Aarcesair P-51.

Started by Briar, October 29, 2012, 10:14:31 PM

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Hello! I am new on this site, but have passed you guys in my many days of surfing the web. You guys are awesome!!! I don't do much experimental modeling, but I am doing some RC Aircraft modeling of eccentric designs. The first plane I am trying to finish is my Aarcesair (my fantasy airplane company) P-51 experimental concept. So far, it has really short, stubby wings and I got a contra-rotating engine for it to cancel out torque. Because there are no wings, it will not glide at all and be as hard to fly as stopping a bullet with your hand. It's going to be nose heavy, so I'll just hover it around most of the time (that's my plan :thumbsup: )
Also because of the no wings, and the two motors, it will be extremely fast when flying straight. I don't have any yet, but I'll try to post some photos later.

Here are some of my other projects:

1) P-51 concept No.1. The one with no wings and the contra engine.

2) P-51 concept No.2. This one will have it's nose cut off and replaced with a cowling to make it look like a radial mustang.

3) Jato Cessna. A good airframe, but horrible electronics. With this one I will connect two big Estes rocket engines to the bottom, and wire them to the seventh channel. When I flick the switch, the rockets will ignite, making it go really fast.

4) To get the Cessna to tow one of my gliders. Maybe I'll try putting the P-51 No.1 on top of the Cessna like a Mistel.

Sticky Fingers

Welcome, Briar, and in your case I think we'll be wanting videoclips instead of pictures!
Your projects sound real interesting :thumbsup:


Eccentric designs are much welcome here... :thumbsup:
How do your wingless P-51 fly? vertically with the propellers acting as rotors? :unsure: ;D
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Quote from: Tophe on October 30, 2012, 06:58:19 AM
Eccentric designs are much welcome here... :thumbsup:
How do your wingless P-51 fly? vertically with the propellers acting as rotors? :unsure: ;D

A good question. How do rocket's fly? They have lot's of thrust. Once, an F-15 lost a wing during a midair collision, and the pilot lost control. The only thing he could do was change the throttle, so he put it at full engine thust, and he gained control again because he had so much thrust he was flying like a rocket. I hope this theory will make the P-51 fly. It does have wings, but they just are one third shorter. Just to be clear, the Wingless P-51 is till under construction and has not flown yet, same as all my other aircraft.


Quote from: Briar on October 30, 2012, 05:52:48 PM
How do rocket's fly? I hope this theory will make the P-51 fly.
I have drawed several P-51 tail-sitters, Pogo-like. Do you know my book "Virtual Mustangs"? (completed here by the topic http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,4461.0.html ). I'd be glad to add new silhouettes from your imagination...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Tophe, no I have never seen your books. I would love some advice and other concepts. I just thought of putting an "X" tail on one of my P-51s, so that all tail control surfaces would be used for every operation.


First try:

Feel free to correct/change/improve... ;)
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Wow, those are cool!!! I literally mean an "X", though, not a cross. One of my earlier Mustang concepts did have a cross tail, but the bottom fin was swept back and had the landing gear wheel on the tip. Maybe I will try a P-51 with two rotors on each wingtip like an Osprey, and but a P-31 gun setup, or a large rocket pod in the nose. :tank:


I already drew the Mustangs with engines at wing tips. For the new directions on the nose double-propeller ones:
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


The Briar XP-51 D-03 configuration remember me to an aircraft VTOL. Interesting....................




Quote from: Briar on October 30, 2012, 10:24:38 PM
Maybe I will try a P-51 with two rotors on each wingtip like an Osprey
I found it in my collection:

Now I hope we will see some photos by dear Briar.
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Welcome aboard Briar and I would like you to opt for number 4 please...  ;) ;D
74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


Quote from: tc2324 on October 31, 2012, 12:25:54 PM
Welcome aboard Briar and I would like you to opt for number 4 please...  ;) ;D

The Mistel? lol. I have to finish building the first one, first. It would be complex, and I'll need two pilots... which I don't have. I could attach a parachute to the Cessna and have it blow when I switch Radios and fly the P-51. Innovation!!!

@Tophe, I really like them!!! I always would choose the P-51D, though. The only problem I see is that the props would have to be turboprops, and in that case you will need exhaust outlets in the back. I would just base the shape off the V-22 engine pods. I really like the Wheels at the tip, so maybe you can combine the V-22 and your landing gear system together! Anyways, love your style of drawing. Now it's my turn to dig up my photos... How do I post them?


Quote from: Briar on October 31, 2012, 04:06:41 PM
love your style of drawing. Now it's my turn to dig up my photos... How do I post them?
For the pictures, register at Photobucket or similar, it is free. Then upload your photos, and copy/paste here the [img] line of each one.
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]