
Librarian's Banana

Started by Librarian, January 22, 2014, 11:04:51 AM

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So a larger, wider tyre for surface area but what kind of tread....would a diamond tread be better for wetter or loose soil conditions? I've seen Boston/Havocs in North Africa and Italy (one dry and one wet/muddy) with diamond treads.

Old Wombat

The tread is more for increased durability & puncture resistance, although there is a marginal improvement in traction.

Aircraft slip & slide no matter what tread or surface they're landing/taking off from.

If you look at the photo of the Canadian aircraft you posted, there is little to no tread pattern (at least none that I can see) despite the rocky terrain.
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Many thanks. I have some good tyres to use but may have to sand them down a bit ;D.


Hardly made any progress of late. A combination of too much to do and fapping about over u/c ideas, paint schemes, armament etc. Did manage to finish the cockpit. The large drum is for the main gun... more on that later;D. Always liked the idea of package weapons that can be swapped out depending on the mission. This plane has that option. The power eggs are now radials, the u/c has also been altered.....


Saw this picture:

Always wanted to do something with the Planet Models kit, maybe fast recon. Just gorgeous. The Focke's progressing nicely, photos soon.


It's a print:


John Shaw did a superb image called The Unlimiteds but as a giclee far too expensive:



Now featuring the 30mm gatling pod. Put a blast plate on the fuselage under the gun muzzle and stuck on a first coat of underside paint:

The idea is that under the pod is a weapons bay to facilate the fixing of a variety of weapon pods. Planning another...... ;D. Missed that wing root, needs filling and sanding :banghead:.


Thank you. Was that an echo? A dog barks in the distance....... ;D.

I think the hardest part of whiffery is the backstory and keeping to one. This has what has delayed me for so long of late. I really want to create a unit ,based a little loosely on the Blacksheep within a different historical storyline. I've been toying with the idea of "Charlie" Sqn, mainly because they operate failed kings....aircraft that came second in fly-offs but are handed over for conversion and become very good at their adopted professions. Numbers are limited to available pre-production prototypes used in evaluation. Anyway, its all a laugh.....


Grummani IA-2 Iaculum. She's recently had a re-decal.


Finally got some moolah on Friday, chucked an order into Hannants Saturday evening and received goods today. Building resumes in earnest. Going to call her the DeKameron A-2 Apophis. Pics soon.


"Mind that bus." "What bus?" *SPLAT!*

Captain Canada

Nice ! Love the pic of the Twotter as well.

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Some piccies...getting there. I love those inner slats on the A-10 and fences on the SU-24 so I've tried to emulate them:

Experimented with that night scheme to make a twin engine look like a single engine; great fun to paint:

Seriously wonked the fences though, and I suspect the propeller tips are going to keep the lawn manicured ;D.


Now that is seriously NICE.
Who is the final operator going to be?
As for the grass cutting props, just give it very stiff oleos.  :wacko:

Alle kunst ist umsunst wenn ein engel auf das zundloch brunzt!!

Sic biscuitus disintegratum!

Cats are not real. 
They are just physical manifestations of collisions between enigma & conundrum particles.

Any aircraft can be improved by giving it a SHARKMOUTH!

Old Wombat

Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est