
De Havilland Dolphin (aka Kitbasher's bid for SMW 2012 glory)

Started by kitbasher, November 14, 2012, 02:11:50 PM

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The Dolphin's development was prompted by the loss of the Supermarine S6b to engine fire at the 1931 Schneider Trophy event.  Fortunately there were no injuries or fatalities, but it cost the UK the chance to win the trophy outright that year.  As there were no other competitors the event was cancelled.  There were no entries for the 1932 race.
Supermarine's efforts to develop the S7 were thwarted by de Havilland's proposals to develop an all-metal seaplane based in part upon their Comet racer.  These were accepted by the Air ministry and development began in 1933 – but too late for that year's event, which was won by the French (for the first time, flying a Dewotine Espadon).
The Dolphin flew for the first time in January 1934, and won the Schneider Trophy outright for the UK later that year.

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The Dolphin was originally going to be part of an 'identity crisis' pair for Telford, but as readers of my blog will know one of the four I was building fell by the wayside - namely the Dolphin's partner to be.  The dH 88 Comet is a truly beautiful aircraft and the build was borne simply out of curiosity as to what it would look like with one engine.  Given the limitations of the ancient Airfix kit, floats were the quick fix solution to undercarriage issue.
I actually surprised myself with this rather hurried build - I think it is an attractive aircraft, very Macchi in appearance although some have said very Supermarine.  No matter, I'm pleased with the outcome, it earned a Commended in Class 33 and I hope you all like it.
Note: The real K5084 was in fact Comet G-ACSS when used by 24 Squadron RAF for test flying.

Source kits: Airfix dH88 Comet plus floats adapted from the Airfix DHC-2 Beaver (and originally used on my 'Commonwealth Jacana (http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,26459.msg388855.html#msg388855 and http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,26675.msg393951.html#msg393951)); Airparts resin Watts propeller from the spares box, engine fairings built up from 1/72 bomb and Hurricane exhausts (spares box).  Decals from generic Modeldecal sheets.
What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/P1103 (early)/P1127/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter/Zero


"Just which planet are you from again"?

The Rat

"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection

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Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Reality is an illusion caused by an alcohol deficiency


74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!

Captain Canada

Is that ever a great build ! Very believable too. Thanks for sharing the link with me !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


I'm glad this thread was resurrected because now I can say how much I love it! Bravo! That new engine arrangement is perfect! Bravo again!
Zac in NZ
#avgeek, modelbuilder, photographer, writer. Callsign: "HANDBAG"


Just met this whiff's successor (along with their creator) at the 2021 IPMS bash. Basically DH Comet G-ACSP "Black Magic" in the guise of a Spit with twin Gipsy Sixes and two-seat canopy from the Airfix Comet kit, and a streamlined nose in place of the Merlin. Took a piccy, which I can post if it is not already round here somewhere?


Glenn Gilbertson


Zac in NZ
#avgeek, modelbuilder, photographer, writer. Callsign: "HANDBAG"


That looks fantastic! Pity about the Photobucket watermarks on the images though...