved a thin coat of satin black, but will recieve a gloss coat later. also, the tail sections recieved a first layer of aluminium paint. despite having encountered many snags and issues on that proect, ive managed to save it from the bin.

ive decided to do a little "clear the bench-build", clearing all started projects, one build at a time. first all efforts will be focused on the Junior Electra, then the Sea King, then the 3 1/144 Super Hornets (that have been gathering dust for the last 2 years) and a1/72 RW F-16AM Tigermeet'09. i want to clear most of these projects before starting serial building several other 1/144 kits.

one of those projects are the first in a new series of Area 88 builds mentioned last time. im starting on 4 F-5E's (one RW patrouille Suisse) and an F-20 Tigershark. other projects in that series are an A-10A, Harrier, 2 F/A-18A's, multiple F-4 Phantoms, AT-6G texan,...
decals for several of these projects have been printed out, more will be designed at a later date.

more soon...
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Best of luck with the clear the bench builds. I started to try and clear mine by adding one "hanger queen" to every 2 fresh starts
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Blog Entry #259

more progress has been made on the bench, witch at the moment has just became half empty.
work on the Junior Electra has now been completed, i just finished decals and sealing, pictures of the completed model will be posted later today.

next in line, are the 3 1/144 Super Hornet variants that have been gathering dust for the past 2 years and the last of the 1/72 Sea Kings.
after that, its another RW 1/72 F-16AM (Belgian Tigermeet 2009) that needs to be finished.
once all that is done, i can start on more 1/144 builds, including Area 88 and WW2 model projects and the next commision build, a pair of Belgian NH90-NFH's in 1/72 (to replace the SeaKings on the bench).
the latter has been a very long time coming, but with new techniques mastered, such as airbrushing, i think it will be worth the wait.

of course there will be other projects in between these builds, having picked up a pair of 1/72 BAe Hawk T.1 yesterday, ive been thinking of building one of them in Belgian Air Force colors with Alpha Jet decals and Sidewinder missiles under the wings. the other will be painted in realworld Swiss AF colors.

as usual, more soon......
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.