
Whiffs found on Facebook

Started by philp, June 08, 2013, 10:40:54 AM

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By 36 Scale Modelling found on the "36 Scale Modelling " page.

"💯 finished
1:72 Scale, Hobbyboss kit
What if ..camo scheme in Myanmar Air Force
Be happy all 😍😍"

Public viewing so there's many more pics here: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=264531974983620&id=111658516937634&__xts__
-Sprues McDuck-


By Jordan Clark found on the "Ace Combat Community" page.

"Howdy guys and gals! I'm back with my completed 1/72 Zipang model. This next completes my trifecta for the AC5 F-14 paint schemes. Lemme know what you think and I should be back sometime with my 1/32 F-5E"

-Sprues McDuck-


I know this barely qualifies, but I'll just say that the material it's made with and the end result of the finish (the paint scheme if you will) has it passing muster.

By Jose Carlos Canjura found on the "Tamiya Model Magazine" page.

"Macchi Folgore MC.202 serie IX. Scratch build finally done!!!!. This is a brass model in 1/32nd scale. Hope you like it!!!. Took me more than six months to make it."

Public, more pics here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tamiyamodelmagazine/permalink/10157973532984821/

I implore you to check them out! Every time I see one of these things done by what I assume to be a metal worker or some other sort of tradesman that would lend to this type of thing being facilitated I am amazed at the skill and patience required.
-Sprues McDuck-


By Stephen Hall found on the "Airliner-Civil Aircraft Modeller" page.

"Ah Dublin tower,can you get the dogs away from the aircraft,Bishop Brennan is scared of dog' s,,Cup of tea father!?🤪☘️"

-Sprues McDuck-


By Keith Thomas Locke found on the "The Mediocre Modelers group" page.

"This is pure silliness. Built out of parts from the scrap box...just because. I present to you, from a slightly different Diesel Punk past, A 1/35 scale example of a Northrop-Rossom FQ-3K Scrutineer, Americas top of the line high altitude Robot scout/spotter plane!!! Though also used by the Navy, don't let the blue color scheme fool you, this is a United States Army Air Corp bird. All of them were painted blue to match the dark skies at the high altitude where they operated. Hence it's nick name, "The Blue Bird" (Fictional historical details in first comment)"

Steel yourselves for text wall:

"Nothrop-Rossom FQ-3K Scrutineer (The Blue Bird). Built as a private venture between Jack Northrop, and the brilliant roboticist Karol Rossom, The FQ-3K robot scout was quite a controversial aircraft upon its debut. Controlled either by radio, or the independent electric brain developed by Dr. Rossom, many in the upper echelons of the war department were uncomfortable with the idea of "Machine intelligence" . But, after the FQ-3K's excellent trials, it was grudgingly accepted for full testing. The almost miraculous discovery of a massive Japanese...."Show of force" as the Imperial government afterwards termed it, by an FQ-3K launched from the ZRS-5 U.S.S. Macon north of Hawaii guaranteed it's acceptance. Imagine what might have happened that lazy December day, had the "Show of Force" been something more sinister!!! These great United States are fortunate that Dr. Rossom decided to emigrate to America from his native Czechoslovakia when he did, as the prospect of National Socialist Germany possessing the technology of the robot brain is too horrible to contemplate. Currently The FQ-3K serves both the Army Air Corps, and the Navy in the roll of high altitude, long endurance scout plane on our Carrier fleet, ZRS Zeppelin scout fleet, and at all our scattered ground bases. America is fortunate to have the brain power, and industrial might to keep our great land, Free, Neutral, and PREPARED for all eventualities!!!"

-Sprues McDuck-


That Mexicana A-380 I previewed recently was completed a few days ago.

By Jose Velazquez found on the "Airliner-Civil Aircraft Modeller" page.

"Sorry for all the pictures, and while not perfect, it is done.
Some thoughts:
1. A little disappointed with fiber, I think too dim and one I can barely see
2. Experimented with Pledge gloss, but shot it too thick and had drips
3. Tried to highlight (wash) panel lines and it was a failure
4. Happy with selection and brightness of LEDs. I could have done a better job with wiring, but learned for next time.
Overall happy with how it came out."

Public, a couple more pictures and a video here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/467937910029680/permalink/1686713331485459/
-Sprues McDuck-


Wow, that Jose Velazquez guy has a few airliner models there!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Mostly 727s I note, and large numbers in Mexicana schemes.

RESPECT!  :thumbsup:
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



I wonder if he's married.  ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


Well I was, and I've got more models than that altogether. They're just not all out on display at any one time.
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Thinking about it now, it looks like probably something he doesn't have out at all times.  Temporary set up.. I couldn't imagine permanently taking up that much space in what appears to to be a main room.  ;D  "Hell to pay." 
-Sprues McDuck-


By Gordon Wong found on the "The Greatest Planes That Never Were" page.

"I had fun this weekend taking the Spruce Goose to war. Using Mindcraft's 1/200 kit of Howard Hughe's gargantuan flying boat transport, extra drop tanks and blister windows from my spare bits box, I built a HK-1 Hercules and sent it out to the Pacific Theater of Operations circa 1944. I know a few of you sharp-eyed doggies will notice I ran out of WW2 wing markings, but What-If begets What-Ever so enjoy what might have been! 😊"

This one is public viewing, more pictures here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/34366349783/permalink/10158370396259784/
-Sprues McDuck-


By Chris Thrace found on the "Facebook Scale Modellers" page.

"1/72 F/A-7M Corsair III
(Fictional Aircraft)

The US Marines passed on the A-7, choosing to keep their A-4s until finally selecting the AV-8 series Harriers as their replacements. The YA-7F and A-7X programs came up with some interesting ways to enhance this aircraft. I decided to have some fun and build my "ultimate" version, taking cues from the designed proposals and my imagination, and turned an old MPC A-7D kit into a hot rod strike fighter that the USMC could have flown. Comments and critiques always welcome.

-Sprues McDuck-


By Benjamin Donnelly('s stepdad) found on the "AIRLINERS FROM THE PAST" page.

"Here's an Air California 727 from my stepdad's collection. But wait a minute, you're saying, Air California never flew the 727!

And you'd be right. My guess is that my stepdad wanted to build one of their DC-9s, but didn't have a DC-9 kit handy (welcome to the world before the internet), so he said "Screw it" and built a 727 instead. Or just thought Air California would look great on a 727 too."

Sweet. I did a BAC-111 the same way.
-Sprues McDuck-


More airliner goodies!!  :lol:

By Leo Posner found on the "Airliner-Civil Aircraft Modeller" page.

"When it absolutely, positively needs to get there overnight. Oh wait a minute...wrong livery."

-Sprues McDuck-


New page... don't forget to look at the last page for all the great works by valiant builders! I'm posting these in bunches; it would be a shame to miss any.  <_<

By Cameron Corless found on the "The Mediocre Modelers group" page.

"Official USSF vehicle"

-Sprues McDuck-