Confederate States Air Force

Started by billi46, March 19, 2013, 01:03:57 PM

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Nice work Hotte  :thumbsup:
Maybe Giovanni Agnelli, the FIAT creator, moved to the CSA in the 1890's and founded his aircraft company  ;)

About to use the battle flag as a marking, I believe that the flag may be used on the tail but covering the entire rudder's shape instead of a single square (like the vertical French colors or the horizontal white and red American stripes).


Father Ennis

Now that is looking great !!!    And remember, The South Shall Rise Again !!!

Go4fun has the right idea on what I'm looking for ,as a rondel.  I would use his as a lo-viz version with the standard as a red field not a circle. the smaller size flag ,too.  I'm thinking ,rondels on wings with the flag on tail or fusaledge as someone suggested.  Something else to consider is the large number of American Indians located the Conferate states. There are some great ideas to be found there for names,etc. to be used ...

Thanks guys, I'm really enjoying this ... !!!


Quote from: Father Ennis on March 25, 2013, 06:43:41 PM
Now that is looking great !!!    And remember, The South Shall Rise Again !!!

Go4fun has the right idea on what I'm looking for ,as a rondel.  I would use his as a lo-viz version with the standard as a red field not a circle. the smaller size flag ,too.  I'm thinking ,rondels on wings with the flag on tail or fusaledge as someone suggested.  Something else to consider is the large number of American Indians located the Conferate states. There are some great ideas to be found there for names,etc. to be used ...

Thanks guys, I'm really enjoying this ... !!!
Are  you talking more like this?

I did a "Two-Fer-One-In-One" for you. :D
"Just which planet are you from again"?


Jorel62 your Navy Panther is perfect. I definitively like the 2 grey painting  :bow:

Go4fun your roundel is great in the two versions  :thumbsup:

Anyway, I still though that using the national flag as a military insignia on the fuselage is not the logical choice (well, if there is a logical choise in a "what if" universe...). We have two options.

First, considering the history of aircraft insignias : since WW1, no nation use the national flag itself as an aircraft insignia on the fuselage. Every nation use a roundel resuming the national colors or use a symbol of the country. The RAF didn't use the UK flag but a three disks roundel. The Luftwaffe didn't use the Nazi flag but the black Balkenkreuz. So, that why I proposed the US insignia with reversed colors (by the way, remember US and CS uniforms during the Civil War were basically the same, but one in blue, the other in grey).

A roundel may also be used, as a combination of blue/red/white disks (like the US insignia during WW1) or squares with a blue/red/white stars.

The other option is to use the battle flag anyway. So, I believe the rectangular or square battle flag is not accurate for the fuselage insignia. A roundel as Go4fun created is a better choice. Or maybe an original roundel with bars of the "X" isolated out of the disk (is it clear ?). But if we use the battle flag on the fuselage, I suppose that we can't use it again on the tail. Then, the flag or symbol of each Confederate state must be good on the tail or rudder.




Does Acme Corperation build a aircraft called the Coyote? Or the Road Runner?  :rolleyes:
One last effort to come up with a distinctive roundel that will be easy to dientify.

"Just which planet are you from again"?



Thank you Jorel62 and Go4fun for sharing  :thumbsup:

ACME is a prolific company  ;)


Father Ennis

Go4fun has the right idea in his two for one rondel. The "Rebel Yell" is perfect for my original idea on markings. I could also see a combo of the flag on the fasualoge with the rondels on the wings.  BTW, I think Rebel Yell is a fighter I could see a real piolet flying it for the CAF. In my opinion, you have reached your goal... !!!

I don't know,but I sure thought I had already posted a response to this already ... ???   Guess I didn't time my drugs properly ???


Thanks everyone........ Is this what you wanted Father Ennis?

Father Ennis

I'm liking both ,my friend  ... !!!  You have hit it on the head !!!  I think ,as a personal preference, I like the all flags one best but both are fine. We just might make a Rebel out of you,yet !!!  Thanks,my friend. 

Old Wombat

The circular roundel & the version with the bars would work nicely but I think using the state flag on the tail fin or rudder is a good bet.

The CSA states were more independent than the FSA states (by the end of the American Civil War, anyway) & would likely want to represent themselves on their squadrons. (Units formed in individual states & manned/staffed by recruits from the "home" state would be highly likely in the CSA.)


Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


I just put up under finished models a pair of aircraft, an SE5 and Albatross, from the CSA vs USA in WW1.  I thought being similiar marking in different colors was not the way to go in determining friend from foe.  I emphasized the bar for quick and easy ident.