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The Captain's Cabin- March on….

Started by Captain Canada, November 09, 2013, 05:53:36 AM

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Captain Canada

A couple of coffees in, some lobster flavoured potato chips, Twelve O'clock High on the comp, and some model time !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Rick Lowe

Quote from: Captain Canada on August 27, 2015, 07:27:22 AM
A couple of coffees in, some lobster flavoured potato chips, Twelve O'clock High on the comp, and some model time !


Sounds like you have your day sorted, then!  ;D
'I love it when a Plan comes together!' - though I'm sure you could have done without the getting banged up in order to have the downtime...  :lol:


Captain Canada

lol that's for sure ! I did get quite a bit done yesterday, but today I find myself in the 'getting nowhere' phase. It's sad as a day where you feel good and get a few things done just leads to a day of feeling banged up again. I'm sure I'll find the happy medium by the time I'm all better  :thumbsup:
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Captain Canada

As stated not much on the go around here. My stinking neck/ skull aches like crazy for the first few hours of the day....hard to find any motivation then. So now I should have a few days to myself to try and bang off this Goose as well as my MG.

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Captain Canada

But, in the good news dept. my order from Iron Shipwrights showed up. Love small scale stuff....I am thoroughly enjoying picking away at all the flash ans scheming.....I think I might hollow one of the Mojaves out and scratch up some clamshell doors. Now I need to source out a suitable boat  :thumbsup:

The other half of the orfder was the VC set, with an AEW and regular Skyraider, a Corsair and a Banshee. Hmmm.....

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)


Captain Canada

For sure Kit but I enjoy scraping it away....and as cheap as they are, and very well one, I sure don't mind ! Rather enjoy it !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


They look good behind the flash Capt
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Captain Canada

I think so too Chris and some interesting subjects ! The AEW Skyraider wants to be blue with RN markings  :thumbsup: But I'm going to try and make him RCN two-grey  :thumbsup:
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


What's the scale of those buggers? 1/350? They look good, but incredibly small... :blink:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"

Captain Canada

Ya 350 scale. I guess I should have thrown somat in there to lend scale eh !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Captain Canada

Stabbed myself in the finger cleaning up all that flash lol. Lots of blood. That what I get for laying around and trying to model :-\
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Who would ever think one could get hurt while laying around and modeling at the same time?  :banghead: I've tried it before, and although i didn't cut myself, it also didn't work out very well, ended up ruining a pair of jeans with CA spilled all over... Guess one has to suffer in order to learn, right? ;D
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Stabbed myself in my inner thigh while modelling once.

I was using a Humbrol modelling knife which had a star shaped end to the handle to stop the knife from rolling, I found out that it could and would roll. The first time the knife rolled off the edge of the table nearest me I managed to close my legs quickly enough to catch it on my lap. However the second time...... you guessed it, I didn't close my legs quickly enough to repeat that feat so the nice new knife blade slipped effortlessly through my trousers and into my inner thigh. I looked down and thought "Oh, it's gone into my leg. No pain and no blood!" And sure enough there was neither. Had to drop the trousers after pulling out the knife, the blade was about 15mm long, so I could see if there was much damage done to me. There was only a little blood once I poked and prodded the wound so I had to put a plaster/band-aid on my leg, the removal of which caused more pain that anything else!
You can bet that after the second time I placed the knife on the table at ninety degrees from previously.
Ain't modelling fun  :thumbsup:

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....

Captain Canada

Dangerous sport this plastic model building ! lol. Sounds like you had a lucky escape on that one.

I might as well glue myself to the chair for all I'm getting done these days lol

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?