
World War 3: Rise of the Dragon (updated 27.07.15)

Started by Spey_Phantom, February 24, 2013, 03:22:18 AM

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Joe C-P

That is a fine pair of web-footed birds.  :thumbsup:
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


a little Teaser for a later chapter :)
a hint: think Russian

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


if you guessed Sukhoi T-50 PAK-Fa, then you are right  :thumbsup:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: NARSES2 on April 28, 2013, 02:40:15 AM
What scale Nils ?

this one is 1/144, kitbashed from a trumpeter 1/144 YF-23 (fuselage) and a YF-22 (wings).
landing gear are from an academy MIG-29 and trumpeter Su-35/37
tailplanes are scratchbuild, aswell as the root extentions.
canopy is from a scrapped old Revell 1/144 Eurofighter EFA
engine nozzles are from a scrapped 1/144 revell MIG-1.44 MFI

there will also be a 1/72 version (revell/zvezda kit) later down the line.
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


I thought it was 1/144 but wasn't sure - thankyou
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Chapter 3.1: The Soviet Intervention

The retaliation from US and Allied Forces against North Korea, has led to the upset of Soviet Russia.
Russian president Valtjev saw the American invasion of the DPRK as an act of agression against Russian intrests, as the Soviet Union sees North Korea as a sattelite state, and is concidered a part of the USSR Commonwealth.

The presence of US Warships close to Vladivostok didnt make matters any better. there for, Russia has terminated all diplomatic ties with the United States and Europe and has declared a state of war. for the second time in 25 years, the western world was aonce again under nuclear threat from the Soviet Union and the Warshawpact countries. immediatly, Russian activity in eastern Europe and the far east was increased.

China joined Russia as a coalition partner, making all its military assets available for war against the west.
the USA, the UN and Europe immediatly started a rapid military buildup.

Moral in the west was low, as the western world feared invasion of a joint Chino-Russian enemy, with a force 5 times bigger then US and EU forces combined. NATO patrols and security arround the East-German border were increased and NATO E-350 AEW&C aircraft were monitoring every movement.

no shots were fired, until on the 8th of December 2022, a Norwegian P-8N Neptune was intercepted and shot-down over the border with Finland and Russia. flight data recovered from the aircraft revieled the NoAF aircraft was under attack by 2 Russian Su-50 Fangtail-B stealth fighters (production PAK-FA). it was the first encounter in the war with Russian aircraft witch ended in fatality.

Russian AF Sukhoi Su-50 Fangtail-B
model: kitbash of Trumpeter 1/144 YF-22 and YF-23, with the addition of various salvaged and scratchbuild parts.
decals: academy 1/144 mig-29

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Preview of an upcoming scratchbuild project, the EADS Marlin.
im planning on scratchbuilding 2 of these from plasticard, spares, and a number of 1/72 droptanks.

scale will be 1/144.

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Chapter 3.2: the Peenemunde Crisis

on January 23, 2023, NATO sattelite imagery picked up strange activity arround the East German Air Base of Peenemunde, on the site of the former WW2 Nazi Rocket test facility. on one side of the facility, next to  the old german ones, there were signs that the Soviet Union was contructing new missile Silos, apparently big enough to  house short- to medium range ballistic missiles, perhaps even nuclear warheads.

the United States has warned the Soviet Union that if activity on basing those missiles in East Germany continues, the cold war between the 2 superpowers could get hot. tentioned were already high as a Russian fighterjet shot down a norwegian patrol aircraft little over a month before. President Valtjev of the USSR informed that the contructionwork on the base is only an expantion of the Peenemunde military base and is under construction on behalf of the EAst german gouverment and will leave as soon as work is done.

this of course was not true, as the USSR was actually building launch facilities to strike targets within Europe.
however, to reduce suspicion and to mislead the US and NATO, missiles and supplies for the base will be flown in by DDR-NVA aircraft.
to fullfill this, the DDR-NVA LSK has been supplied with 4 Ilyushin IL-476 heavy transport aircraft. although the aircraft appear in DDR-NVA service, the truth is that they are in fact operated by the USSR, solely to supply and deliver missiles to the base.

1/144 Trumpeter IL-76 candid, decals are from a revell 1/72 antonov AN-2.
as operated by the VVS/DDR-LSK Peenemunde flight.

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


This storyline is coming along well
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.



i know the progress of this storybuild has been kinda slow lately, but rest asure, i am curretnly busy on the next chapter.
i have just started work on one of the the next models in the timeline, an Royal Air Force Neptune MRA.1 (Boeing P-8 Poseidon) in the markings of 51 Squadron, replacing the BAe Nimrod MR.2.

further future additions are the expected RAF Raptor F.1 and USAFE F-22A Raptor of the 32TFS based at Soesterberg (Camp Rotterdam, The Netherlands).
of course i am looking into additional Russian and Chinese aircraft  :mellow:
hopefully i can get some inspiration at Fairford this weekend.

more soon...
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Chapter 3.3: Red Dawn Rises!

After the Peenemunde crisis, Soviet military activity increased. while most of the worlds superpowers focused they're resources on the North-Korean Conclict, the USSR have managed to rapidly buildup and modernise its military forces.

already angry with the UN approval for the attack on North Korea, Russia could no longer tollerate "American Influence" in the UN Council.
US President Tyler immediatly denied that the United States was infuencing the UN Council to justify the conflict in North Korea, stating the Russian accusations were untrue and unfounded. shortly after the accusations, the Russian president, Sergei Valtjev, was assassinated shortly after his arrival in Moskou, taking a bullet to the head when he stepped out of his plane. the hit was claimed by the Russian extremist political organisation "Red Dawn", an anti-western politically active organisation with its sole purpose to return control of the USSR to the people and free the western world of "American colonialism".

while the nation was mourning the loss of Valtjev, Red Dawn seized the opportunity to gain power in the Kremlin in a silent Coup D'étas.
The newly selected president, Ivan Pugalarin, spoke to people, stating that Valtjev was a traitor and declared that the Soviet Union would not stand for the US imperialist and warmongering behaviour and declared war on the United States.

NATO military annalists were certain that the strike from the USSR will be on mainland Europe.
NATO, EU and US forces in Europe were put on high alert, awaiting the first strike.
the first attack came on August 15, 2023, when a Russian Submarine sunk the US frigate, USS Salt Lake City, in the atlantic ocean. a week later, another ship, a British patrol ship, HMS Slough, was also sunk.
with both attacks so shortly after another, and being in close proximity to each other, the Royal Air Force deployed a flight of Neptune MRA.1's to protect military shipping in the atlantic.

in the first week, RAF Neptunes and USN Poseidons sunk 3 Russian attack submarines, and damaged 2. it was clear that the USSR's war intentions were true, and so the war began.....

Neptune MRA.1, No. 51 Squadron, RAF Kinloss

51 squadron was reformed in 2017 as the RAF's first P-8I Neptune unit, trading its SIGINT role for the Maritime Patrol role.
the RAF Neptunes also have a secondary electronic warfare capability. in total, the RAF bought 20 of these aircraft, including 3 ELINT/SIGINT versions in 2020 to replace the RC-135.

Model: Revell 1/144 Boeing 737-800, modified with scratchbuilt modifications and torpedo's (pylons and harpoon ASM's from revell F/A-18C/D)
Decals: spares + DIY

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Nils that's one of your best  :thumbsup: Love it
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.