

Started by elmayerle, September 16, 2004, 12:23:00 AM

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That thing kinda sits like a Vigilante! :lol:  ;)

Ves B)  
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Y'know, the more I stare at the two seater, I see a T-38/F-5B nose happening.  I know two seperate canopies on the T-38/F-5B but the gentile curve looks real close.  

I think a F-100F type cockpit area is too flat to use.

Damn, why didn't I but that Trumpter kit when I saw it!!! :angry:  :angry:


QuoteY'know, the more I stare at the two seater, I see a T-38/F-5B nose happening.  I know two seperate canopies on the T-38/F-5B but the gentile curve looks real close.  

I think a F-100F type cockpit area is too flat to use.

Damn, why didn't I but that Trumpter kit when I saw it!!! :angry:  :angry:
I think you might could use some of the T-38/F-5B cockpit details and perhaps the canopy, but the fuselage is most likely deeper.  It's going to be a scratch-build there no matter what you do, IMHO.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


Here's some material on the F-107's sibling from Columbus, the FJ-5 proposal:

(taken from material that used to be posted at http://www.air-navy.com/fj-4.htm but this site now appears to be down)

There are some vague reports of an FJ-5 version being planned.  It was supposed to have been a competitor of the Gruman F9F-9 (F11F-1) Tiger and has been described as having a pointed nose and having the engine air intake mounted above and behind the pilot (similar to North AMerican's F-107 project).  Although details are sketchy, I am assuming that supersonic level flight performance was enbisioned.  However, this project never got past the paper stage.

Well, yeah, but they did build a model for the proposal.  After his F-107 book got "put to bed", Bill Simone got these pictures of the model.  He was gracious enough to share them with me:

If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say it was powered by a J57 rather than the F-107's J75; hence the simplified inlet.  It looks, at first glance, like a F-100D combined with a F-107 could go a long way as a starting point for modelling this one.  I wonder if it would've challenged the F-8 as a gunfighter?  I can see both F11F and F8U squadron markings as usable on this one.

"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


I typed in "Jozef Gatial" in Goggle, and came across a fantastic site: http://pmc.sk/gatial/angelfire/

This gentleman has taken the "what if" concept to a fantastic high point - outstanding paintings!!

Wes W.


Here is my small contribution to the What if F-107 world -

Wes W.


I'm quite familiar with "what-ifs" for the F-107, I've got a long-term project to do a WW version of the projected two-seater.  The split stores pod is perfect for clean carriage of ECM's.  What I'm interested in comments on is possible schemes for the FJ-5 and whether I'm reading the model correctly (i.e. J57 power with a back end like that of a F-100).
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin

Bryan H.

QuoteWhat I'm interested in comments on is possible schemes for the FJ-5 and whether I'm reading the model correctly (i.e. J57 power with a back end like that of a F-100).

OK, what's an FJ-5?!?!  Is it a navalized Super Sabre or a further development of the the FJ-4?  Sounds interesting!   B)   Do you have a pic or line drawing?

:cheers: Bryan

Miscellany (that effects modeling):
My son & daughter.
School - finishing my degree

Models (upcoming):
RCN A-4F+ ArcticHawk


Evan's post had the pix...  :D

Do I smell a modification to the Texas Navy's air arm ORBAT?  ^_^  


QuoteWhat I'm interested in comments on is possible schemes for the FJ-5 and whether I'm reading the model correctly (i.e. J57 power with a back end like that of a F-100).

OK, what's an FJ-5?!?!  Is it a navalized Super Sabre or a further development of the the FJ-4?  Sounds interesting!   B)   Do you have a pic or line drawing?

:cheers: Bryan
As near as I can eyeball it, it appears to be something of a cross between a navalized F-100 and a F-107.  This would fit the info my post of the 16th included.  I wonder if a full navalized F-107 would then be a FJ-6?
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin

Bryan H.

Duh!  I guess I should have look to the posts above!  

I think a more honest designation of the FJ-5 would be F2J-1 but I guess Congress might have had a hard time shelling out the $$dough$$ for a "new" airplane.  In this scheme, a fully navalized F-107 might be a F3J-1.

:cheers: Bryan

Miscellany (that effects modeling):
My son & daughter.
School - finishing my degree

Models (upcoming):
RCN A-4F+ ArcticHawk


I suppose it depends on the mood of Congress, witness the F-86C/F-93, F-86D/F-95, and F-84F/F-96 numbers games.  For that matter, F8U-3 for what should've been F9U-1.  Fj-5 works for me.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


OK, what's an FJ-5?!?!  Is it a navalized Super Sabre or a further development of the the FJ-4?  Sounds interesting!
As near as I can eyeball it, it appears to be something of a cross between a navalized F-100 and a F-107.  This would fit the info my post of the 16th included.  I wonder if a full navalized F-107 would then be a FJ-6?
From my Belgian best friend:
"A few months ago there was a discussion on the forum (what if) about the North American F.107 and a planned Naval variant. Someone sent an illustration of a model Naval aircraft - North American FJ-5 project - mentioning the F.107 book in the Naval fighter series as the only information about. I found an other source, but no illustrations. Maybe ,someone is interested?"
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


OK, what's an FJ-5?!?!  Is it a navalized Super Sabre or a further development of the the FJ-4?  Sounds interesting!
As near as I can eyeball it, it appears to be something of a cross between a navalized F-100 and a F-107.  This would fit the info my post of the 16th included.  I wonder if a full navalized F-107 would then be a FJ-6?
From my Belgian best friend:
"A few months ago there was a discussion on the forum (what if) about the North American F.107 and a planned Naval variant. Someone sent an illustration of a model Naval aircraft - North American FJ-5 project - mentioning the F.107 book in the Naval fighter series as the only information about. I found an other source, but no illustrations. Maybe ,someone is interested?"
Hmm, so what information does he have/has he found?  I'd definitely be interested in seeing it, Tophe.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


Quotewhat information does he have/has he found?  I'd definitely be interested in seeing it, Tophe.
My friend wrote me: <<The source is :  Air International :January 1993. Article: "Fury - the Navy's Sabre" page 44. ( at the end of the page - last paragraph) I send a photocopy to your new address. Have a nice day. Greeting to Evan/Elmayerle.>>
I don't know when I will be able to post something after receiving it - I am moving to a new home this week and I am not sure Internet will work soon. Sorry...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]