
New Star Trek Sorta-Kinda Build.

Started by Go4fun, November 15, 2012, 12:55:58 PM

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 As you might have read in links I am currently working on a Star Trek based book. Well I had to have a 'Central Theme" ship. A Gaxalie Class? Over done. Warbird? Nah. Then it hit me: Who ever writes about those workhorses of the early 2200s, the Freighters?
Naturally I had to design my own as my research efforts turned up little about that time frame. I figured it was too early for a proper Warp Drive so I came up with my own drive system. It's a Non-Warp(?) Sol System Freighter hauling methane and water from Saturan's moon Triton to the Lunar colonies and supplies back again.
Of course I had to do drawings, floor plans and all that so I could keep things straight as I sometimes suffer from CRS.  ;D Then I drew out a side view and modified it a few time until happy.
So now I decided to build a model. This was the shape I was looking for.

The shape of the main (After Section) hull gave me headaches until someone on another  formum said the magic word: BLIMPS!
So as soon as I get paid on the 3rd of next month I go in search of, (If I don't order) a blimp or zepplin with the right shape, size and finish.
Any hints will be of help as I'm not near as wise in the ways of Trek as I thought I was. As dear old Dad said "It is a wise man who knows what he doesn't know".
The scope of my lack of knowledge is amazing to behold at times!  :o
"Just which planet are you from again"?


What size do you want it to be?

Here, hobby and craft shops seem to have all kinds of EPS foam objects that might be a useful shape. The foam would probably need some sort of surface treatment, which doesn't have to be complicated. Strips of (wet) newsprint and white glue or wallpaper paste? That old nylon stocking fixed with some foam safe glue?


Well, I'd have to say that Revell's Goodyear blimp would be the best bet. 

If you do use expanded foam, then covering it in newspaper / white glue will do just fine!

Sticky Fingers

Who ever pointed you towards zeppelins must've been out of his mind. Or briljant. Or both.  :rolleyes:



It can be hard to tell the difference Stickyfingers!
The trouble with the paper-covered-foam thing is I wouldn't know howr to attach the drive nacel supports, (You can call them 'wings' if you want!) and other stuff. But if I can get the basic form of the main (Aft) hull section, attach a section to neck it down to the Command (Forard) section The foam might be just the ticket for the front. The Aft section looks the same from any side but maybe a top view layout of the top deck on the Forward section might help.

"Just which planet are you from again"?


Easy to attach stuff to polstyrene - build the pylons with a apair of wooden toothpicks sticking out of the bottom.  Coat them in white glue, and carefully push them into the hull.  Job done!


Duh Deathjester!  :wub: That was such a simple idea it never occurred to me! If I substitute styrene coated wire for the toothpicks, (Why DID I buy all that??), or styrene rods that should work as well, don't you think? I'm still trying to wrap my head around the foam-shape-covered-in-paper-and-glue and how I would detail things like hatch seams, panel details and such into it.
I'm open for suggestions as I know the foam shapes are less expensive and I am not a member of the Vanderbilt family altho I am related. Bunch of tight wads won't even send a birthday card! ;D
Any other help or suggestions I can mull over while waiting for my piddling pay day?
"Just which planet are you from again"?


Other possibilities:
- Hit the toy shops and see if their plastic wares contains anything in interesting shapes. Stroll through a home improvement store, looking for weird flowerpots or whatnot.
- got any shampoo bottles in nice shapes?


Revell did a kit of the modern Zeppelin NT blimp a while back. Not sure how easy it is to get where you are, but worth looking because it's slightly larger than their Hindenburg and, being modern, it has a smooth surface rather than the "scalloped fabric" look of classic airships which wouldn't be appropriate for your purposes:

(This is not the only boxing).
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones


PerfectAmundo Weaver. I go now to search, in hopes to go into space in a zeppelin!  ;D
"Just which planet are you from again"?


There are two easy ways to detail your paper covered poly creation:

1. Cut slightly recessed sections into the surface before papering, and white glue in previously built spare part detail sections.

2.  Use waterslide decals, rub on lettering / decals, draughtsmans finelining pens to create surface details after painting.

Or as I tend to do, a combination of the two, to build up believable layers of detail.

The easiest would be a Zeppelin kit - possibly not the most popular style of kit ever sold, so maybe available at a decent dollar price?  Faster to fit all the extra parts to, as far less prep needed, and more tolerant to strong glues / paints.


Still seaching. I couldn't find it at my usual on-line sources and my local hohby shop must have left the phone off the hook!  :angry:
I did find the Hindenburg but your right Death Jester: It has those pronounced ribs and valleys.
I got hold of my model supplier and he found nothing on the Zeppelin NT or the Hindenburg! But now I have a part number for the Hindenburg so there is hope. I wonder how many 5 lb buckets of putty it will take to fill and sand it to an acceptable shaped and texture?  :rolleyes:
"Just which planet are you from again"?


I went ahead and ordered the 1:720 Hindenburg LZ-129 from my LHS for like $23.00. THEN MR.Creak offered me a Zeppelin NT in 1:200 for a good price.  The Shipping may be a hurtful thing but this is what I wanted. Just got to give up or cut back on one of my two bad habits: Eating or Sleeping indoors!  ;D
So it's onward and upward and around the bend.
"Just which planet are you from again"?


AARGH!!  Check your thread about finding kits - I posted details of an NT in the states for a good price!


I looked and $50 + shipping is a little steep. But thanks for helping DeathJester.
"Just which planet are you from again"?