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RAF F-117

Started by Skunk Works, August 09, 2013, 04:15:31 AM

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2nd coat of Hemp on this morning and as I seem to have run out of 33 Black, i'll have to use 85 Coal Black instead.

Noticed that the engines vent over the rear edge of the wings , so that area will go coal black too.

Hoping to get the bulk of the construction done today.

Any sensible ideas how to varnish this ?
I've got some Humbrol Matt Varnish in a rattle can, but I don't tend to varnish my models, so a little undecided.
too old for a paper round, too young for me pensions, dammit, back to work then!


Slower progress than i'd hoped for, but the weather and a very good mini-series  are to blame.




Still, as it's a bank holiday tomorrow, might just get this one almost finished.
too old for a paper round, too young for me pensions, dammit, back to work then!


ok, first iteration of a back story for this build.

H.M. Govt entered into high level negotiations with U.S.Govt. in the early 1980's to lease or purchase a replacement for the ageing fleet of GR3A Eagle's for the RAF. The Eagle's of RAF Recon Wing based at Wattisham and Marham with BAC Eagle's had been in steady service since their introduction in late 1965 and were starting to show their advancing years, despite numerous airframe, avionics, engine and weapon system upgrades.

With several pilots from the Eagle Wing rotating through Groom Lake and piloting the F-117A, the RAF and H.M. Govt agreed that this aircraft filled all current and projected missions currently undertaken or envisaged for the Eagle Wing. A Letter of understanding was issued to Lockheed to purchase 36 airfarmes with full support package covering avionics and engines. H.M. Govt. for once buying 'off the shelf' rather than allowing tinkering by MOD or RAF.

44 Sqn, based at Wattisham,

as the Wing Operational Conversion and Evaluation Sqn, would get the first 4 pre-production and 8 full production run airframes for U.K. based aircrew training and on-going conversion role, with a secondary war fighting capability role.
16 Sqn, based at Wattisham in the Tactical Recon and CAS role,

would get the second batch of 8 aircraft, followed by 8 aircraft in two batches to 95 Sqn,
in the Elint and suppression role based at Marham. A further 8 aircraft were planned for 117 Sqn,
to be based at Marham, but spiralling costs meant this unit only ever formed on paper with no aircraft or manpower. 4 extra aircraft were purchased to replace training and operational losses.

Production delays  followed by a protracted conversion process meant most airframes didn't reach their Sqn users until the late 80's, meaning the Eagles had to soldier on into their dotage.

GW1 saw the first operational use of the F117D, in U.K. hands, with F-117D's of 95 Sqn providing Elint suppression to coalition Air Forces in the build up to the retaking of Kuwait. 16 Sqn also taking part with their mixed Sqn of Eagles and F117D's in CAS and Recon Role.

Pictures to follow.
too old for a paper round, too young for me pensions, dammit, back to work then!


Oh yes, I do like the sound of this.  :thumbsup: :bow:
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



ZX454 in GW1 scheme,
based in al Masirah for the whole of the campaign along with aircraft from the rest of the Wattisham Wing.




Next project or completion will be another Airframe from the Wattisham Wing Pool of aircraft
Probably one of the BAC Eagle's or the Sqn hack, a Hunter T bird.
too old for a paper round, too young for me pensions, dammit, back to work then!


Slightly better quality, many thanks to my wife for loaning her tablet to take these with


Can't see them all that well, but I've loaded JDAM's on this aircraft, rather than the LGB's provided with the kit.
too old for a paper round, too young for me pensions, dammit, back to work then!


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


That looks pretty neat, interesting siting for the serial but where else COULD it go?  ;D

Which kit is that please?
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Kit, it's a Revell kit, dated 1991, serial 04333.
Not many pieces, 30 at most, no real problems building it, but getting the fuselage upper and lower to stay together was a tad annoying.
Most of it went together like a snap together kids kit.

I was going to put grey serials under the wings, but decided it looked cack.
too old for a paper round, too young for me pensions, dammit, back to work then!


TSR2, will become a Wattisham Wing bird, but using the fantastic reference of Paul Lucas' for Sqn's according to Spotiswood report.
Just have to source pukka Sqn markings and use on the one I have currently in build.
too old for a paper round, too young for me pensions, dammit, back to work then!


Right, so I've all but finished the South African F15, just a coat or two of varnish.


The TSR2 line bird is getting near completion, having spent several hours doing decaling yesterday, just weapons to finish decaling and hanging on the TER's under each wing then i'm starting the Wattisham OCU wing aircraft and they'll be
Hunter F6 - in Gloss white - CO's aircraft and slightly TSR2 ish
Hunter FGA9 - in RAF standard camouflage
Hunter T7 - in RAF standard camouflage and slight TSR2 alterations

Just need some guidance on which is the best grey to use as I want the camo ones to look extremely weather beaten.
too old for a paper round, too young for me pensions, dammit, back to work then!


Want a grey similar to these

images borrowed from UKSerials website
too old for a paper round, too young for me pensions, dammit, back to work then!


Skunk Works, apologies I seem to have hijacked your thread.
I'll shift it all to a soon to be started. :cheers:
too old for a paper round, too young for me pensions, dammit, back to work then!

Captain Canada

Beauty ! Always nice to see an F-117 with a little more 'life' to her ! Would like to see bigger pics of the underside/ weapons bay tho.

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Father Ennis

I think that middle picture may cast an unfortunate light on your RAF piolets. Do they really need the arrows to remind them where the front is ???????